This blog can be found at:
“And what do you do?”…. pause. I answer “I work in IT Software Consulting and Staffing.” Longer pause and blank stares. I continue “Staffing…. Recruiting…? Ummmm.. I get computer people jobs at big companies.” Ahhhh – recognition spreads across his face and like those before him, he smiles and snidely replies “So… you’re a HEADHUNTER.”
Now – I realize that there are several terms out there describing…
Added by Kelly Moeller on July 28, 2008 at 2:50pm —
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In addition to the subject matter content expert podcast interviews from this year’s SHRM Conference, we also conducted “man [or woman] on the street” interviews with some of the attendees that stopped by the employeescreenIQ booth. Last week we posted the first few attendee interviews. Here are three more! Among the topics discussed were their thoughts and attitudes and employment screening and background checks. Our favorite responses came when we asked about the biggest resume lies they had…
Added by Jason Morris on July 28, 2008 at 1:57pm —
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I had the opportunity to meet with Jason Leonard last week. If you are in the recruiting industry and know Jason, you likely met him while he was a Director of Recruiting @
Citi, or, Director of Talent Acquisition at
Mosaic. I've known and respected Jason for a number of years - had the priviledge of hearing him speak at the
Kennedy… Continue
Added by Dennis Smith on July 28, 2008 at 12:10pm —
Last Saturday, my mom left to play golf with my dad as usual on her two happy feet. Around 1PM, I received a call that she was being rushed to the hospital. She had slipped on her way out of the restroom, and fell on her right knee on ceramic floor. When I got to the emergency room, I was told that her knee cap had broken into three pieces from the fall. She needed immediate surgery.
Today was our first visit to the hospital since her surgery. Fortunately, her knee is healing nicely…
Added by Catia Yun on July 28, 2008 at 11:55am —
1 Comment

Apple's stock price went on a roller-coaster ride last week in response to rumors about its iconic CEO's health. Jason Corsello
raised the question of whether this suggested that companies ought to disclose their succession plans publicly. My answer depends on what one means by "ought to disclose."
If it means, "a company does not want to see large movements in its share price then it ought to…
Added by Colin Kingsbury on July 28, 2008 at 10:30am —
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Gone are the days where 'branding' was just about marketing a company or a product. And gone are the days where branding is difficult - at least for those that are serious about their personal brand or perceived identity.
Regardless of your profession or the profession that you aspire to - your brand is important - and could give you the edge over your competition. Don't think some…
Added by RecruiterGuy on July 28, 2008 at 10:00am —
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Mendoza’s Monday Member Showcase
Dave Mendoza talks with one of our members...
Dave gets reacquainted with
Martin Warren. who he met on his recent Australian walk-about. Martin is a Principal Consultant at Insidejob, a division of Human Capital Management Solutions (HCMS).
Says Dave:
In all my travels, Martin stands out as someone I look forward to collaborating with for many years to…
Added by Amitai Givertz on July 28, 2008 at 8:00am —
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From Jason Buss (
What all started with my first tweet - has continued to evolve into something so much more than answering that simple question - “what are you doing”?
After talking with a good friend earlier this year (@seerysm) about twitter, I decided to give it a try. So I started with a few followers, continued tweeting, networking, and talking with many great people. I even posted a few stories on my blog about…
Added by Jason Buss on July 28, 2008 at 7:08am —
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On My visit to the Silicon Valley I got to know some really cool recruiters that volunteer their time on the
California Professional Staffing Association. They head up the Silicon Valley chapter and welcomed me to the area with open arms. As we ate, drank fabulous wine and shared many funny stories, I began to make some new friends and feel like I was in my second home (maybe it was the wine?).
