Recruiting Blogs (24,269)

Human Resource- For the people.

The human resource department of a business is responsible for bringing together a competent workforce and creating a healthy work enviornment for the employees by dealing with different manegarial and administrative problems. These issues seem insignificant in the face of much bigger issues the business may deal with everyday; it is still imperative to know that without a human resource team, your business may not be as well-organized and your employees may not be as happy as they… Continue

Added by HDot on September 15, 2009 at 9:20pm — No Comments

Where has work ethics gone??

I seem to keep hiring these “rock stars” who have great potential, but so far don’t see it for themselves!?! They all seem to want more pay with the slightest bit of success, which to me is their actual job. I’m all for praise & rewarding my staff for a job WELL done, yet, they always seem to want a pat on the back for the slightest bit of task completion. I could set an atomic clock by quiting time, however, starting time tends to be flexible & always 20 min. after arriving. I swear I… Continue

Added by Steve van horn on September 15, 2009 at 8:25pm — No Comments

Cyclical Recruitment

Has it really been two weeks since my last post? Where do the days go?

We have received positive feedback from our ideas and thank you to all that sent us a message. Also welcome to all of the new members of the UK Recuitment Directors Group on linkedin. We added 50 new recruitment businesses in a week!

Professionally, I am pleased that August is out… Continue

Added by Jonny Hiles on September 15, 2009 at 12:43pm — No Comments

Top 10 "Most Desired" MBA Employers

Universum IDEAL™ has just released its annual list of the "most desired" companies to work for according to a survey of over 6,000 respondents from 58 top MBA programs around the world. Once again, Google takes the top spot (for the third year in a row). Here is the rest of the top 10:

1. Google

2. McKinsey & Company

3. Bain & Company

4. Goldman Sachs

5. Apple Computer

6. The Boston Consulting Group

7. Walt Disney

8. Nike

9. J.P.… Continue

Added by Ryan Pratt on September 15, 2009 at 12:12pm — No Comments

My Social; Network

I am constantly being asked to join a “Mafia Family”. I regularly get invited to “Link into” someone’s network. And I know that “My Face and My Space” has been accepted as friend and network resource from old classmates at PS 104 to contacts of current Governors and past Presidents of the US.

Am I really popular? I don’t think so. Might I insightfully provide wisdom that will lead to a lottery’s monetary value of wealth? As the “Magic 8 Ball” would say, “It is very unlikely.” What is… Continue

Added by Jack Young on September 15, 2009 at 11:45am — No Comments

Java Developer w Seam Web Application Framework @ NY

Title: Java Developer w Seam Web Application Framework

Location: Manhantt, NY

Duration: 6 Months

Rate: $open/hr


Minimum 5 years of Java experience

Core Java

Java-Based Web Applications

Seam Web Application Framework

Stateless Session Beans




Experience working with tight timelines


Experience at a… Continue

Added by Vasu Dev on September 15, 2009 at 11:42am — No Comments

Is it Really About to Get Better?

I read several blog entries here that suggest that the worst is over, and perhaps it is, but the business has gone through some perhaps fundamental changes and it may be a long time until we discover "business as usual," if ever.

Yes, large numbers of recruiters have disappeared - the inevitable consequence that is Darwinian and healthy when the strong survive and the weak disappear there is more food left for the strong - but there is also less job creation, less growth, less… Continue

Added by Don Zinn on September 15, 2009 at 11:39am — 3 Comments

Social Networking - My Two Cents

Everywhere I turn nowadays there are articles about social networking: passing fad or here to stay? In my humble opinion it is definitely here to stay. So much so, in fact, that I cannot picture my work environment without it. I am aware that its impact on the recruiting industry is much deeper than others. For example, a friend of mine works for an information services firm that was ready to fire one of their associates for blogging about their products and services without getting legal’s… Continue

Added by Chernee Vitello on September 15, 2009 at 11:08am — No Comments

Workplace Porn: the next Killer app?

Building your firewall

You work in corporate HR and IT.

You put put up the latest advances in firewall protection and keystroke monitoring technology.

You block MySpace, Facebook, and numerous other sites with “dubious/unsavory” ratings.

You broadcast well drafted policies on the use of social media, the use of company computers for unauthorized or illegal purposes.

