Although this is certainly not my first venture into Blogland, it is my first post to Hello!!
My name is Maria and I am the Recruiting Services Manager for a boutique HR Consulting firm called Solutions Partners.
When I sat down, deciding how to introduce myself - it got me to thinking...Hmmm, where do I begin? When did I begin working in this business we call Recruiting, aka, Staffing, aka Talent Acquisition?? Well - it was a long time ago. Yessirree.…
Added by Maria DiLisio on August 8, 2008 at 10:04pm —
Okay, so I recently changed my long-time standpoint on this.
If I'm recruiting for a real Purple Squirrel or asking a LOT from potential candidates (for example, I'm currently performing a confidential search for a client in which I cannot divulge the company, the location or the specific job title - and neither do they in the phone screen) I think ultimately it's worth it to make a spliff available if someone helps close a deal by directing me to my superstar.
Added by Art Pitcher on August 8, 2008 at 4:25pm —
1 Comment
My very good and very old friend
Gary Fowler just joined He is a third party recruiter in the semiconductor industry and one of the finest as well. His company is called
Analog Solutions I flew to Tennessee for his 50th birthday party and have visited with him many times over the years. He has been to my house a number of times as well. Welcome Gary, ready for round 2?
Added by Slouch on August 8, 2008 at 4:14pm —
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“Dennis Rodman was in the National Basketball Association for several years, playing hard and posting impressive rebounding numbers. But he received little publicity and few, if any, endorsement contracts. Then he created a USP (unique selling proposition) for himself – bizarrely bright, multi-colored hair and outrageous tattoos. With that came notoriety and a fortune in publicity and product endorsements.” Jay Abraham --Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got
It is hard to…
Added by James Carchidi on August 8, 2008 at 1:09pm —
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I had the pleasure of sharing a table with
Bill Vick yesterday morning over a cup of coffee. It's funny....Bill flatters all of us by inviting us to be interviewed for a spot on on,when, actually, he knows more about recruiting than most of us will forget in our life-time.
It's a rare find - a big-billing recruiter who is as kind and considerate as he is humble (our industry…
Added by Dennis Smith on August 8, 2008 at 10:30am —
1 Comment
TGIS (Thank Goodness, Its Sumser!)
Digging Into
Returning from a whirlwind of events, this week John returns to do some thoughtful number crunching:
It's 080808. Today, 6,000 Chinese couples are getting married to take advantage of the auspicious date. The Olympics start today. The date was picked for its inherent good fortune. That's the thing about numbers. They help further understanding. Repeatedly measuring the same thing…
Added by Amitai Givertz on August 8, 2008 at 8:58am —
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There is little doubt that employment branding is one of the hottest topics in recruiting these days. Unfortunately, what a lot of firms implement in the name of branding really has nothing to do with employment branding.
Defining Employment Branding
Employment branding is unique in that it is the only long-term recruiting strategy. The viral-based perception management program designed to attract top-quality applicants is based on the premise that the organization is well-managed in…
Added by Pranav srihari on August 8, 2008 at 7:24am —
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Over in the states, Job Search TV hopes to reinvent the traditional job search by using a dedicated television channel to broadcast ads. The offering differs from many of the ‘video products’ currently circulating the online recruitment world, with the format modelled on a
Added by Julian Stopps on August 8, 2008 at 5:12am —
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I missed a couple of weeks in order to avoid offering version 1.13. I'm not superstitious, exactly.
In that time, we had a very successful Recruiting Roadshow in Minneapolis. Special Thanks to Jason Davis, Dave Mendoza, Maren Hogan, Steven Rothberg, Jason Buss, Paul DeBettignies, Kelly Wackerfuss, Don Ramer, Josh Kahn, Toby Dayton and George LaRocque. Paul DeBettigne's mom made a special guest appearance. One of the featured speakers was the former editor and CEO of the Minneapolis…
Added by John Sumser on August 7, 2008 at 8:47pm —
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As a community, the recruiting blogosphere is very fractured. Even in our social networks, niches are carved out and everyone fights for a little piece of the pie. This is normal in network development, as the amount of information available allows us to specialize, and that leads to fragmentation.
