E-recruiting news this week: a UK court suggests your LinkedIn network is not yours, positive signs for job advertising and Taleo makes Gartner's Leader's Quadrant.
All this news, and more, this week on…
Added by Julian Stopps on June 18, 2008 at 3:07pm —
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Just published a guide to the top 100 US job board niches in 2008. For each employment niche it lists the
top 3 or 4 niche job boards. Very interested to hear feedback about niche job boards from active recruiters...
Added by Eric Shannon on June 18, 2008 at 2:22pm —
So I am updated to Firefox 3.0 and with the exception of signature all of my favorite add-ons have been updated. It is these add-ons that make my life as a sourcer much easier. So below I have listed the addons I use and what they do for me.
Google Toolbar - Besides the search and the Google dog food here are what I believe to be the best reasons to use it. The site search button - you find a site that you want to explore. Instead of typing out site:webaddress.com you just press the…
Added by Steve Sill on June 18, 2008 at 2:10pm —
1 Comment
Sure, some say he was nice on me, even though I was SURE he was lurking... just waiting to HAMMER me.
Some say he should have investigated my threat against Shannon Underhill* more deeply.
But everyone agrees it sounded fun.
Either way, here is a nice link to check it out on your own:
* Before everything thinks I'm an abuser of some kind - I threatened Shannon that if she didn't give me Job…
Added by Art Pitcher on June 18, 2008 at 1:30pm —
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Not much time to be blogging but I do hope to network here! S
Added by Sarah M on June 18, 2008 at 1:23pm —
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DATE: Wed June 18, 2008. NOON New York Time.
TOPIC: Old Style Recruiting .
Recruiting Show.com
Added by Recruiting Animal on June 18, 2008 at 9:45am —
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Well, this is way past due but I am elated that we have been successful in getting the Maryland TECH TAX Repealed. We just attended a cocktail hour on Monday in Baltimore to celebrate and it was very impressive to see everyone who was involved with this joint effort. A HUGE thank you goes to Tom Loveland who headed up the campaign to save our Technology Services business in Maryland. He did a superb job in obtaining the right resources and lobbyists to help us accomplish this task of getting…
Added by PJ Cunningham on June 18, 2008 at 8:45am —
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Claudia’s Wednesday Wisdom
Claudia Faust advises on tricky situations, answers members' questions...
This week Claudia helps "Fool Me Twice" get to grips with a slimy problem:
I followed up on a great resume this week that came in response to a posted position, and discovered to my amazement that the phone number was directed not to a candidate, but to an agency recruiter. I was shocked, but it gets worse...
Read Claudia's reply and chip in with a…
Added by Amitai Givertz on June 18, 2008 at 7:30am —
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Dear Claudia,
I am a corporate recruiter who manages an average of 30 technical positions at any given time for my company. On a good day, let’s just say I barely have time to go to the bathroom. I followed up on a great resume this week that came in response to a posted position, and discovered to my amazement that the phone number was directed not to a candidate, but to an agency recruiter. I was shocked, but it gets worse: when I complained to the agency manager about the… Continue
Added by Claudia Faust on June 18, 2008 at 4:30am —
1 Comment
Jacob Fleming, leading B2B meeting organisers will host their latest conference ‘The Future of Management Development’, taking place 25th & 26th September 2008 in Amsterdam. This event has been designed to respond to the need of the HR Industry to successfully apply the next generation of leaders.
Today companies are more than ever dependent on the quality of their current management, and their future is equally reliant on the quality of future leaders. With the increasing market…
Added by Jacob Fleming on June 18, 2008 at 4:23am —
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friend of mine has never heard of monster.com or careerbuilder.com -- and it turns out job board is not in the dictionary Wikipedia. So here's how I would do it.
Definition of a job board, history types and examples.
Added by Eric Shannon on June 17, 2008 at 9:52pm —
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Checking in on my train ride home - this will be another one of my 30 min blog ideas. My 'train' of thought is that if it takes me longer than my train ride home to come up with something to write and get it posted - it must not be what I should be blogging about. That said,…
Added by RecruiterGuy on June 17, 2008 at 7:00pm —
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Added by Jody Simon on June 17, 2008 at 5:23pm —
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Hello Everyone,
TalentDrive would like for you to stop by and check out the webinar tomorrow June 19th at 12:00pm - 1:00pm Central Standard Time.
TalentDrive will be discussing its new search technology TalentFilter, allowing recruiters to source, search, and schedule qualified candidates in less time and with a lower cost.
You can log on to the webinar at
readytalk and enter the…
Added by Talent Drive on June 17, 2008 at 5:17pm —
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I was forwarded a great article about Greenwich Connecticut by a colleague on
ERE.net. The article appeared in the Los Angeles Times last week. Here is a link to that article:
GoliathJobs’ Headquarters is in Stamford Connecticut which borders…
Added by Jennifer Porter on June 17, 2008 at 4:20pm —
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I joined this blog to know about others well. Thought to learn more .
Hope my seniors and well known people will help me out by guiding me .
Thanks a lot .
Added by Prabhu on June 17, 2008 at 3:40pm —
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I love "My Name is Earl" - so much so that I named our new puppy Karma. I am not a believer in karma but I do believe that God's ways can be viewed as karma. I could go into the theological reasoning behind that but that's not important right now. Call it karma if you want, no sooner did I post my last blog about things not being so bad I went to my inbox and was linked to this article…
Added by Dave Templeman on June 17, 2008 at 3:14pm —
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Just two years ago, advertising on social networking seemed to be an afterthought for most businesses, including employers looking to ramp up recruitment. But from 2006 to 2008, there has been a 70% increase in spending on this fast-growing medium, according to emarketer.com.
Social networking, the newest online recruitment tool, includes building and interacting within online communities designed for people who want to connect with others who share their interests. Depending on the…
Added by Brittany on June 17, 2008 at 3:00pm —
1 Comment
This doesn't have a lot to do with recruiting, other than to help me through an attitude adjustment and maybe provide some perspective for 2008 which has been a rough year. It seems the daily grind hasn't been this tough since 2001/2002. I've been moping around for about 90 days because business is off which means the paycheck is down and expenses are up (I never thought I'd have to spend $80 to fill a minivan full of gas). It's tight - I'm sure you can relate. And when it gets tight the…
Added by Dave Templeman on June 17, 2008 at 2:59pm —
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I am really interested in the concept of social media for the purpose of business growth, recruiting, etc. I thought that this would be the perfect venue to pose my question.
I would love to better understand what others feel about social media for business growth (i.e. linkedin, facebook, recruitingblogs, twitter, etc.). It has been challenging to make a business case to the management of my company for this activity. I'm very interested in hearing from folks who have made this…
Added by Kristin Menefee on June 17, 2008 at 2:42pm —