Recruiting Blogs (24,196)

Expose Your Jobs on Facebook

LinkUp, the fastest growing job search engine, has an innovative Facebook application for employers called: Current-Jobs-at-Our-Company. The application allows companies and employers to easily publish their open job listings to their Facebook page or company’s ‘Fan’ page.

The App places a jobs widget on a company’s Facebook ‘wall’ as well as a separate jobs tab on the company's ‘Fan’ page that lists all of the current listings from the company’s corporate website. When job seekers… Continue

Added by Molly Moseley on November 19, 2009 at 4:29pm — No Comments

Reflections from the #TruLondon unconference: Tales from a customer service evangelist!

Reflections on the unconference TruLondon

Today was an auspicious event: Trulondon an unconference planned by Bill Boorman and his merry band of geniuses. I have admired Bill from afar because he embodies something sorely missing from the industry of recruiting: a heart of gold.

It has been an honor to participate in Bill’s blogradio show over the past few weeks. I am the girl who toots the horn of compassion. We simply can’t take the “human” out of human resources, yet so… Continue

Added by Margo Rose on November 19, 2009 at 3:52pm — No Comments

What's Your Tribe?

Do you lead one? Do you have one? It's a pretty good question these days since there's a lot of talk about Tribes going around. And it seems to be an evolving situation but an interesting one since it's apparent that it's becoming a very powerful cultural phenomenon. I would say that it's probably because of the increased connectivity we all have allows us access to people who have the same views and values. For more on Tribes, I would recommend Seth Godin's book, oddly enough titled:… Continue

Added by James Seetoo on November 19, 2009 at 3:42pm — 1 Comment

Reflections from the #TruLondon unconference: Tales from a customer service evangelist!

Reflections on the unconference TruLondon

Today was an auspicious event: Trulondon an unconference planned by Bill Boorman and his merry band of geniuses. I have admired Bill from afar because he embodies something sorely missing from the industry of recruiting: a heart of gold.

It has been an honor to participate in Bill’s blogradio show over the past few weeks. I am the girl who toots the horn of compassion. We simply can’t take the “human” out of human resources, yet so… Continue

Added by Margo Rose on November 19, 2009 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

The Corporate Recruiters Handbook

After 20+ years of toil in the recruitment industry, the last 12 being focused on Internet recruiting, I have put all of my knowledge into a free Handbook; you know, the paper stuff. Maybe one day it will get read on a Kindle?!

If you would like to pre-order your free copy, delivered to your doorstep, please check out my website for more details. And yes, we are delivering everywhere so it is not just for the UK.…


Added by Peter Gold on November 19, 2009 at 2:47pm — 2 Comments

The Wheel: Innovation

Innovation in tight times is always hard. It can be especially difficult in the tough economic times we face now. To be the innovative person now is like being Noah facing the task of building an ark in the middle of a desert. You can compare it to the Wright brothers taking their first… Continue

Added by Benjamin McCall on November 19, 2009 at 2:33pm — No Comments

Any suggestions on collecting a fee?

I have had my own recruiting firm for just over 5 years now and have NEVER had a problem collecting a fee from a client....never say never. I now have a deadbeat client (read Tom Wolfe's "A Man in Full" to see the real name for a deadbeat) that made $105 M last quarter and won't pay my lousy fee.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!

Added by Bruce Tracy on November 19, 2009 at 9:56am — 1 Comment

Interviewing Everyday

It funny how people get so anxious and nervous about interviewing. Sure the people you meet with during an interview aren’t people you know and it won’t be easy to judge the meaning of their words and inflections much less their body language, but is it really that different from what you do everyday?

In your current position you’re constantly making sure your boss, peers and clients/customers are pleased with your work, attitude and effort. So aren’t you really interviewing everyday… Continue

Added by bill martineau on November 19, 2009 at 9:26am — No Comments

Dirty Rotten Recruiting Scoundrels

I might piss off a lot of Recruiters here, but who cares.

Recruiters can’t be trusted. Right up there with Car Salesmen and boiler room Stock Brokers, we are some of the slickest back hand dealing corporate raiders in all the land.

We are the group of scoundrels at every convention trying to collect candidates.

We are the ones standing at the elevator handing out business cards.

We are the ones writing blogs on how to circumvent gate… Continue

Added by Michael Glenn on November 19, 2009 at 7:30am — No Comments

The Greatest Success of All-And Why Recruiting Matters

The view from the air of Santa Cruz in a helicopter is quite stunning. It enlightens the mind to think that when you have a challenge, there is nothing a little view of the horizon can't do to hit you back in your stride again.

That was a year ago. My wife and I won a helicopter trip, found a new perspective as we looked down on the earth below.

