Recruiting Blogs (24,299)

Top 10 MBA Function Preferences

Second-year MBA student registration is closed for most of our partner programs, and today, more than 10,000 graduating MBA students from 60+ of the world's top-ranked graduate business schools have uploaded their resumes and created career profiles with MBA Focus

We already know…


Added by Ryan Pratt on October 17, 2011 at 4:41pm — No Comments

Top 10 MBA Industry Preferences

Second-year MBA student registration is closed for most of our partner programs, and today, more than 10,000 graduating MBA students from 60+ of the world's top-ranked graduate business schools have uploaded their resumes and created career profiles with MBA Focus.

This year's graduating class of MBA2s are the future business…


Added by Ryan Pratt on October 17, 2011 at 4:40pm — No Comments

Are You Unforgettable?

un·for·get·ta·ble  adj. -Earning a permanent place in the memory; memorable

Years ago I read a great cartoon that showed a dog owner talking to his dog. The cartoon was about what the owner was saying to the dog and what the dog actually heard. The dog had just made a mess of the owner’s kitchen and the owner is letting the dog have it. “Rover, how many time have I told you? The kitchen is not…


Added by Nick Tubach on October 17, 2011 at 3:30pm — No Comments


Hi Everyone-

Quite a few of you have asked for the Resignation Package.  Here it is.  As Lisa said, Jeff Skerteny (sp) is responsible for most of it:




 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --

  Give notice  as soon as you sign the offer.…


Added by Bill Schultz on October 17, 2011 at 2:00pm — 4 Comments

Why My Staffing Firm is Kicking Your Butt


Last week several people from our staffing firm attended the American Staffing Association conference in New Orleans. As the owner of both a staffing firm (Dawson Resources) and a video technology firm (TalentRooster) I was able to observe from a unique angle.  Our staffing firm is based in Ohio, where the economy couldn't be worse, yet our business couldn't be better, which got me thinking....  Clearly I'm no smarter than other owners, so what are we doing better? Following are the…


Added by David DeCapua on October 17, 2011 at 12:00pm — 13 Comments

Personal Touch of Finding a Job

Author: Chris Washa

In today’s day and age of technology, the personal touch of finding a job has somehow been lost. Applying for a job on-line can be long, intrusive, and down-right frustrating. The cyber black hole of the internet and on-line applications has taken the job market away from what is most important, the human interaction. 

No longer are you solely evaluated by your skills, experience,…


Added by Kara Stringer on October 17, 2011 at 11:16am — No Comments

Social and Mobile Recruitment continues to dominate the headlines: Grandma's Chicken Soup #36

I missed last week's Grandma's Chicken Soup due to the fact that I have a ton of work and had a number of great meetings with clients and prospects.  Something had to give.  I have gained a tremendous amount of respect for my colleagues who can blog on a regular basis and keep a day job. 

That being said, there is a lot of action occurring in the talent acquisition/recruiting space right…


Added by Scott Ryan on October 17, 2011 at 10:51am — No Comments

Age Discrimination Claims on the Rise

The tough economy seems to have hit older workers particularly hard, and age discrimination claims are rising as a result.

According to an article, age discrimination claims have hit record levels. Citing Equal Employment Opportunity Commission statistics, the article states that claims have risen…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on October 17, 2011 at 9:37am — 2 Comments

Increasing Your Profits


Two important issues face the staffing industry: price and low market penetration. By increasing how many buyers write checks, both can get better.

Only 18% of companies use staffing and recruiting services each year. That gives you 82% potential to improve the market share of your business. As you get more of that 82% to buy, quote your full fees and rates knowing that you are worth it. This one act alone can bend your profitability in the right direction.

So, keep…


Added by Scott Wintrip on October 17, 2011 at 7:56am — No Comments

HUMAN RESOURCES AND EDUCATIONAL CRISES - Can they be averted by applying an agricultural principle?

Employers and recruiters are challenged to find and attract viable candidates for viable opportunities--now and in the future.  But we are realistic enough to know that it's going to be a tough go--even tougher if we keep going down the same roads from an educational perspective.

I was impressed with Sir Ken Robinson's brief presentation on the subject on TED...for your view and comment.  Going back to an organic agricultural theme in education may be an important option going…


Added by Valentino Martinez on October 16, 2011 at 2:53am — No Comments

Going Hmm versus Nodoubt

Going Hmm versus Nodoubt 

So there seems to be 2 lines of

thinking with regards to what to look for when reviewing a resume. 

