Recruiting Blogs (24,185)

Technology sheet-use in job interview to get that medical sales job!

Sometimes candidates with degrees in the sciences find that they have a lot more information that the employer might want to know about them that just won’t fit in the traditional resume format. To combat that issue and give yourself an interview edge, consider building a “Technology Sheet” - this is a one-page, column-formated accounting of all of the technologies that you are familiar with…some candidates actually rate their expertise with each (1 to 10).

It not always necessary to… Continue

Added by Peggy McKee on October 20, 2008 at 1:47pm — No Comments

Web 2.0 and Social Networkng - a tech perspective

With all the talk on recruiting forums and blogs about Web 2.0, here's a tech look at Social Networking...

"Imagine being able to have an enterprise form that had all relevant transaction data complete with real-time updates from Twitter, Facebook or any other social networking app regarding conversations with the customer? Or being able to see who cross-shopped and then purchased a customized product and what they had been promised in terms of delivery date? This is… Continue

Added by Steve Levy on October 20, 2008 at 12:50pm — 4 Comments

Do Interviewers Disagree?

Take a look at these judgements of the third presidential debate.

McCain looked and sounded like a man who is floundering and doesn't know what to do about it. -- Editorial, The Age (Australia)

In my mind McCain won the last debate by some margin --…

Added by Recruiting Animal on October 20, 2008 at 12:16pm — 1 Comment

Online Learning Works for Corporate Training

Online training has a number of benefits for companies who deal with the challenges of providing effective training to their employees on an ongoing basis. Delivering high-quality, consistent training classes and programs to diverse populations of employees via traditional learning methods can be very challenging for a number of reasons.

Challenges of Traditional Training in Corporate SettingsScheduling time for a number of employees to attend instructor-lead training sessions at a… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on October 20, 2008 at 10:00am — No Comments

Social Forums - Recruiting (How To)

Last week I went through a rash of bashing related to Recruiters' over-use of the Social Networks like LinkedIn, Ning, Facebook, etc... This week I'm going in a different direction. I am going to recommend and discuss some effective alternatives to big board recruiting that you may or may not have been utilizing yet, but that I find to be very helpful.

The topic for today is...FORUMS!!! (social forums)

Let me preface this by saying I am absolutely not (in NO way)… Continue

Added by Kent Sims on October 20, 2008 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

International Bi-Lingual Sr. Recruiters

Hello All,

Are any of you currently seeking this hard-to-find talent? A few friends of mine whom I have had the pleasure of working with for many years and who just happen to have over 20 years of experience in international corporate staffing, and who just happen to be bilingual in German and English, are currently keeping their options open.

Please let me know if your organization is currently seeking this type of talent and I will gladly forward them your contact… Continue

Added by Hans Guiscardo on October 20, 2008 at 9:01am — No Comments

LinkedIn and Web 2.0 Still Need Networking 1.0

It's LinkedIn week here in Cincy Recruiter's world, and I'll be speaking to three different groups this week about using LinkedIn. The first presentation will be to a group of job seekers who are participating in a 10-week Job Search series sponsored by a community group, the second at a local Chamber of Commerce to business owners and professionals, and the third to a group of senior executives in career transition working with an outplacement firm.

As a LinkedIn fan and avid user… Continue

Added by Jennifer McClure on October 20, 2008 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

October 20, 2008

In this week's member showcase Dave introduces us to Mike O'Brien. Mike is the man behind...well, the title says it all: Meet Mike O'Brien, CEO of

And here is this week's round-up of last weeks blogs: That was the week that was...

Happy Monday!… Continue

Added by Amitai Givertz on October 20, 2008 at 7:05am — No Comments

One a day- for Recruiters – Complete multivitamin plus more for Recruiters*?

Just imagine how simple it would be; one pill a day and everything is just great!

This pill would give you all the energy and insights to handle everything about

recruiting during the day. Wouldn’t it be great if we could go shopping for a

bottle of One a day- for Recruiters?

Since there’s no such bottle, what do you do to supplement your recruiting health?

