Recruiting Blogs (24,314)

Getting a great job - Top tips from a veteran recruiter

So you see a job online that you really like the look of, and then what? Do you send your CV, do you attach a covering letter? Do you think about it for a while.

What goes on behind the scenes at recruitment businesses seems to be a hot topic on the blogs at the moment. All sorts of things are being quoted about the percentages of CVs rejected because of spelling…


Added by james nathan on May 10, 2012 at 7:42am — 7 Comments

How to Create Your Next Opportunity – Entrepreneurship in the Job Hunt

Entrepreneurship isn’t just for the inventors. Anyone can apply the principles of being an entrepreneur into their everyday lives and see the fruits of their labor. But what exactly does it mean to be an entrepreneur? Simply put, an entrepreneur is someone who can build a bridge from the current reality to a future concept, using whatever resources are available.

If the future you want involves that one special job, what will it take to get there? Travelling from A to B usually…


Added by Ryan Connors on May 10, 2012 at 7:00am — No Comments

Jobseekers, don't let the search get the best of you

A recent entry, The Angry Young Job Seeker written by Amy Ala, speaks of the ignorance and downright audacity of a talented gentleman this recruiter was trying to place. Demanding, belligerent, arrogant, are just some of the adjectives I would use to…


Added by Bob McIntosh on May 9, 2012 at 8:34pm — 2 Comments

Sourcing: The Hunger Games Edition

Sourcing: The Hunger Games Edition

Presented by: Doug Douglas – National Engagement Manager at Stark

Virtual Conference for (5/3/12)

Our topic today is “Sourcing: The Hunger Games Edition.” Katniss and Peeta will not be joining us personally today, but we can learn some very important things from the book/movie as it relates…


Added by Doug Douglas on May 9, 2012 at 5:03pm — 1 Comment

The Net / Net of Net Geners

The Net Net of the Net Geners

Presented by: Doug Douglas – National Engagement Manager at Stark

Text from Presentation given to, as well as the TASSCC TEC Conference in Austin, TX


Today I’m going to sharing with you information and insights regarding the 21st Century Workforce. My day to day role is to work with HR…


Added by Doug Douglas on May 9, 2012 at 5:01pm — No Comments

From Angry Birds to Hog Heaven

From Angry Birds to Hog Heaven

Presented by: Doug Douglas – National Engagement Manager at Stark


Branding. It’s no longer just something that cowboys do to their cattle. It’s now a major emphasis for all types of organizations. Think of those huge companies who have the most recognizable logos and names – McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Exxon, Wal-Mart. You don’t…


Added by Doug Douglas on May 9, 2012 at 4:57pm — No Comments

RPO Without Raising Your Debt Ceiling

RPO Without Raising Your Debt Ceiling

Presented By: Doug Douglas - National Engagement Manager at Stark RPO Virtual Conference - July 18,2011


Today, our topic is RPO Without Raising Your Debt Ceiling. During our time, we will be looking at:

  • What RPO is
  • Why would a company…

Added by Doug Douglas on May 9, 2012 at 4:54pm — 1 Comment

3 Things to do with your job ads in the apply process

During the apply process, the dynamic of control in the hiring process takes a dramatic shift from employers to candidates.  Candidates are the ones that control whether they move on at each step of the apply process from viewing a job to ultimately becoming an applicant.

How successful you are at fostering a good candidate experience can have a significant impact on the…


Added by Chris Brablc on May 9, 2012 at 3:10pm — No Comments

Getting Paid: 3 Recruiting Metrics You Need to Be Tracking

If you want to get paid, get paid more consistently, and get paid more often, you need to measure key metrics to highlight where your precious resources are best spent each day.

Here are three basic metrics to get you started:

Marketing Call Effectiveness

This is point A. To get a placement, you have to get a job order. Do you know how many calls you need to make before you obtain a job order or assignment - or are you just winging it? Measuring…


Added by Jessica Lunk on May 9, 2012 at 9:30am — No Comments

How to Eliminate "Sticker Shock" for Your Clients

Even as the economy is starting to brighten up, client companies are still watching their budgets closely. So it's no surprise that many of them are balking at the recruiting fees that come with direct placements.  As a result, some recruiters may be losing placements from client companies that are just not prepared for the large initial payout.

