Hi All,
I'm doing some research within the recruitment sector and wanted to know what currently are 'hot' topics for you guys. Look forward to some responses! Thanks
Added by Katherine on August 7, 2008 at 6:53am —
IT is widely accepted that, in small pockets around the world, the second iteration of the war for talent is well underway. Emerging companies in China, for example, are invading small rural villages in an effort to convert agrarian citizens into knowledge workers, and professional service firms are eagerly grasping at once undesired college new grads.
It would be logical to assume that growth-oriented firms would be devising new methods to uncover hidden sources of talent and fend off…
Added by Jobsabode.com on August 7, 2008 at 6:30am —
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World-class is a term that is often used and misused by those in human resources. It's important to realize upfront that good or even very good onboarding programs are quite common, but they are also quite different from the few existing "world-class" programs.
Almost by definition, the number of world-class programs in any field is extremely small. For example, to be considered as world-class in an Olympic sport, you must win a gold, silver, or bronze medal. Such an achievement is truly…
Added by Jobsabode.com on August 7, 2008 at 6:24am —
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With the War for Talent II looming just around the corner, it's safe to assume that the college recruiting battleground is going to be one of the bloodiest. As leading firms gear up to compete for the few candidates graduating each year who have the potential to rapidly grow into the entry and mid-level management roles left vacant by the baby boom retirement vacuum, originality, planning, and execution will set the winners and losers miles apart.
I am sure that most of you buy into the…
Added by Jobsabode.com on August 7, 2008 at 6:18am —
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I'm going to change the way you recruit, in less than 5 minutes a day.
My new webinar on August 12th is about Recruiting 2.0 Tools. We're going to surf the world-wide web and repurpose social media tools to use in recruiting. Calendars, video slideshows, click-to-call sites, and microblogging are all on the menu. This will be like nothing the recruiting world has ever imagined.
Sign up for 1:30 EST, August 12th at Hireability.
Recruiting 2.0 Tools Workshop: 5…
Added by Jim Durbin on August 6, 2008 at 7:32pm —
Recruiting Web 2.0 Tools Workshop: Got Five Minutes a Day? Become a Web 2.0 Recruiting Expert Today!
(It can make or save you thousands of dollars a year!)
HireAbility's Recruiter Training Center is once again bringing you an exclusive training that will catapult your recruiting career to the next level.
Did you know there are tons of free Web 2.0 tools that can change the way you recruit and hire talent?
In this latest 90-minute…
Added by Jill Sullivan Grueter on August 6, 2008 at 7:07pm —
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This is from around 2003.... just in case anyone was wondering. More recently, I'm looking like I've been the president of the US for 4 years. Ever seen what that does to an individual?
See you all around.
- Jim
Added by Jim Canto on August 6, 2008 at 5:30pm —
Well they are starting to burn my butt and I'm not particularly happy about the latest change in Linkedins policy.
In the coming days and weeks you might receive inquiries (and complaints) from members of your LinkedIn group(s) about the newly-instituted limit of 50 group memberships per LinkedIn member. You might also see a decrease in your group membership as LinkedIn members scramble to meet the newly-imposed limit. In any event, those who have not pared their membership lists… Continue
Added by Jeff Weidner on August 6, 2008 at 3:00pm —
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Can you identify one of your employees whose poor customer service or output adversely affected the bottom line?
If your organization is heavily based on customer service -- which pretty much covers all businesses -- then you shouldn't gamble with hiring employees. This process should be of utmost concern.
Weeding out the mediocre is not for the: faint hearted. This process takes planning and strategy. If done too quickly, it may send out the wrong message. Such action has…
Added by James Carchidi on August 6, 2008 at 2:30pm —
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We have a recrtuing company in Texas and we want to built new clients. We can share the fees paid by the client. Global force will find the candidates and you provide us company and hiring manager name.
Any ideas are welcome?