I look back on this past year of 2009, it has been it's own soul searching… Continue

Added by Mike Rasmussen on November 19, 2009 at 4:06am — No Comments

Thursday Thrasher with the Culture Vulture: Amazon

By Lizz Pellett

Welcome to Thursday Thrasher with Lizz Pellet, the Culture Vulture.

This blog is dedicated to cruising company websites, identifying key elements of organizational culture and dissecting the employment branding message. We are going to look at companies from company A to Z to find organizations that are crystal clear about what kind of an employee they would like to attract, retain and yes, even… Continue

Added by Featured Writer Series on November 19, 2009 at 3:20am — No Comments

When it comes to public speaking, preparation saves perspiration

Please read all my blog posts at "The Savage Truth"

Currently I am speaking to large groups of recruiters at RCSA events around Australia and New Zealand, on the topic of ‘Riding the Recovery’. Feedback has been good I am relieved to say,… Continue

Added by Greg Savage on November 18, 2009 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Excellent Resources Available

Hello All,

I am working as a Accounts manager at Radiant Global Inc. We have around 120 plus consultants on our payrolls on various technologies. We have a good team of recruiters and account managers who work towards finding a right person for the right job. We have candidates on different domains such as ORACLE APPS,PEOPLE SOFT , QA, BA, DOT NET, SAP (ALL MODULES), JAVA and other technologies too

Appreciate if you could add SREE@RADIANT-GLOBAL.COM to your list and… Continue

Added by Sree Ram on November 18, 2009 at 2:20pm — No Comments

Why I Wouldn't Hire My Clone

Having the technical competencies necessary to perform a job function seems to be a pretty universally accepted requirement in order to be considered a viable candidate. However, it is perhaps equally important what the personality and attitude are in the package-deal that is a new hire. With more and more companies adopting behavioral or corporate culture-based interviews it seems the trend is to hire based on soft skills as well. The only question is, what makes a person a good fit for a… Continue

Added by Gino Conti on November 18, 2009 at 11:47am — 1 Comment

What's Your Purpose?

Ever spend much time thinking about that? What’s your purpose?

What does that have to do with your career? Everything!

Do you find your purpose in your job, or in something outside of your career?

What animates you from day-to-day?

- Advancement in your career?

- More money?

- Ability to have more toys, nicer houses, cars, jewelry, or ‘stuff’?

- Provide better for your family?

- Provide value or serve your customers?

- Be a better… Continue

Added by Harry Urschel on November 18, 2009 at 11:35am — 1 Comment

HRIS – Picking Up where the ATS Leaves Off

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) are an effective way to post positions, organize candidates and streamline the hiring process. For many HR professionals, ATSs are typically their first experience with new talent management solutions. In my experience, once the value of the ATS has been recognized, there is a spark of consideration for new features, benefits and values that opens up the potential for investing in additional talent management solutions. The question then becomes “where does the… Continue

Added by Jake Stupak on November 18, 2009 at 10:51am — No Comments

2010 Planning: Tips to get your ATS Budget Approved

Year-end is fast approaching and the door will soon close on budget approvals for your 2010 fiscal year. How do you “sell” your leadership on the value of an Applicant Tracking System? When the bottom line is the primary focus, you need to make the case for your ROI on the investment in new software. When compliance is the major issue, you should be able to make that case with ease!

ATS Return on Investment CAN be quantified,… Continue

Added by Julia on November 18, 2009 at 10:45am — No Comments

Talent Scouts: Not Just for Saturdays Anymore!

In keeping with the football theme from last week’s post, not only did I marry a man who loves football, my Father also has a tremendous love of the game. My Dad played for the mighty undefeated Marcellus Mustangs in a suburb of Syracuse, NY in 1963. I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve heard about that team or how certain aspects of how that high school senior year season impacts my dad’s life. Since my dad grew up in the Syracuse area and went to… Continue

Added by Chernee Vitello on November 18, 2009 at 6:51am — 2 Comments

How to attract talent - it's still harder than you think!

Yeah there’s a recession, yeah there’s bags of people on the market but I think creative agencies still need to be working harder to attract top talent.

It’s not enough just to exist and expect the best candidates to come to you - and be grateful for a job - they’re still in high demand so you need to do more.

Here are a few ideas:

Career path:

In my experience, prospects (or lack of) have got to be the number one motivator for a job seeker in… Continue

Added by Darren Scotland on November 18, 2009 at 5:12am — No Comments

Hiring issues...

I run a mid-sized London based recruitment firm and we are seeing massively increased requirements of hiring from our clients. Now obviously we shoud have hired more in the downturn - but that's not always possible when you work with a PLC dictating hiring rules via yield (and rightly so). How do people hire quickly and effectively without compromising on quality or without throwing too much money at the situation?

Added by Rory Gove on November 18, 2009 at 3:29am — No Comments

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