Recruiting Blogs (24,178)

Top 5 Reasons for A Sudden Fall in Your Website Traffic

In this digital world, for many organizations, relevant website traffic is an essential part of their business. Organizations believe that the more applicable website traffic they have, the more opportunities they have to make their brand known. Therefore, a steep and sudden drop in site traffic ultimately affects the growth of the organization. There might be different possibilities for why your website traffic has been declining. …


Added by Rchilli Parser on October 6, 2020 at 2:21pm — No Comments

The Truth Behind Construction and Engineering’s Lack of Women

Evidence of a gender imbalance in the UK construction industry should come as no surprise to anyone. Even though the misconception of men dominating the STEM subjects can be disproved through a quick Google search (female students outperform male students), the same articles suggest there are continual obstructions to women participating in subsequent industries.

According to reports, sexism, a lack of role models, and anxiety over career progression prevent women from pursuing a…


Added by Caitlin Purvis on October 6, 2020 at 11:01am — No Comments

How to source on the lesser known sites!!Catchar!!

Catchar Welcome to the world's largest AR hub and community where you can share,

promote and discover best AR/MR  projects, work with other creators and get hired.

Catchar is a little-known site and few have tried to source in it. Well to do this without worry you

need go no further than into your bag of tricks and pull…


Added by Dean Da Costa on October 5, 2020 at 3:00pm — No Comments

The Right Way to Leave a Job

A 2018 Deloitte Survey which analysed 10,455 millennials, born between 1983 and 1994, from 36 countries across the globe, found that 43 per cent of people didn’t plan to stay in their job beyond the two-year mark — the ‘job-hopping’ generation. Furthermore, only 28 per cent of the people included in the survey expected to stay in their job more than the recommended five years. This pattern of behaviour was shown to be stronger in 2019, when a millennial manager survey found that 75 per cent…


Added by Caitlin Purvis on October 5, 2020 at 12:03pm — No Comments

Sustainability – An Employer Must in 2020

Back in 2015, representatives from nations all around the world met to sign an initiative that would help combat the damaging effects of climate change.

This very first globally collective effort in terms of reducing greenhouse emissions, to which 179 countries have formally agreed their commitment, focusses on limiting the rise in global temperature increases by two degrees above…


Added by Caitlin Purvis on October 5, 2020 at 11:30am — No Comments

Is My Job One of the UK’s Most Dangerous?

Most of us work in comfortable 9–5 office jobs where the biggest risk to our health is spilling hot coffee on our lap or getting a papercut. Although all jobs have their own sort of stress, there are some that can risk workers lives.

The International Labour Office (ILO) estimates that there are around 2.3 million workplace fatalities and 340 million injuries every year — that’s 6,300 deaths every day. Here, we take a look at the world’s most dangerous jobs in the UK.



Added by Caitlin Purvis on October 5, 2020 at 10:51am — No Comments

Tackling Gender Inequality in Career Paths

Young people should be able to do anything they set their heart on, regardless of their gender. With that we’ve focused this article on gender equality in the workplace, and how we can debunk the tired stereotypes that have been holding us back.

Do we attach genders to jobs?

Often, people have been held back in certain fields due to unfair gender bias. Not only do we assign gender roles to people within our society, but we also stereotype jobs with these same set of arbitrary…


Added by Caitlin Purvis on October 5, 2020 at 9:19am — No Comments

Why it Isn’t Too Late to Start an Apprenticeship After 30

There’s never a wrong time to learn a new skill or trade. If you feel like you’re stuck in a job or career which isn’t right or you, change it. Many people can fall into a trap of thinking they must stick to their first choice which they made at school. It may be daunting to challenge this idea and change your career. Embarking on an adult apprenticeship may seem daunting and like a huge risk. You may have questions such as will it work out? Or, what if I’m not good enough and can’t find a…


Added by Caitlin Purvis on October 5, 2020 at 9:08am — No Comments

Inspiring the Next Engineers: Building Beneath the Waves

Inspiring the Next Engineers: Building Beneath the Waves

One of the most difficult questions we are ever asked is what career we would like to pursue. Where do we see ourselves in five years’ time? For those of us who do have an answer, there are a whole spectrum of routes available to us. For example, you may dream of becoming an engineer, but in what speciality?

There may even be routes you hadn’t thought of before. So, whether you have your mind set on becoming an…


Added by Caitlin Purvis on October 5, 2020 at 8:30am — No Comments

Using Social Media to Enhance Your Career Prospects

Social media has been a world-changing phenomenon. Before Facebook’s founding in 2004 there was the likes of Bebo, Faceparty, and MySpace. However, the last 10 years have seen a huge spike in both users of social media and reasons for using it. In 2019, there were 3.486 billion active users on social media, equating to nearly half of the entire population having a social media presence. This was up by nine per cent since January 2018. But, with a lot of the world currently on lockdown due to…


Added by Caitlin Purvis on October 5, 2020 at 7:00am — No Comments

Top HR Jobs to Consider for the Future

The COVID-19 crisis has altered the course of every industry.

