Recruiting Blogs (24,184)

Eat! You look thin!

Interview training seems to be a topic I'm bumping into with frequency this week; who knows, maybe I need a refresher. I joined and the first discussion I read was on the Candidate Development Group about Best Screening Processes. I posted one of my favorite tools there called the 5&5 -- five questions you ask a candidate during the interview, and five… Continue

Added by Claudia Faust on March 26, 2008 at 8:44am — 1 Comment

Welcome... A big Hi! to all!


Just discovered this wonderful blog for recruiters. Looking forward to interacting with all of you soon!!


Added by Roopa Sharma on March 26, 2008 at 8:38am — No Comments

Google Guide - Are you SEARCHING ?

You may find this tutorial useful for first time researchers; for folks who use "Google" as their primary search engine could see googleguide as a first hand information for searching online.

GoogleGuide gives you an insight into how to use "words", abbreviations and syntax in a simple and right way to do simple searches.

Click here to see where GoogleGuide started?

Here is quick… Continue

Added by Srinivas on March 25, 2008 at 9:00pm — No Comments

STOP Putting "MBA" After Your Name . . . (Unless You're A Clown, Of Course)

Ok, 3-min rant on people that choose to put "MBA" after their names:

You're not impressing anyone.

If it's an issue of insecurity, see a therapist, buy a Corvette, or start working out - just do something other than be so transparent as to put "MBA" after your name.

I had a conversation with a guy (yes, a Clown) a couple weeks ago in which I advised him that it's still a huge business faux-pas to include those 3 letters after your name. To this he commented,… Continue

Added by Joshua Letourneau on March 25, 2008 at 5:23pm — No Comments

Interview questions must go beyond the basics

The goal of an interview isn’t just to get the job as some people might believe. The goal of an interview is to obtain a sufficient understanding of the company, the job (i.e., is this a job I even want?), as well as to provide your potential employer with an understanding of your skills relative to their needs (i.e., is this a good fit for my skills?).

With that goal in mind, the questions you should ask become absolutely essential to achieving this goal. While everyone has their… Continue

Added by Jim Martineau on March 25, 2008 at 3:18pm — No Comments

Connecticut job boards

The CT job market consists of a variety of newspaper sites, one large independent network and of course craigslist.

CTjobs used to be privately owned until a newspaper consortium bought them out. Now the site is just a rehashed listing of print classifieds. Its also rather expensive. which runs 4 regionally specific sites in the state offers:… Continue

Added by Chris Russell on March 25, 2008 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

Are You Like Pygmalion?

First and foremost, let me just say that it’s good to finally get back to work after being home sick since last week Tuesday.

The flu bug definitely bit me hard and although it was a battle of epic proportions (the sickest I’ve been in a LONG time; I was so sick I missed Easter!) I’m proud to say that I claimed victory.

Now that I’m back I want to call attention to something that I think may be spreading across the country these days - - the Pygmalion… Continue

Added by Jeffrey K. Radt on March 25, 2008 at 12:13pm — No Comments

Facebook Recruitment Advertising

While going about my daily search for great entry-level jobs to write about, I came across a Facebook Flyer ad for YardBarker's entry-level jobs. I was impressed that they were using Facebook as a recruitment medium (employers really aren't taking advantage of this yet), but I thing that YardBarker swung and missed on this one. With a few alterations to their ad, they could have come… Continue

Added by Willy Franzen on March 25, 2008 at 9:54am — No Comments

personal comments.....

i feel during an interview it is extremly important for the candidate to get to know the interviewer to allow them to relax throughout the process. letting them to get to know you allows you to get to know more about them in the process. the interview is not just about what is on their resumes as far as experience and education. you should get to know the person. sometimes, in some jobs, it is just as important. you get to know their personality and interests. when people speak about what they… Continue

Added by Recruiterdude on March 25, 2008 at 6:35am — No Comments


Whether these goal are business or personal the fallowing recomendations will help you"

Instead of having many asperations, or goals, narrow them down to at least three. Give each one a priority for example:

1st priority

2nd priority

3rd priority

write them down, and set dead lines for each goal "realistic time frame" make sure that they are realistic time frames for each one.

put together a plan… Continue

Added by Rosa Lutar on March 24, 2008 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment

Unprofessional or Unethical?

People look at taking a counter offer in many different ways. Some think it’s unethical and/or unprofessional and of course it can be both, but it also can be neither.

