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Christmas crowdsourcing time please:) Can you provide me with just one idea, for the ultimate (fun) Christmas Gift List for HR and Recruiters?

A Christmas List

For the last two years I have written two christmas posts that have been very popular with all of you. The posts were of a similar title; The Top 10 Christmas Gifts for a Recruiter. (Check out…


Added by Andy Headworth on December 4, 2009 at 8:51am — 5 Comments

Born to Recruit?

The longer I am in the industry, the more convinced I am that there are naturals for our profession. I have tried training people who don't have "it" and I am never successful. On the other hand, people with "it" need very little direction and they seem to take off like an airplane, often using new creative ways of doing it.

So what are these natural qualities? I will list a few, please add your ideas too because I could never think… Continue

Added by Julia Stone on December 9, 2009 at 7:58pm — 16 Comments

Boolean Search Strings for Wild Goat Hunters Listening to Neil Diamond

Dear Glennlist

I have a search for a company that needs a Software Developer that programs in Java, has been nude sun bathing in South Beach but doesn’t eat fish but will eat shrimp tacos. Also, rides a Harley Davidson, listens to Neil Diamond and hunts wild Goats. Oh, and they need to live in Alaska close to Sara Palin’s home.

Thanks, Millhouse.


Wow! I just placed someone like that recently. Here is the search string that I used. Hopefully this… Continue

Added by Michael Glenn on December 10, 2009 at 6:00am — 1 Comment

The Trusted Recruiter

In his well-known book, The Trusted Advisor, David Maister explored the paradigm of that very important business relationship, using the professional services paradigm as a basis. His book covered some key components of trust (the trust equation), the process of creating trust (including the most common trust-breaking mistakes and this post includes a good example).

Trust is not a soft or an ambiguous concept – and it should not be. Some years ago I attended a one-week leadership… Continue

Added by Charles Van Heerden on December 10, 2009 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

Farmers, Fishers or Hunters? The 3 Types of Recruitment Company

This Blog Post was originally posted on - http://originforward.wordpress.com/2009/12/10/farmers-fishers-or-hunters-the-3-types-of-recruitment-company - Please Visit the Blog if you like what you read.

The recruitment industry in the UK is a billion pound industry. In 2006 in the UK alone there were 10,426 separate recruitment organisations generating… Continue

Added by Origin Forward Solutions on December 9, 2009 at 8:44pm — 3 Comments


The fuel door on my car is busted. We had a little mishap at the gas station the other day and the fuel door latch was thankfully the only minor casualty. It won’t take much to replace it however the interruption to the crush of work and holiday schedule is annoying. It sounds odd perhaps but I think it was my car’s way of telling me to slow down the usual driving pace before moving forward. Compatible to the inevitable year-end reflection and resolution-making, the following is my glimpse in… Continue

Added by Alisa Tazioli on December 10, 2009 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

A Tear On The Cheek of Time

Yesterday I was reminded about of my first visit to China.

During the long drive from the airport to Beijing’s downtown, I marveled at the ability of the Chinese [gov’t] to hide thousands of its poorest citizens behind a never ending array of ingenious landscaping devices- miles of carefully planted trees and plants, well positioned walls and mounds, all designed to obscure our view of ordinary people going about their daily lives.

Regardless of China’s motivation for… Continue

Added by Gerry Crispin on December 10, 2009 at 3:24pm — 11 Comments

Pre-Interview - Easy but important research tips

You finally got that phone call; you know the one that is more elusive than a smiling DMV clerk? You have been invited to interview for your dream job. Your suit is back from the cleaners, your resume is polished to a shine, and you just invested $100 on a good haircut.

You are all set, right? Nope. Between now and the interview, you have some important work to do.

Don't stress. The following are 5 easy research tips that will put you ahead of the others, even before the race… Continue

Added by JC Simon on December 8, 2009 at 7:31pm — 2 Comments

Inside and outside: job boards have to work both places

It’s easy to do: you work and obsess over building the perfect job board, making certain that posting a resume is easier than sneezing – but then you forget about the world outside your site. Or you spend hours on backlinks, blog postings, and email campaigns, only to discover that your site just isn’t that easy to use.

Job boards have to function equally well both inside the site and outside the site. As a colleague once said, “You can build the best store in the world, but you’ll… Continue

Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on December 9, 2009 at 9:19am — 3 Comments

Are you out of your mind-set?

So Happy Holidays to everyone. While typically I like to discuss hiring tips and techniques directed more towards hiring managers than job seekers, I’d like to go a little different route this month, and focus these remarks towards job seekers. Let’s face it, at some time or another….we are all job seekers.

Most people have been affected in some way by the economy. Either you’ve lost your job, lost a portion of your income, made a change to a new career, or at least know someone that… Continue

Added by Trevor Smith on December 9, 2009 at 1:03pm — No Comments

India: New Twists on Social Responsibility, Availability and Co-existance

Up at 7an Tuesday morning. Our delegation’s 1st “work” day lasted 13 hour (note to self on feedback form to ask for an afternoon wine break). Now, back at the hotel late at night, I'm having that nightcap in a quiet corner. Everyone else has headed up.