But it shouldn't stop us from working together. I think it's important we work to get voices from the recruiting blogosphere into the mainstream media. Our content is good, and those that…
Added by Jim Durbin on August 7, 2008 at 8:09pm —
Anyone have any experience with C-Biz software.....and what do you think?
Looked at a demo today.....considering it...for a start up operation...
Added by bob on August 7, 2008 at 5:46pm —
Hi friends,
Am fresher for this blogspot pls co-ordinate with me.
Tnks & Regards
Added by S E A Roy on August 7, 2008 at 4:14pm —
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Last quarter UK vertical search engine WorkCircle took the step of being audited by ABC Electronic, the industry auditor. The move follows 1Job’s audits in both November last year and January this year. The audits underline just how far vertical search engines have come since their original inception into the UK job advertising market.
The advent of the vertical job search engines has…
Added by Julian Stopps on August 7, 2008 at 11:29am —
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As the economy has continued to worsen more and more IT pros have been hit by the reduction in force, downsizing or outsourcing bug that has again stricken corporate America.
On the positive side we see many opportunities out there and short stints on the unemployment line for most candidates as long as they are flexible to the shifting market (dollars & relocation are the biggies).
However, with such high activity comes a problem once you finally receive an offer. How…
Added by bill martineau on August 7, 2008 at 9:16am —
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Third Party Thursday
Closing the gap between Search and Hired!
Margaret points out a number of compelling reasons why as an industry recruiting whole needs to get better, fast.
Recruiting is where it all begins. There is no employee development program on the planet that can rebirth a poor manager with poor competencies into a great leader if they fundamentally do not have the right behaviors, values and motivations. When then right core traits…
Added by Amitai Givertz on August 7, 2008 at 9:10am —
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Hi All,
I'm doing some research within the recruitment sector and wanted to know what currently are 'hot' topics for you guys. Look forward to some responses! Thanks
Added by Katherine on August 7, 2008 at 6:53am —
IT is widely accepted that, in small pockets around the world, the second iteration of the war for talent is well underway. Emerging companies in China, for example, are invading small rural villages in an effort to convert agrarian citizens into knowledge workers, and professional service firms are eagerly grasping at once undesired college new grads.
It would be logical to assume that growth-oriented firms would be devising new methods to uncover hidden sources of talent and fend off…
Added by on August 7, 2008 at 6:30am —
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World-class is a term that is often used and misused by those in human resources. It's important to realize upfront that good or even very good onboarding programs are quite common, but they are also quite different from the few existing "world-class" programs.
Almost by definition, the number of world-class programs in any field is extremely small. For example, to be considered as world-class in an Olympic sport, you must win a gold, silver, or bronze medal. Such an achievement is truly…
Added by on August 7, 2008 at 6:24am —
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With the War for Talent II looming just around the corner, it's safe to assume that the college recruiting battleground is going to be one of the bloodiest. As leading firms gear up to compete for the few candidates graduating each year who have the potential to rapidly grow into the entry and mid-level management roles left vacant by the baby boom retirement vacuum, originality, planning, and execution will set the winners and losers miles apart.
I am sure that most of you buy into the…
Added by on August 7, 2008 at 6:18am —
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I'm going to change the way you recruit, in less than 5 minutes a day.
My new webinar on August 12th is about Recruiting 2.0 Tools. We're going to surf the world-wide web and repurpose social media tools to use in recruiting. Calendars, video slideshows, click-to-call sites, and microblogging are all on the menu. This will be like nothing the recruiting world has ever imagined.
Sign up for 1:30 EST, August 12th at Hireability.
Recruiting 2.0 Tools Workshop: 5…
Added by Jim Durbin on August 6, 2008 at 7:32pm —