You are… Continue

Added by Michael VanDervort on September 15, 2009 at 10:30am — 4 Comments

The Wolf

Barefoot and empty handed, in the frosty pre-dawn hours of late March, separated only by tangled wisps of breath and steam from a nearby pond, I stared down a wolf. Eye to steely eye. Neither of us advancing nor retreating. Neither of us moving, except inwardly in resolve. He, ash grey, thin and fractured from winter’s threshing, far past hunger, eternally empty, steadfast. Me, a solitary barrier to his single, strongest earthly longing; the mother to his first - in all memory -…


Added by Amy Renz on September 15, 2009 at 10:30am — No Comments

Does our industry REALLY care about Candidate Experience?

I had an interesting conversation with someone following ERE about the lack of innovation in our industry in terms of Candidate Experience. He suggested that if a vendor really cared - they would have someone on staff solely focused on making the technology easier for candidates. After just 1 solid rebuttel's, he stopped the conversation. Cold. Seriously people - you should know by know that I enjoy a good Debate - I learn, you learn, we all win. Anyway...It got me thinking about the conference… Continue

Added by Sarah White on September 15, 2009 at 10:09am — 1 Comment

Three Tips for Handling Employment History Problems

Got Gaps?

Three Tips for Handling Employment History Problems

By Alesia Benedict, CPRW, JCTC

The department staff gathers around to celebrate a milestone for a staff member. It is retirement day for Joe Smith who has been with the company for thirty years. Management is there to present a nice gold watch to Joe along with a plaque commemorating his extensive service and loyalty to the company. The staff provides a nice cake and some soda. A picture is snapped of Joe… Continue

Added by JDHUNTR In-House Jobs on September 15, 2009 at 12:02am — No Comments

Depend on the Recruiter for Recruiting

As I waited at the traffic light on my way to the ERE recruitment conference in South Florida, I watched in amazement as a teenager rode a bicycle while texting on his cell phone. I immediately thought about the new multi-tasking skills that are being developed by the next generation of talent. It also made me wonder what I would learn from this ERE meet-up session; the last time I attended a recruiting conference was in 2000. As I recalled, Job boards and ATS were the talk of the town and… Continue

Added by Ken Forrester on September 14, 2009 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment

Interviews Slow as Molasses

I have noticed that it is taking forever for clients to make a decision on a candidate. The candidate might be the right fit, but they have to think about it. The economy is so slow companies know they can wait, and the candidate will most likely still be out there.

I was speaking with one of those candidates, and he forwarded me a clip from a letter he rec’d from a company after his interview. You won’t believe it!

"Dear Mr. Engineer,

With some luck, the interviewing… Continue

Added by Sherry Junker on September 14, 2009 at 7:49pm — 1 Comment

Recruitment Strategy Development - The Dreaded Job Description

In our last blog, “Recruitment Strategy Development – The Best Qualified Candidate Rarely Gets Hired”, we discussed if a Hiring Manager has not been taught how to interview, they certainly have not been taught how to select a qualified candidate.

For the purposes of Recruitment Strategy Development, RecruiterGuy ties the job description and the interviewing process together. Why? The job description should be specific enough that the skills required to be successful are crystal clear… Continue

Added by Bill Humbert on September 14, 2009 at 2:15pm — No Comments

How does your social recruiting engagement stack up?

We have re-launched the Social Recruiting Index, a database of social recruiting efforts around the world. It is free to participate in the Social Recruiting Engagement Survey. You will be receive a free report summarizing where you rate overall and based on your employee size. You will also be adding data to the index, and your peers will appreciate that!…


Added by Rob Humphrey on September 14, 2009 at 1:25pm — No Comments

Is There Growth Potential?

When interviewing for a new job get answers to the folowing questions to help determine your potential growth pattern in the new firm.

1) What are their sales projections?

2) What has the past revenue history shown?

3) What is their policy on internally promoting?

4) What is their policy on internally posting positions?

5) How long have your potential new co-workers been at their levels?

6) How long have your… Continue

Added by Kunin Associates on September 14, 2009 at 9:55am — 1 Comment

The Coming-Out Stories of Anonymous Bloggers

Added by Recruitnik on September 13, 2009 at 10:11pm — No Comments

Caveman Recruiting | Social Media World

I had a terrific time making new friends at the "TalentNet Live!" Recruiting Conference yesterday (at the Frito-Lay campus in Plano, TX).

For all who asked, here's a copy of the ppt from my presentation: Caveman Recruiting | Social Media World. Actually - it's best watched on Slideshare as the video is built in...check it out here:… Continue

Added by Dennis Smith on September 12, 2009 at 11:30am — 5 Comments

Hello Every One

I am New Here, I am a Technical recruiter..Can You teach Me More Concepts Of Technical Recruiting

I will Really Appreciate

Added by Prabhjot on September 12, 2009 at 6:51am — No Comments

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