The pandemic has led to the shifting of work across every sector; reshuffling of priorities brought upon us by the adoption of AI, automation, digitalization, eLearning, and remote workflows. Predictions of what jobs will be most likely in demand in the future have shifted, with new and emerging new roles.

The HR industry has already been on the road leading to the future of work for a while now. Meanwhile, in the…


Added by Lucia Adams on October 5, 2020 at 5:50am — No Comments

Getinsta, The Best Tool To Get Instagram Followers And Good Stuff

Electronic media is the best way to deal with realization, the explanation of which is that people need to get a steadily growing number of followers so that they can share their abilities, gifts, and data from all over the country. The best test that all YouTube experts, gamers, and artisans, including the Instagram account, face is that they don’t get the principle on Instagram. Indeed, against the backdrop of being locked up by online media, they end up with some free Instagram…


Added by Alice Thomas on October 4, 2020 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Dream Theory From The Perspective of Islam

What Significance Do Dreams Have In Islam and What Do They Mean? - The Muslim Vibe

Regarding the psychological aspect of dream interpretation and the deep effect on mental and physical health, it's vital for health care providers to become acquainted with dream theory from the Islamic perspective. It is important that medical staff be well aware of the meaning of dreams for patients and other family members. They must explain the significance of dreams to patients and other family…


Added by Alice Thomas on October 4, 2020 at 1:00am — No Comments

Where are all the Female CEOs? - Women in Business

On the 8th March, we celebrated International Women’s Week, which focuses on forging a gender-equal world, celebrating women’s successes, and raising awareness of historic and present bias. There’s a lot of discussion around women in the workplace and underrepresentation in industry — 5% of U.S. ownership in the tech industry is women, and only 2.9% of black women study STEM-related bachelor’s degrees across the world.

This begs the question, what about women in…


Added by Caitlin Purvis on October 2, 2020 at 12:00pm — No Comments

The Benefits Of Videos In E-Learning

With the arrival of e-learning, long gone are the times when learners used to prepare themselves for endless PowerPoint slideshows and were expected to gulp down dozens of hefty files in one go. E-learning is now on the rise and is introducing various mediums that will enrich and enhance the educational experience. Of all the interactional and…


Added by David Simmons on October 2, 2020 at 8:14am — No Comments

Recruitment management: 4 ways that will lead you to become a recruitment ninja

George is senior recruiter in an IT firm, and he wants to become recruitment ninja.  

His job is to design and implement recruitment strategies to get the best talent for his company.  

By looking at the highly…


Added by Pankaj Deshmukh on October 1, 2020 at 9:16am — No Comments

5 Reasons HR Should Be 'More Involved' in Cybersecurity

Research shows that employees are often the reason for the success of cyberattacks on a company. Learn how building a cybersecurity culture and engaging HR can solve this problem.

In the digital age, everything is changing: everyday…


Added by Betty Lockwood on September 30, 2020 at 6:00am — No Comments

Sustainable Jobs: What Opportunities Are There for Graduates?

As society places a greater emphasis on the social responsibility, we have to protect the environment and prevent climate change. As such, more and more of us are looking for careers in sustainable roles. Finding a job that is ideal for you after walking out of university is no easy task, let alone one that is eco-friendly. For the generations before us, signing the first job contract they see regardless of their ethical stance and personal opinions was a regular…


Added by Caitlin Purvis on September 29, 2020 at 11:02am — No Comments

The Need for More Diversity in Trade Roles

The Need for More Diversity in Trade Roles

It’s fair to say that society has changed a lot in the last 35 years. In particular, there have been huge shifts in attitude when it comes to equality and diversity. Sky News reported on a study from 1984, which showed that 42 per cent of people back then felt men ought to take the role of breadwinner for a family, and women ought to be homemakers. 35 years later, only eight per cent of people still maintained these beliefs.



Added by Caitlin Purvis on September 29, 2020 at 11:00am — No Comments

How to get a career in the Snowsports industry

Have you ever imagined yourself in a job that’s a little bit different from your everyday office gig? Perhaps you’re seeking a change in career and have been looking for something more adventurous? Choosing a career path can be a headache, but the decision doesn’t have to be difficult; your chosen job role may involve an activity or hobby that you already have a passion for. For example, gamers can now enjoy a career in games quality…


Added by Caitlin Purvis on September 29, 2020 at 10:37am — No Comments

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