The Obama administration will face an uphill battle delivering its promises on job growth. Replacing the 7.2 million jobs lost since 2007, will not be an easy task.
This battle becomes more complicated especially when the administration members take counterproductive measures, such as those taken by Lisa Jackson, chief of the Environmental Protective Agency. Jackson outlined a set of new smog reduction rules which will place a burden of $90 billion on private job… Continue
Added by Saleem Qureshi on January 12, 2010 at 6:00pm —
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Bond Adapt’s Web Services is an all in one solution designed to allow your clients, candidates and employees to view and update key information through your website. Bond’s online modules allow you to quickly post your jobs to your website. Candidates can register and apply for jobs. Employees can enter time and update availability. Hiring managers can approve time, enter jobs and search for candidates.
Adapt’s web services will add real time functionality to your website and empower… Continue
Added by Holly Pellum on January 12, 2010 at 4:20pm —
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I was right in the middle of an interview, explaining in detail the job description, work environment, and company culture to the candidate. On paper this applicant looked like an ideal match, and after the usual grueling question and answer sessions this one really seemed promising. At her surprising request I… Continue
Happy New Year!
I am sorry that it has taken me until the 12th to write an update and as you sit with bated breath, No, its not because I have been on paternity leave!
As everyone is constantly asking; Joanne is good, a little tired and very much looking forward to having the baby. She has really enjoyed the pregnancy and I am sure will miss being pregnant, but is very excited about the arrival and finding our whether we have a son or… Continue
Added by Jonny Hiles on January 12, 2010 at 11:41am —
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A few weeks ago I put out a request: what would you want to see from job boards in 2010? Quite a few of you responded – so here are your comments and ideas:
1. Better crafted job posts: This is in fact something that a job board can’t produce, as it’s the responsibility of the employer. Such a small thing – and yet most employers and recruiters still fail to post engaging, succinct, and informative job ads. Let’s put it this way – if you don’t write a great job ad, someone… Continue
OK maybe it's just a great excuse to play a U2 song. I had this idea about a post the other day, but let the idea fall from my head, with the amount of noise happening in my life at the moment. However, as fate would have it, I had to run (OK drive) up to the shops tonight for some milk, and guess what came on the radio? Tick! This song.
What does this have to do with what I normally blog about? Recruiting.
I got tired of the slow servers on blogtalk radio so I created my own version with all your favorite recruiters shows. Its called Recruiter Radio, powered by the Ning platform. Think of it as a "dashboard" for all the popular shows targeted towards recruiters and HR folks.
Hopefully I added all of the shows that are currently… Continue
Added by Chris Russell on January 12, 2010 at 8:30am —
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Thinking about how people make hiring decision, specifically why people choose different methods of hiring. I wanted to link it to a decision people make every day. From here on you will have bear with me as I stretch an analogy beyond all recognition.
Essentially, I believe the decision to hire is very similar to choosing what to do when you get hungry!
As an organisation becomes hungry i.e. it needs more people or to recruit as we call it in the industry, it is broadly… Continue
We’re all drinking from the fire hose of hype surrounding Twitter, so imagine my surprise at a recent user conference when a presenter asked how… Continue
As cited in The Wall Street Journal, ExecuNet’s Recruiter Confidence Index indicates recruiters are bullish on the outlook for executive-level job hunters in 2010. Mark Anderson, ExecuNet President, interprets the data: read more
Added by Laura Magnuson on January 11, 2010 at 3:22pm —
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Apparently The Sony Corporation played this mind-boggling video at their
executive Conference this year. It really demonstrates how technology is advancing and how we are truly shifting to a global economy. Check it out at:
I am one of those people who likes technology, but don’t understand it very well. It is a little over whelming and scary to me but a little more exciting. I… Continue
Added by Corey Harlock on January 11, 2010 at 3:12pm —
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I'd like to think yes, but after viewing the most recent December Job Report, I'm not quite so sure. In the United States we had 85,000 new people file for unemployment benefits this last month. My concern for the economy and our reported… Continue
In the seasonal world, the turn of the calendar from December to January acts as the green light of a NASCAR race. Everyone truly interested in working summer jobs in great places gets on-line and starts applying. As employers, it's both a wonderful time and a stressful time as your in-box just tripled in size. I say embrace it and work the applications to the best of your…
I suppose this goes without saying, but when in a job search don't put all your eggs in one basket. Early in my search for an IT Staffing Recruiter position, I made the mistake of limiting my activity. I was talking and meeting with five firms, two of which were aggressively pursuing me. I let two new opportunities slip under my radar because things seemed to be going well enough that I expected to get an offer from one of the five firms.
And then the holidays came. Three of the five… Continue
It cannot be avoided. It is the new year and talk of resolutions will abound. However, rather than blog about new year's resolutions in December when people are speaking of future commitments or January 1st when we are still buzzing with excitement that we survived another calendar year. I waited a week out when the cloud has been lifted and the high has worn off. Since it usually only takes about a week for most people to start breaking their resolutions, I felt that… Continue
Added by Pedro S. Silva II on January 11, 2010 at 11:11am —
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