By mid-morning I was at Delhi’s Management Development Institute that is noted for its MBA, PHD, Business and HR programs at the graduate level producing 900 graduates a year. (The bus ride there and all thsat entails is still being… Continue

Added by Gerry Crispin on December 8, 2009 at 8:19pm — 7 Comments

Blogging: Boom or Bust for your career

Is blogging a help or a hindrance in your career?

If you listen to some commentators, having a large online footprint will be THE only way you'll be found in the future. Job boards will die, and all Recruiters will be all over Social Media tools writing Boolean strings, mining LinkedIn, Facebook, reading blogs (etc) and just finding you when they need you.

So therefore, you need to have a Facebook account a LinkedIn profile, a Twitter presence and be furiously writing… Continue

Added by Dan Nuroo on December 8, 2009 at 8:05am — 1 Comment

Incentivising Tomorrow's Recruiters - it's Feedback not Fees

Historically we have always seen 3rd party recruitment as a sales business. We employ recruiters who are rewarded for their ability to open doors and sell to clients and to place as many people as they can…irrespective of how they do it, and of what experience they deliver to their clients and candidates.

Social media is beginning to change that…whether on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter, recruiters now have a relationship with their candidates and clients which is both visible and… Continue

Added by Mervyn Dinnen on December 8, 2009 at 5:56pm — 2 Comments

Is OD Dead? Yes, We Killed It-Or Did We?

I hate to be the Friedrich Nietzsche of OD; however, the question begs to be asked, is learning and development dead? It is because the economy killed it. The need for statistically valid organizational diagnostics did not go away, nor did the necessity for strong coaching and professional development programs. The recession decimated OD and Learning and Development departments. So, the next question that begs to be asked is what are companies going to do? If they are smart, they will pay… Continue

Added by Margo Rose on December 8, 2009 at 7:55pm — 11 Comments

The Omens are Good

Arrived Delhi 9pm last night. Refresehed.

I checked in to Newark and my boarding pass read "Seat 20A Window". At least it was in an exit row. Walked up to the friendliest flight attendant just before boarding and, with all the smile I could muster (as if that would make a difference), said, "Just checking to see if miracles really happen". She looked up, smiled and said "if your name is...(then looked quickly down at a ticket) Gerald Thomas Crispin they do".

Yes!!! Scored… Continue

Added by Gerry Crispin on December 7, 2009 at 9:09pm — 2 Comments

Power of Intention escalated by Social Media

Friday I attended the MN Recruiters Unconference at Best Buy HQ I arrived late due to previous engagements and only got to see the last 2 presenters. What a contrast! A great job by MN Recruiters bringing in differing opinions on Social media Use by Corporate America. Teresa Thompson from Fredrikson and Byron took a very legal point of view and showed us scary pics of workplace incidents like employees bathing in the dish sinks at fast food places and posting them online... I agree these need… Continue

Added by Patti Yaritz on December 7, 2009 at 6:09pm — 4 Comments

Job Search Frustrations During The Holidays?

Okay, I admit I took a little time off during Thanksgiving, which is why I didn’t post last week. But mostly because I didn’t think I’d be alone in that and that gave me the idea for this posting.

As we move into the holiday season, or I suppose we’ve already done that with Thanksgiving – the recruitment process for both the recruiter and candidate can become increasingly frustrating. Let’s be honest, recruiters are people and they can become increasingly busy this time of year with… Continue

Added by James Seetoo on December 4, 2009 at 1:16pm — No Comments

The "Counter (offer)" Punch

punch You have just dropped the bombshell news on your boss that you are leaving. After they pick themselves up off the floor, there will usually be one of three reactions:

  1. Congratulations, good for you!
  2. Traitor! Pack your stuff and get out (or work through your notice and endure my constant looks of contempt)
  3. Sorry to hear that, is there anything we can do to keep you…

Added by Bill Meirs on April 28, 2009 at 6:30am — No Comments

On Time for India: Slowly I turned…Inch by inch…foot by foot, yard by yard

2 hours to takeoff. Leaving 8:45pm from Newark tonight and landing 9:30PM in New Delhi….Monday (would be 9PM but they are 10 and a half hours ahead. 14 hours in the air.

Safely ensconsed at the moment in Continental’s Int’l Club.

Passport and visa. Check

Money. Check

Intinerary and Emergency #s. Check

Extra reading material for when I get bored studying India and tune in to the latest Patterson thriller. Check.

Tech Equip. Check.

Headphones w whitenoise.… Continue

Added by Gerry Crispin on December 6, 2009 at 7:20pm — No Comments

A Linkedin mistake none of us should allow ourselves to make.

Yesterday I received the following Linkedin message from the President of an executive search firm based on the East Coast:


I saw your profile on LinkedIn and wanted to be connected with you on LinkedIn.

Please add my profile to your LinkedIn contacts.

My profile is: www.linkedin.com

If by chance, LinkedIn asks you for my email when adding me to your contacts, please use:… Continue

Added by Bill Ward on December 3, 2009 at 5:21pm — 35 Comments

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