Other recruiters have found a creative way around this.  They
 offer to place candidates on a contract-to-direct hire basis…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on May 9, 2012 at 8:39am — 7 Comments

One Year in IT Staffing: My Best Advice to Job Seekers

By Brett Henry, Technical Recruiter, Edgelink Contract Services.

technical confusion

I started working at EdgeLink, an IT staffing firm, just over one year ago. I had no prior…


Added by EdgeLink on May 9, 2012 at 8:00am — No Comments

Fear is the only thing holding you back…..

Recently I read an article on ‘fear’, which stated the 12 top types of fear and what/where they generally stem from. An example of this would be “Fear of failure – This type of fear has its roots in the misconception that everything you do has to be 100% successful.”

I object to fear for the most part, anything thought in this vein is an…


Added by Lipton Fleming on May 9, 2012 at 6:39am — 6 Comments

The BTOS Interviewing System

The BTOS Interviewing System

The premise behind the BTOS (Business, Targeted, Open Door, Sequential Interviewing system) is utilizing behavioral interviewing and Looklisology (see previous blog posting on Looklisology) and Probing questioning to combine and form a unique, highly flexible, and successful interviewing system. To start let's look at the definitions of each of the main parts of BTOS

Business Behavioral Interviewing(BBI)- Business…


Added by Dean Da Costa on May 8, 2012 at 10:18pm — No Comments

Should You Be Hiring an HR Manager or Outsourcing Such Needs?

Many small businesses have an in-house human resources manager that will handle the nuts and bolts of interviewing prospective employees, overseeing payroll, dealing directly with any employee issues and/or questions, and making sure the office keeps rolling along smoothly.

Other companies, however, either outsource such needs or even try and do things if you will on…


Added by Dave Thomas on May 8, 2012 at 6:30pm — 3 Comments

What actually happens to online applications?

Every day thousands of professionals take the time to apply to a job opportunity online. The vast majority never receive a personal response, only an automated email confirming the application.

My impression is that, whether you apply to a company directly, a contingency agency, or an executive search firm, the experience is fairly similar. Having said that, my expertise is predominantly limited to search firms, so hopefully this entry will shed some light on what I have learned and…


Added by Mark Nelson on May 8, 2012 at 4:53pm — 5 Comments

When do recruiters call back? What is taking them so long?

I recently received the following email from a reader and asked them if I could post their question as this is a popular frustration with HR and would probably help.  When do recruiters call back?  With their permission, I am reposting a condensed version below.


For about a month now, I've been down to the finish line at conglomerate, Company X. 

THEY called ME. I wasn't actively…


Added by HRNasty on May 8, 2012 at 12:36pm — No Comments

Advice to a New Recruiter

Good morning all,


I am a new grad who has been trying to break into the recruiting world for a while. What advice would you give to a person who is new to the recruiting field? I have been doing quite a lot of research, but I would like tips from different people who have been in the industry for a while. Thank you in advance!

Added by Cristina Lewis on May 8, 2012 at 12:31pm — 18 Comments

The Power of Networking

Why don’t more people NetworkIt boggles my mind, especially in this type of economy – it is not who applies to the job first, BUT who you know and who knows you.    Everyone should get…


Added by Bruce Rowles on May 8, 2012 at 11:23am — No Comments

External To Internal - Making the Jump

Hi All - I'm Russ,

I guess for a while you can call me "Russ the Rookie" as I'm so green to here. My Friends call me "RussRecruits", If you pay my bills, you can call me what you want - your the customer!…


Added by Russ Recruits on May 8, 2012 at 11:03am — 7 Comments

Revisiting Dale Carnegie's Golden Principles


Along the journey in staffing, business, life, and change are moments where you may need a momentary inward compass realignment.  I repeatedly find myself returning time and time and time again to these powerful principles that continue to guide me even when I know winds of change coming from the political forces at both a macro, business, environment et al,…


Added by Mike Rasmussen on May 8, 2012 at 1:52am — No Comments

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