Have you heard the statistic that the average person will read the first few lines of an advert or article before flicking onto something else if it does not grab them? However on average someone will watch a 3 minute video even if it doesn’t grab their attention!
So this got me thinking why not start video adverts, to include a corporate profile, information on…
ContinueAdded by Chris Bailey on March 14, 2012 at 11:11am — No Comments
If you hadn’t heard there are a whole lot of people out of work these days (approximately 13 million) and hiring companies, especially the high profile ones, are literally overrun with job applications.
ContinueAdded by Ryder Cullison on March 14, 2012 at 10:30am — No Comments
We've taken the requirements from over 650 million online job advertisements to determine the tools, technological skills, and certifications most frequently advertised for any position in any U.S. location.
The top ten skills employers are currently demanding include:
Added by Carolyn Menz on March 14, 2012 at 9:40am — No Comments
The great Yogi Berra once quipped, “The future ain't what it used to be.” The legendary New York Yankees player and manager tapped into the uncertainty most of us have about the future. But in the midst of a depressed economy and an ever-changing global marketplace, you don’t have the luxury of sitting back and waiting for the future to come to you. You need to carefully map out your career by studying trends to ensure you devote your education and training to the careers of the future and…
ContinueAdded by Patrick Richard on March 14, 2012 at 9:37am — 1 Comment
Statistics Canada divides up labour to track and measure performance. One pool of talent is identified as the ‘Management Occupations’ that includes a number of white collar professionals such as (not a complete list):
Added by Darryl Moore on March 14, 2012 at 8:00am — No Comments
Before I start let me just say I’m not a chess grandmaster, I don’t know the difference between the Murphy defence or the Reti opening and yes, I did just Google those. However, like most I do know the basic principles of chess and the abilities of the chess pieces, I also know social media and so thought this would be a great way to characterize the pieces.
ContinueAdded by Steve Shacklock on March 14, 2012 at 7:30am — 4 Comments
by Traci K and BrightMove Applicant Tracking and Recruiting Software
Aberdeen Group, a business research and analysis company, recently released a series of reports highlighting the primary focus of organizations for the upcoming year: Retention. As part of retention strategies, Human Capital Management and Employee Engagement have been assigned new levels of importance, fostering what Aberdeen foresees as a “Talent First” culture model:…
ContinueAdded by Michael Brandt on March 14, 2012 at 1:42am — No Comments
In a recent HC Online article on Best Practice Recruitment the analogy of a candidate as an iceberg was used. What you see or can glean from resume and interview is possibly only 10% of the total picture.
I was intrigued by this comparison (in fact, it was made by one of my employees), but on reflection am convinced that…
ContinueAdded by Matthew Clarkson on March 13, 2012 at 9:00pm — 4 Comments
Quite recently I was rummaging through my inbox and I stumbled across a headline that peaked my interest; Graduates are unprepared for work, time to fix. The link led me to a discussion featuring…
ContinueAdded by Salih Mujcic on March 13, 2012 at 8:30pm — No Comments
With the incessant evolution of technology I often catch myself dreaming about what pre-employment testing will look like in the not so distant future. While psychometric tests have changed over time, the evolution of psychometric testing has been measured. By no means is this slow metamorphosis a bad thing.
Psychometric tests are highly important scientific tools and care must be taken to…
ContinueAdded by Salih Mujcic on March 13, 2012 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment
There has been some talk lately on various online HR and recruiting communities about respect towards recruiters. Do job seekers really understand the value their recruiter brings to the table? There is no question there are some that are extremely good and some not so good. This is true in any profession you could name, however most of the time they bring great value and the job seeker should respect the time and effort. The biggest concern that we’ve seen lately is that some job seekers…
ContinueAdded by Patrick Richard on March 13, 2012 at 5:54pm — No Comments
Who likes politicians? Answer - nobody. Ok, maybe you have a favorite, and there are certainly some who really like specific candidates. It’s safe to say as a group, politicians are generally despised and, at best, tolerated – with a few good ones sprinkled in. (Depending on your view, of course)
The disdain we feel for these public servants comes to the forefront in an election year. You can’t turn on the TV without seeing someone bashing someone else. Politicians run…
ContinueAdded by Amy Ala Miller on March 13, 2012 at 3:47pm — 28 Comments
Sandra and Kelly have interesting thoughts based on the three questions my young friend asked me. Yes, this recruiter is clueless when it comes to the recruiting world – maybe because he came from a very large firm where he only sourced candidates. And by that I mean recruited them for one particular position and never talked with them again – once in the system, they belonged to the recruiter not the person that sourced them. When he left he was amazed that there was actually more to…
ContinueAdded by Cora Mae Lengeman on March 13, 2012 at 2:32pm — 2 Comments
As always, you can try your luck at an iPad on…
ContinueAdded by Jessica Lunk on March 13, 2012 at 2:04pm — No Comments
T he applicant tracking industry is being slaughtered in the press. Why? Because so many people are focusing on the automated resume ranking and parsing of keywords. Of the hundreds of features in an…
Added by Julia on March 13, 2012 at 1:46pm — 2 Comments
As a follow up to last week's look at what we are doing to combat the "black hole" perception, we also began to survey the candidates that we do not hire. My opinion is that those that are selected are happy and their feedback on the application, interview and selection process may be skewed to the positive.
Since beginning this back in August of last year, over 1,800 candidates have taken the time to give us feedback on how we are doing. Here is a sampling of our feedback and some…
ContinueAdded by Molly on March 13, 2012 at 1:25pm — 7 Comments
Looking to fill an Markeitng position in Mexcio City. Does anyone know any best practices? Is agency the way to go and if so who can recommend a good one that might specilize in Marketing?
We’ve all heard the stories of people who put crazy statements on their Facebook status, causing not only great embarrassment to them, but often cause them to lose their jobs too.
Crazy status updates
You know the kind of thing…. “OMG, I am sooooo hungover, hope everyone is having fun working today while I have a ‘sickie’ “…
ContinueAdded by james nathan on March 13, 2012 at 10:58am — 14 Comments
Many recruiting organizations are starting to see the potential of social media channels in their recruitment marketing strategy. These channels provide the unique opportunity to engage with candidates on channels that they actively use and to begin two-way communication with these candidates.
The benefits of social recruiting are apparent from easier engagement with candidates to better employer…
ContinueAdded by Chris Brablc on March 13, 2012 at 10:33am — No Comments
“I like to say that Twitter is like a bar, Facebook is your living room and LinkedIn is the local chamber of commerce.” - BSStoltz
As of this moment, these three in my mind make up “The Trinity of Social Media” and you should be engaged and engaging on all three in some fashion. Keep in mind, that there are various other websites and…
ContinueAdded by Daniel J Smith on March 13, 2012 at 10:30am — No Comments
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