Some recruiters, staffing

professionals, and hiring managers look for a nodoubt, sure things, guarantee

hire when they review a resume anything less gets pushed aside.

Others look for the HMM, the maybe,

the worth talking to.

So which approach is the…


Added by Dean Da Costa on October 15, 2011 at 9:52pm — No Comments

Are Ponies Eating Rainbows and Pooping Butterflies at your Company?

Dr. Seuss‘s famous quote should be every employers and recruiters mantra. And with today’s economic uncertainty and general social malaise, we all sure can use a bit of fun and a jolt of performance. So throw out the “Right People, Right Place, Right Time mantra“ that was so 90’s.

Let’s face it as children we all dreamed of having a pony, and if were honest with…


Added by Francois Guay on October 15, 2011 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

Getting Out Cleanly – How to Leave Your Job

If you are leaving a position voluntarily to take something new, there is a right way and a wrong way to leave your current company.  Here are a few tips:

Resign Classy:  See my earlier blog on How to Resign.  Keep it brief.  Don’t say anything negative, and don’t leave the door open for a counter offer – you’ve made…


Added by Mark Bregman on October 14, 2011 at 2:52pm — 2 Comments

There is No Talent War - Just Poor Employers

Are you tired of hearing the constant whining and gyrations from so-called experts about the impending or never-ending talent wars? I am, because it’s not true, there are no talent wars just Poor employers.


These employers cannot for the life of them attract good talent because the candidates who are applying to these companies are too well-educated to the…


Added by Francois Guay on October 14, 2011 at 2:46pm — 16 Comments

Counter-Offers, And Why They Are Baaad, Very Bad!

Recently, a candidate approached me to help him find a new job. The company that he was currently working for was cutting back his responsibility level and his take-home pay was dwindling. The candidate, “Bob”, knew that the company was in bad financial health.

I liked Bob. Thought he was a great candidate to market. So, I worked on his resume, tweaking it to perfection. Coached him on…


Added by SeSee Munson on October 14, 2011 at 12:59pm — 40 Comments

A world with no recruiters...


My other half is a vocal guy. He will not keep quiet when there is something out there he disagrees with. Unfortunately, he does not believe recruitment is a valid career choice. He teases me about being in the recruitment industry quite often and this has not let up since I stopped being an actual on the ground recruiter and moved to the marketing and business development side of our business.


I have heard him say it so many times that I now have the argument pretty…


Added by Samantha Lacey on October 14, 2011 at 11:19am — 4 Comments

5 Best Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 10.8.11 to 10.14.11

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. This week we’ll be talking about optimizing social media profiles for SEO, mobile in HR, the HR Technology conference, analytics in HR and a great interview with General Mills for recruiting.


Here are the articles our that interested us this…


Added by Chris Brablc on October 14, 2011 at 10:21am — No Comments

Hiring for Grit vs Pedigree...

Today I had the chance to do one of my favorite things…go to the other end of the hiring specturm and provide a reference for a former employee named Melissa whom I truly admire and believe in.

During the conversation with the hiring manager, who was the president and co-founder of a small company making a significant investment in this applicant, he said something that struck me as worth sharing.

He said that out of the over 100 resumes he had viewed, there were plenty…


Added by Jeff Baumgarten on October 14, 2011 at 8:00am — 4 Comments

There’s not enough talk about #SocialRecruiting. #TruSanFranEdit

I want to start this post by stating that this is not a rant, nor is it a criticism of internet radio show #HRHappyHour or career community Brazen Careerist’s recently announced Social Recruiting bootcamp.It is however, these two events that have triggered my thinking.

I was listening in to Steve Boese’s excellent guests Susan Strayer and Ryan Healey, and…


Added by Bill Boorman on October 13, 2011 at 11:59pm — 7 Comments

From hero to zero


The boss came in to work today a bit glum. Yesterday, he lost  bit of money on a horse that had won it’s last 3 races but had unexpectedly come last. Based on its previous runs, the horse was expected to win comfortably but had been well beaten. The boss had all sorts of theories as to why the sudden change in form - change of jockey, a longer distance, harder ground and even a conspiracy theory to do with a rogue bookie. The conversation extended to discuss sport’s stars that…


Added by Luke Collard on October 13, 2011 at 6:15pm — 6 Comments

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