Our conversation spun from vacation…
Added by Margaret Graziano on July 28, 2008 at 1:22am —
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A few weeks ago, my family and I took our first long vacation in several years. We visited family in
Ellijay, Georgia, and we spent some time on beautiful
Topsail Island, NC. It’s obviously been a long time since we’ve had a vacation, so my ability to step away from work was a little rusty. In fact, when I found out that our beach house had wireless, I was so excited I did the…
Added by Katie Tierney on July 27, 2008 at 11:10pm —
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That was the week that was...Week ending July 25, 2008
A round-up from the recruiting industry’s group blogs, portals and individual archives...
Winding down another month.
Dag, time flies...
Mendoza’s Monday Member Showcase...
Meet Dennis Smith, Blogger for Talent,… Continue
Added by Amitai Givertz on July 27, 2008 at 5:59pm —
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Keep the Spark Alive.
Excerpts Inaugural Speech for the new batch at the Symbiosis BBA program, Pune - 23rd June, 2008.By Chetan Bhagat.
Good Morning everyone and thank you for giving me this chance to speak to you.
This day is about you. You, who have come to this college, leaving the comfort of your homes (or in some cases discomfort), to become something in your life. I am sure you are excited. There are few days in human life when one is…
Added by Amit Bhagria on July 27, 2008 at 4:51am —
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Article Title: Yes you can – Join the Web 2.0 revolution – Twelve steps to get up to speed with Web 2.0
Author Byline: Susanna Cesar Morton
Author Website:
Our recent post about “Why is HR slow to adopt Web 2.0 technologies?” sparked an online conversation covering the many possibilities. The main one seemed to be fear – fear of losing control, fear of wasting time on a passing trend, and reading…
Added by Holli Maestas on July 26, 2008 at 11:26am —
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Hey All
I would like to invite you all to post you Tech Job on our new Tech Community/ Career Site As our community continues to grow, it will become the place to be if you are a Tech Professional. is a unique community/ career site, which caters to tech professionals around the globe.
As a way to introduce quality employers such as yourself to…
Added by Simone Yard on July 25, 2008 at 4:30pm —
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If you sell a startup or hit it big with your blog, you'll likely end up on TV. The Daily Show's
Samantha Bee offers this advice for would-be talking heads:
1. Try not to sweat through your Members Only jacket. If you're prone to perspiring under pressure, wear something that won't show…
Added by Dennis Smith on July 25, 2008 at 3:19pm —
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Ok, this isn't recruiting related . . . but
personal branding related. What would you do to protect your personal brand?
Rapper Not Amused by Request to Change His Name
"Not all publicity is good publicity, at least according to 50 Cent. The rapper, whose real name is Curtis Jackson, filed a lawsuit against Taco Bell yesterday for using his name and likeness without permission. Mr. Jackson claims trademark…
Added by Joshua Letourneau on July 25, 2008 at 2:55pm —
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Geoff Peterson, Managing Principal of General Lead ( and Editor of StaffBytes (, will conduct a fast-paced 60 minute detailed webinar on LinkedIn for Recruiters and Sourcers. This webinar will be a live demonstration via GoToWebinar.
*A FREE handout will given to each attendee going over the major points of the webinar presentation and will allow solid knowledge transfer on your own. Screenshots, website links and more will be included. A must…
Added by Geoff Peterson on July 25, 2008 at 2:41pm —
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Information Week
Author: KC Jones
Technology, media, and telecommunications are poised for a significant transformation over the next 10 years because of a
wireless social networking revolution, according to
Added by Dennis Smith on July 25, 2008 at 1:19pm —
1 Comment
He will be missed, what an inspiration......for those not familiar with his work, there is a bunch of material on youtube, here is a great one....
Added by Rob Clarke on July 25, 2008 at 1:11pm —
1 Comment
So Siobhan has been an amazing friend, collegue and business partner of mine for close to 8 years now. A few years ago she got hooked on this idea of going to Uganda to help out in a birthing clinic. She quickly realised that the people in this village were lacking basic necessities for life let alone for giving birth. When she came back to San Francisco she put together a non-profit organization called OneMama with the intention of providing basic healthcare needs for mothers in the…
Added by Jeff Weidner on July 25, 2008 at 11:00am —
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