Let’s take the scenario of a high profile college coach who isn’t quite on the hot seat, but isn’t able to lock down a raise and a contract extension. Said coach, who may be worried about his job security, interviews with another school, gets an offer, but then turns it down after his current school offers more money… Continue

Added by Jim Martineau on March 24, 2008 at 4:20pm — No Comments

A blogger being sued

Interesting post on Gigaom about one of Cisco's employees - a lawyer with a blog who is being sued along with Cisco.

Added by Slouch on March 24, 2008 at 3:32pm — No Comments

Environmental Scan of Technical Recruiting Industry - As I See It !!

Social Trends:

• Demographic Shifts

o Days of the Account Executives in the designer suite and expensive sadden are LONG GONE

o Companies are limiting the amount of money vendors and suppliers are allow to spend on lunches and gifts with hiring managers

o Smaller technology centers are struggling; technological companies are moving back to Silicon Valley, San Francisco and California in general – after the mass-exodus after the dot-com demise.

o Although the technology… Continue

Added by Daniel Parrillo on March 24, 2008 at 12:50pm — No Comments

What Should Be in a Technical Resume...

In almost fifteen years of experience in technical recruiting, you would not believe the technical resumes I have seen from even some very senior members in our technology community. Thought I’d remind folks of a few things that a technical resume should be.

Believe statistics should show:

* Average hiring manager spends 10-15 seconds reviewing a resume (80% on the first page)

* If you can keep someone’s attention on your resume for longer than 15 seconds, you increase your… Continue

Added by Daniel Parrillo on March 24, 2008 at 12:42pm — No Comments

Not Sure If Politically Correct? – Let Candy Be Your Guide!

In this day and age of politically correctness, I often find myself scanning the words flowing in a discussion for (what I would consider to be) little improprieties that come up. I often find myself asking fellow co-workers and personal friends not to use a particular word around me or express the opinions that I feel are offensive to my ears or what I consider to be politically incorrect.

The word “retard” was a word I often used as a child to refer to someone weird or… Continue

Added by Daniel Parrillo on March 24, 2008 at 12:38pm — 1 Comment

Is it a Job? – or a Career?

Most folks see the commute each morning as beginning of their work day – and not the next day in the progression of their career. Actively searching employment candidates are often searching for a “job” – and not they really believe is the natural progression of their careers, which encompasses their desires and ambitions. The best employee is one that wakes up in the morning and looks forward to starting work on that new exciting product or project. One that has a balance between their career… Continue

Added by Daniel Parrillo on March 24, 2008 at 12:37pm — No Comments

Heard of Outsourcing ? How about "Insourcing" ??

The word outsourcing is all too common in today’s discussions, newsletters and blog postings… You would think the word insourcing would be just as popular.

“Insourcing is when a company needs to bring in skills or specific content expertise that is not resident in the organization already.”

Insourcing is often the result of a new business initiative, strategy or opportunity that the client would like to take advantage of or a market they would like to investigate. Often the… Continue

Added by Daniel Parrillo on March 24, 2008 at 12:36pm — No Comments

Who is responsible for validation in a sourced list?

Read original post on

Quick post. Rob McIntosh made a great comment on my recent post List Metrics; how to measure quality in a list?. Instead of replying to the comment, I though I’d write a quick post on this, as it is something I have some strong feelings on.

Rob asked, “Who owns list validation?”. Rob goes on to point out that sometimes great lists never… Continue

Added by Donato Diorio on March 24, 2008 at 12:11pm — No Comments

are you hiring for todays needs or for future needs?

one of the things i have consistently done in my recruitment efforts is look at the potential of each candidate. while i do not share what my thoughts are on this front with the candidate, i believe it is so important to know what roles you believe the person can play in the future. what it allows you as the recruiter to do is really consult with your hiring managers about what their current needs are and, more importantly, what their future needs are. they can start to game plan a development… Continue

Added by Recruiterdude on March 24, 2008 at 9:55am — No Comments

Quality versus Quantity: The Dilemma of “Open” Networking

I hesitate to say that I am not an open networker because, to many people, that makes me a completely closed networker and that's not true either. “Open networking” is a term used to describe people who will accept any social network invitation they receive without regard to relationship, approach or justification for the invitation.

Recently I received a call from fellow recruiter / blogger / twitterer Heather Gardner. Among other… Continue

Added by Valerie Gonyea on March 23, 2008 at 11:00am — No Comments

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