What I mean by this is, how do you maintain the competitive edge during this

uncertain economic time?… Continue

Added by Sally Raade on October 19, 2008 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Phoenix Arizona Job Networking

Another organization that helps job seekers in the Greater Phoenix AZ area is called AZ Boomerz. From their site: The Phoenix area alone has the largest population of former CEO's and Executive Board Members in the country These capable, competent leaders want to make a difference, and we are dedicated to reaching them, and thousands of other talented Boomers and to help communities and… Continue

Added by Bill Austin on October 19, 2008 at 3:44pm — 1 Comment

Be the Deliberate Creator of Your Life

1. Commit to building a "prosperity" mindset

2. Adopt the beliefs of success

3. Be clear on what you want

4. Clear away any opposing beliefs

5. Take inspired action not frantic action

When you are proactive, you don't focus on what the economy or the market is doing, you are coming from an internal state of prosperity consciousness. You don't look to outer conditions to determine your state of mind, you determine your own… Continue

Added by Maureen Sharib on October 19, 2008 at 9:10am — No Comments

Recruiting (Sourcing?) Ads That Get Attention

"Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness. Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success." Not much of a sell job is it? Nevertheless, when this ad was run by the polar explorer, Ernest Shackelton, men started walking across England to get to him. More than 5,000 applied.


Need telephone names sourcing to fill your hard-to-fill positions? Call the… Continue

Added by Maureen Sharib on October 19, 2008 at 8:30am — No Comments


Added by dAMIEN aRCHULETA on October 19, 2008 at 6:06am — 1 Comment

Digging Into v1.22

India Day 14

I can hardly believe that I’ve been on the road in India for two weeks. This place is huge and my travels have included thousands of miles of bumpy roads. From Delhi to Lumbini, Nepal, down to Bodhgaya, back to a more cosmopolitan Delhi and ultimately to Dharamshala.


Grass huts and cell phones. Extreme poverty and extreme wealth. Demonstrated diversity everywhere you look. Prudishness and a lack of privacy. Televisions in every hut and roads… Continue

Added by John Sumser on October 18, 2008 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Digging Into v1.22

India Day 14

I can hardly believe that I’ve been on the road in India for two weeks. This place is huge and my travels have included thousands of miles of bumpy roads. From Delhi to Lumbini, Nepal, down to Bodhgaya, back to a more cosmopolitan Delhi and ultimately to Dharamshala.


Grass huts and cell phones. Extreme poverty and extreme wealth. Demonstrated diversity everywhere you look. Prudishness and a lack of privacy. Televisions in every hut and roads… Continue

Added by John Sumser on October 18, 2008 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Layoffs are good?

I bumped into a friend of mine, a fellow recruiter that got laid off. He looked great. 10 years younger and chipper as I had ever seen him before. I asked him he why he was in such great spirits, he got let go from a good job, has two kids, a stay home wife and a mortgage. Why is he acting like he won the lottery?

He wasn't expecting to be let go. It just happened. A life changing moment he explained. The economy sucked, companies were downsizing, and given a two month severance, my… Continue

Added by Michael Glenn on October 18, 2008 at 12:19am — No Comments

A CFO Survey: Payroll Cuts Are Imminent

"More than half of the CFOs participating in a recent survey (56 percent)say that they expect the credit crisis to force them to cut payroll in the coming year. Further, 57 percent anticipate slashing operating costs by more than 5 percent, while 50 percent say they predict a decline in company revenues."

[The survey — which polled more than 100 executives who attended CFO magazine's CFO Rising West conference in Las Vegas this week — included reaction from chief financial… Continue

Added by Steve Levy on October 17, 2008 at 6:14pm — No Comments

Who knows a good Researcher?

I have a very specific Director of Sales/Marketing postion and I need a researcher to identify candidates at competing companies.

Does any one know of a good, reasonably priced ($50/hr) researcher?

Don Levine

Added by SharpDon on October 17, 2008 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

LinkedIn, Twitter, Social Networking - RECRUITING is SPAM

There is a situation brewing in the world of Social Networks and Recruiting today that I believe is becoming a real problem. I've been in the Recruiting Business about 8 years. I know...I know...I'm not the "seasoned veteran" like some of you 20+ years veterans, but I think I've cut my teeth pretty well and have a good feeling for what is happening in the industry.

I've heard all the rage about LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Ning, etc... and I've heard people for YEARS telling… Continue

Added by Kent Sims on October 17, 2008 at 3:30pm — 12 Comments

Banished!! A Few Words That Should Be Eradicated From Resumes... and Society In General

Are there any words in the English language that bother you simply for the way they sound as they roll off your tongue? The positioning of your lips as you pronounce the word? Am I the only one irritated by this type of thing?

Take, for example, the word "pudding." Although I don't think that the word pudding (or the DESSERT pudding) should be eradicated, it certainly is a strange word to say. You just have to watch the person's mouth who says the word..... "pu... dding".… Continue

Added by Nancy Ford on October 17, 2008 at 3:03pm — 1 Comment

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