Recruiting Blogs (24,178)

Research: The Ragan Way

I am generally speaking, a pretty perceptive person. I tend to trust my instincts moreso than statistics or the like. I remember when I was in the 8th grade, my science fair project was unlike anything anyone else did. One reason was that I hated science and thought that logic was overrated. The other was that I was a weird kid. My science fair project was to determine if Extra Sensory Perception is more prevalent in twins than other siblings.



Added by Ragan Kellams on June 21, 2007 at 4:53pm — 1 Comment - Another Give Away

In this here post, I am going to try to kill two birds with one stone.

Bird #1 -

ZoomInfo has given me a few 6 month full access packages to their system that I can give away

Bird #2

A link drive would be nice.

The Stone

If you would be kind enough to add to your blog or website, I will add you to… Continue

Added by Slouch on June 21, 2007 at 3:26pm — 8 Comments

Top 10 Things Most Likely to be Overheard at SHRM 2007 in Las Vegas.

In preparation for SHRM 2007 in Las Vegas, I asked bunch of clients and industry contacts to share what they thought was most likely to be overheard at the conference.

And the winners are...

10. Is that Cheezhead or a Philip Seymour Hoffman look alike?

9. HR Generalist 1: My boss thinks I'm here to get a new certification but really I'm networking for a new job.

9. HR…


Added by mattmartone on June 21, 2007 at 12:11pm — 1 Comment

Quote for the Day: Thursday, June 21th, 2007

On the brain drain...

It's a fools bargain. Foreign or younger workers cannot replace what the older workers contribute in the way of institutional memory, long-term relationships and applied creativity. The company loses both the knowledge capital… Continue

Added by Amitai Givertz on June 21, 2007 at 7:00am — No Comments

Top 3 Reasons Gen Y Will Avoid the Corporate Giants

Ryan Healy's a voice of being heard among the twenty-somethings and his blog is called Employee Evolution.

I've only read one post and I like this guy already.

I found him at …

Added by Dennis Smith on June 20, 2007 at 5:08pm — No Comments

Pardon me...

Why do I hear recruiters say that it is an intrusion to call a candidate who isn’t actively looking? I’m tired of it. It isn’t an intrusion unless you are rude about the way you present yourself. It is FLATTERY!! I love receiving a call from someone trying to recruit me because they either found me to be in the top 10% of my field, or someone else thought enough of me to pass my name and number along because I’m all…


Added by Michelle Stair on June 20, 2007 at 1:58pm — 4 Comments - a website worth checking out ...

Recruiter's are always on the prowl for great internet resources with useful information that allow us to source, scout, attract and hire talent.

I stumbled on Mr. Zillman's website in 2004, and thought his website was pretty cool back then. Today, I am still just as impressed with the amount of information this man freely shares via his website.

One of the cool things you can access freely on his website is The Virtual Private…


Added by Brenda DePas on June 20, 2007 at 1:23pm — No Comments

From the Archives: Tuesday, July 15th, 2003

Top Ten Online Business Networking Tips

"Clarify what you have to give and what you want to gain from your online networking.

Identify your purpose and objectives for joining and participating in an online community. Make sure you are clear about what you have to contribute to the community as well as what you can gain from being part of the community."

Scott Allen,…

Added by Amitai Givertz on June 20, 2007 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Quote for the Day: Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

On Feng Shui and retention best-practice...

"If we had cubicles or even individual offices with walls dividing us, the recruiter may have been able to hire away a valuable member of our team. He failed because in an open office environment it’s awkward to take a call from a recruiter and talk numbers, during work hours. Everyone can hear you.…


Added by Amitai Givertz on June 20, 2007 at 8:35am — No Comments

What does it take to attract a VC to your Company/Idea?

A couple years back I worked with Venture Capitalists in the high tech space. I wrote this article after observing so many companies and people trying their best to attract and secure venture funding for their company or idea.

While this article doesn't address recruiting specifically [my chosen passion] it in a big picture manner of speaking can be very relevant to recruiting.

Where there is money invested, recruiting is sure to…


Added by Brenda DePas on June 19, 2007 at 7:24pm — No Comments

What makes a "great" resume?


On one of my LinkedIn forum groups the question was asked... What makes a great resume? I couldn't resist the opportunity to respond ...

What makes a resume great?…


Added by Brenda DePas on June 19, 2007 at 7:13pm — No Comments

Fashionably Late

So, I have finally arrived, fashionably late as usual. Something I think is tremendously overrated - punctuality. It doesn't matter what time I leave - I am notoriously late. Something else I am really bad about - RSVP'ing to something and changing my mind at the last minute. I'm not sure why, I think my attention span must be shortening...

Added by Ragan Kellams on June 19, 2007 at 12:01pm — No Comments

Quote for the Day: Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

On the future of recruiting technology...

"The hope is that, in not too many years, human brains and computing machines will be coupled together very tightly, and that the resulting partnership will think as no human brain has ever thought and process data in a way not approached by the information-handling machines we know today."

J. C. R. Licklider, Man-Computer…

Added by Amitai Givertz on June 19, 2007 at 9:02am — No Comments


Jason wrote a me a little note on this topic not too long ago, but just in the past week I've been hit twice by well-meaning individuals who I am flattered have gotten some use out of the information on my blog but have neglected to use quotation or post a link back to my blog and the original post(s). Here is the latest example from an ERE group:

...pulled from ERE group SOURCING Tools and Methodologies:(…


Added by Amybeth Hale on June 18, 2007 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

From HR Marketer

...the survey also found that more than half of buyers had visited a blog

and 43 per cent had listened to a podcast. The survey recommended

suppliers increase their visibility to buyers via these methods.

Read the rest here

HRmarketer Blog

It's nice that people are giving this visibility. It's nice to know that the Recruiting… Continue

Added by Slouch on June 18, 2007 at 10:44am — No Comments

Quote for the Day: Monday, June 18th, 2007

On communal blogging and "free speech"...

"Yes, you own your own words. But you also own the tone that you allow on any blog or forum you control. Part of "owning your own words" is owning the effects of your behavior and the editorial voice you foster...Shock radio hosts encourage abusive callers; a mainstream talk radio show like NPR's Talk of the Nation wouldn't hesitate to cut someone off who started spewing…

Added by Amitai Givertz on June 18, 2007 at 7:04am — 2 Comments

International Staffing Perspectives:An De Jonghe, CEO, Ulysses Consulting, Belgium - Fourth In A Series

Fourth In A Series

An De Jonghe is an accomplished recruitment Entrepreneur with 10 years

experience in Human Resources and Information Technology. She Started

her first company at the age of 24 and today serves as CEO and

co-founder of Ulysses Consulting, an executive search firm with an ICT

industry emphasis. Her maiden language being Dutch, she also speaks

fluently in French, English and… Continue

Added by Dave Mendoza on June 18, 2007 at 6:46am — No Comments

From the Archives: Monday, October 31st, 2005

68 Posts

" 'What the hell are you thinking?' Why put in the effort and time and heartache when it [blogging] doesn’t make any money?

Actually the math is pretty simple. I am investing in my network, contributing to my community of practice (in this case my community of practice is people who believe that talent is more valuable than capital) and want to be part of the next…

Added by Amitai Givertz on June 17, 2007 at 7:30am — No Comments

A Review

Richard Becker who says with confidence that the Recruiting Blogosphere is miles ahead of other industry blog like communities wrote something very nice and promising about

Thanks Richard

Added by Slouch on June 16, 2007 at 1:59pm — 1 Comment

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