If interested contact me at tinas@globalforce-us.com
Added by Tina on August 6, 2008 at 1:42pm —
1 Comment
We all want to retire early, but as we all know, it is a pretty hard thing to do. What you can do however, is work like your retired! Simply follow these rules:
Work Rule #1: Shut Your Phone Off
That’s right, as soon as you leave the office, shut your phone off. Customers will have to wait, co-workers will have to wait, even your boss will have to wait. If you make yourself available, people will take advantage of it. If you make it a point that you only work while at…
Added by Tanya Willette on August 6, 2008 at 12:05pm —
To be a great salesman you must be able to sell a pencil. That’s right, a pencil. As a matter of fact, this is a common training technique used by many sales managers so let’s just see how you measure up to the pros.
Let’s put this situation into play. You are sitting across from a client (for now, a friend or co-worker). With you is a pen, nothing expensive, nothing fancy, just an ordinary pen. Now, your job is to get the client to buy the pen from you. How do you do it? What do you…
Added by Tanya Willette on August 6, 2008 at 12:03pm —
1 Comment
So how can you be successful at your job? Successful in your career? Successful at an interview? Successful in life? Easy, you must first define success.
Now, success to some is defined as having a lot of possessions; some to having a lot of money; some to having a lot of time. What exactly do those break down into and where to they come from?
I can’t make you successful, only you can do that but the next time you say you aren’t successful, or even the next time you say…
Added by Tanya Willette on August 6, 2008 at 12:01pm —
1 Comment
Just to clarify, let’s first start by defining a video resume. A video resume is a pre-recorded video of a candidate either a) explaining their resume, or b) answering a specific set of questions provided by an employer. So how can this be a bad thing? You get to see the candidate; can pay attention to their appearance, body language and facial expressions. I am here to point out the things most people don’t consider, so here they are:
Video Resume Point #1: Final Cut
Added by Tanya Willette on August 6, 2008 at 11:59am —
If I Were Running Google...
by Aaron Goldman , Wednesday, August 6, 2008
MY LAST INSTALLMENT OF Searchery Rhymes had me wishing Sergey Pagerhoffer Schmidt were my name too. Over the last couple weeks, I've been living out that fantasy -- strictly in my head, of course -- and came up with a Top 10 list of things I'd do if I were running Google. And, since we're dreaming here, I'm assuming money's not an issue -- although, with a $145 billion market cap, it's really not much of…
Added by 01. Lonnie McRorey on August 6, 2008 at 11:50am —
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Hi Folks,
I have excellent consultants on Business Objects who are available for contract positions all over US. Please do let me know if there are any openings.
You can reach me at
Ph: 732-623-9654
Added by sirisha on August 6, 2008 at 10:45am —
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I met with an interesting candidate yesterday - let's call him an Alpha Baffoon. When sitting down for lunch, he threw his folder on the table from 3 ft out, making a loud "thud" . . . which was an instant red flag. At a later point, he berated a waitress because his food wasn't "up to par." The other interesting form of body language was him stretching in such a way as to claustrophobically impend on surrounding patrons . . . and it was obvious he enjoyed barreling through the crowds like a…
Added by Joshua Letourneau on August 6, 2008 at 9:00am —
1 Comment
Claudia’s Wednesday Wisdom
Claudia Faust advises on tricky situations, answers members' questions...
This week
Sal Petrara asks:
Recently I have been experiencing a large number of people hanging up on me. What is driving the increase of this kind of behavior?
Claudia shares four tips in her answer and invites you to add tips five through 10:…
Added by Amitai Givertz on August 6, 2008 at 8:31am —
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Dear Claudia,
Recently I have been experiencing a large number of people hanging up on me. What is driving the increase of this kind of behavior? Is it because my searches have been targeting the "Open Source" community (more radical "techies"), or do "greenhorns" just not know how to properly conduct themselves? What fosters such negativity to the recruiting community in general?
Sal Petrara
Added by Claudia Faust on August 6, 2008 at 7:44am —
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We are excited to announce our new Licensed Professionals Recruiting Package (LPRP). While we are still putting the literature together on the
Broadlook corporate website. Here is a preview video. What you will see: a high impact
recruiting software for any type of recruiting that involves licensed…
Added by Donato Diorio on August 5, 2008 at 10:36pm —
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