Recruiting Blogs (24,314)

What Exactly Is a ‘Military-Friendly’ School?

Tons of schools and colleges across the United States claim to be military-friendly institutions. Some do a fantastic job of advertising this while others go out of their way to recruit veterans because let’s face it, it sure does wonders for your reputation as an institution.

But how can one really tell whether a school is truly military-friendly? Is it by the number of adverts they have about how military-friendly they are? Or should you go by how great their slogan is?



Added by Frida Cooper on June 5, 2015 at 10:35am — No Comments

WhatsApp Group Chat – What do you look for in a Recruiter or Sourcer when hiring?

A Recruiters profile is quite demanding and those of you who practice it will agree. Just like any other job profile so also a Recruiter or Sourcers job too requires a set of skills if a company is sure to prosper. But how many of us actually stop to map out what kind of a candidate we are looking for? Having said that, this week’s chat was about, “What do you look for in a Recruiter or Sourcer when hiring? And here’s what was discussed amongst the 6 Chat groups namely Bangalore, Chennai,…


Added by Sourcing Adda on June 5, 2015 at 3:02am — No Comments

Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Added by Nicholas Meyler on June 5, 2015 at 12:48am — No Comments

How to source on the lesser known sites!!

How to source on the lesser known sites!! is a professional network built for developers and tech folks. is not well known in

the community and few have tried to source in it. Well to do this without worry…


Added by Dean Da Costa on June 4, 2015 at 7:45pm — No Comments

What candidates say vs. what they mean

When it comes to job interviews, recruiters often find themselves in the fantastical realm of fiction. There's something about the tension of the situation and the acute need to impress that turns people into elaborate story-tellers, full of exaggerations and inflated claims.

In fact, a whopping 81% of people lie during job interviews. Yes, those digits are the right way around...81%! For…


Added by Roxanne Abercrombie on June 4, 2015 at 11:23am — 6 Comments

The real reason they rejected or quit the job

When was the last time you calculated a candidate’s potential commute? Or asked what their ideal time would be? For the majority of recruiters, time is ignored in favour of distance. But what does a mile mean anyway? It could be one hour in gridlock traffic or 5 minutes on a motorway.  It’s dependent on the congestion of the area, mode of transport, time of travel,…


Added by Louisa Bainbridge on June 4, 2015 at 10:31am — 1 Comment

Your Candidates Are Lying!

Everybody’s party to a little embellishing or the occasional white lie, but when stretching the truth becomes outright lying for a role, then a recruiter needs to pull their candidate up before their client does.

With pressure to stand out from the crowd, some candidates feel the need to pad out their CV’s, sugar-coat the truth, and sometimes even make up…


Added by Calum Morrison on June 4, 2015 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

How to Deal with Resentment on Performance Appraisal

Admittedly, immediate supervisors and the Human Resources department have it tough during performance appraisals. There are bound to be employees who feel embittered and discriminated at not being promoted, not being offered salary increments, or their job purviews not being enhanced. Indeed, it’s difficult to…

Added by Avika Shah on June 3, 2015 at 1:13pm — 1 Comment

The Candidate Experience

What is the candidate experience, really, and why should we be so concerned with it?  With the recent improvements in the job market, good candidates have multiple positions to choose from.  As an employer, you need to compete for the best hires.  The way to compete is to make the candidate feel valued and excited from the beginning of the recruiting process.

Is it easy to apply for a job in your organization?  If your application is long and asks for a lot of background information,…


Added by Leanne Goplen Zabriskie on June 3, 2015 at 11:43am — 1 Comment

Training – the key to recruitment success

The Industry

Recruitment is an exciting and fast-paced industry and one of the fastest growing sectors in the UK. Industry revenues have surpassed their pre-crisis peak and are now in excess of £29bn per annum.

Competition is fierce in the recruitment industry – the market is undoubtedly crowded, yet it can be surprisingly easy to stand out and…


Added by Investigo Ltd on June 3, 2015 at 9:46am — No Comments

Virtual Reality in Recruitment: Could this be a game changer?

So far in 2015, the tech topic on the tip of everybody’s tongue has been virtual reality (VR) and the potential applications it might have. As always with the release of any technology, some believe VR could be a worldwide game-changer and some think it’ll be a bit of a damp squib. We won’t know the answer for a while, but with forecasts that the VR market…


Added by Austin Fraser Ltd on June 3, 2015 at 8:29am — No Comments

Leader OR Manager !

Is good manager a good leader or vice versa? What is really the difference, while we all have spent much time in the corporate World, crossed paths with many managers and leaders (Good and Bad ones….u bet!) at different point of our lives. But do we know to differentiate them from each other in the first place?

A manager can be made, groomed, he can definitely adapt characteristics of a good leader, be a mentor too, But that will not make him a ‘Leader’ which will make him a Good…


Added by Shalaka Katdare on June 3, 2015 at 8:11am — No Comments

Talent Acquisition & Sourcing Conclave – Top Tweets

If you’re on Twitter and you’re a regular Tweeter then you’re familiar with Tweeting. Given the amount of people who tweet regularly we decided to host a Tweet Contest at The Talent Acquisition & Sourcing Conclave to make the entire experience fun. But what is a contest without rules and regulations? Hence the audience, participants and speakers were given clear cut instructions about the Contest such as…

  • The individual with the maximum number of Tweets
  • The most…

Added by Sourcing Adda on June 3, 2015 at 2:44am — No Comments

How To Interview Salespeople

In my previous post, I discussed why an interview rubric helps you make better hiring decisions for salespeople. How you structure your interview is shaped by other factors, including the job’s role, your product industry and your company’s stage.

To bridge the gap between…


Added by Jordan Wan on June 2, 2015 at 1:27pm — No Comments

6 WAYS to Develop a Mentorship-Style Training Program

Our recent article, “6 Reasons to Develop a Mentorship-Style Training Program” examines the various benefits for employers and employees to create an effective training program designed for mentors and mentees. Employers…


Added by Sean Pomeroy on June 2, 2015 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

When a Recruiter Should Say No!

Sometimes going the extra mile to take that bit of business you had reservations about can do more damage than it’s worth.

Gut instinct is a powerful line of defence for recruiters, and one they should listen to, but sometimes recruiters are cornered into taking on a client or candidate against their better judgement.

Major clients are hard…


Added by Calum Morrison on June 2, 2015 at 5:44am — No Comments

Gender Divide in the Recruitment Process

While there are many employers who pride themselves on having a recruitment process free from discrimination, but gender bias can affect the recruitment process in subtle ways, and unintentional stereotypes affect everyone. A recent…


Added by Ron Stewart on June 2, 2015 at 3:41am — 1 Comment

15 Reasons Why Recruiters Are Sad (Vol. 2)

Just for fun :)

#1 Because they don't get a proper job description

#2 Because they don't get a proper job description even when they ask…


Added by Mirka Biel on June 1, 2015 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Recruiting the Best IT Help in Today's Technological World

Recruiting for IT assistance is hardest when you're first building your IT team and you don't yet have any experienced IT professionals on staff.

The challenges are myriad, but they can be overcome by progressing along your recruitment journey in an organized, savvy way.

Here are the steps to recruiting for top IT talent using your existing recruiting…


Added by Dave on May 29, 2015 at 10:00pm — No Comments

The benefits of employee referral programs

Employee referral programs encourage a company’s employees and contacts to source potential candidates for vacancies from their own networks usually in exchange for rewards or compensation.

Candidates hired through referral programs are considered to be better performers as they tend to be pre-qualified by the referrer and better suited for specific jobs. On top of…


Added by Investigo Ltd on May 29, 2015 at 7:54am — No Comments

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