Recruiting Blogs (24,297)

The Myth of Client and Candidate Control – Eliminating One of the Most Damaging Business Practices of Our Industry

On April 20, 1999, Cassie Bernall, a 17-year-old student at Columbine High School, faced a life and death choice — tell the boy with the gun what he wanted to hear or tell him the truth. Being strong in her convictions, she chose the truth and he choose to end her life. This tragedy is one of the saddest moments of that decade and it holds for us a powerful truth about control over others: we have none. Each and every person we work with has the power of choice and nothing we say, nor how we…


Added by Scott Wintrip on January 21, 2011 at 9:11am — 2 Comments

Screening Resumes – Are you an Inclusive or Exclusive Recruiter?

I was speaking with a wise and knowledgeable colleague the other day who brought to my attention a major flaw with how most of us screen resumes and in turn recruit.   Most of us go through the screening process looking at “who can I eliminate from contention for the job” (a negative mindset) rather than approaching the responsibility with “what does this person offer that can really bring value to the job” (a positive mindset).

There are three important reasons for us to be aware of…


Added by Kelly on January 20, 2011 at 10:38pm — 10 Comments

How much is your time worth?

When making any decision in life, you need to process and interplay a variety of factors to determine between a variety of choices you have at your disposal.  When sifting through these choices you’ll see differences in money, production and overall enjoyment that a certain decision will bring.  But the key deciding factor is most always time.  Do you have enough time to do this choice or better yet is it worth your time to do (with the other choices that are available to…


Added by Chris Brablc on January 20, 2011 at 4:30pm — 5 Comments

‘Managing Forward’ Series Part I: Advice on Managing Young Professionals

I had a great student job when I was in college.  I had the pleasure of working in the SUNY Geneseo College Student Union and working for a great mentor, Chip Matthews, Union Director.  I often lean on the learnings and advice I received from Chip, and wanted to know how he was doing since I left (I am sure the place is falling down without me!).  I had the opportunity to sit down and discuss the topic of managing college students with Chip Matthews.  What…


Added by Chernee Vitello on January 20, 2011 at 11:32am — No Comments

Top 10 most popular UK recruitment groups on LinkedIn

With the UK recruitment sector showing signs of recovery there’s never been a better time to mingle.  Sharing thoughts with peers is both invigorating and educational, all the while adding important values to your personal brand.

Many recruiters view LinkedIn as an enormous job board or talent pool,…


Added by Simon Lewis on January 20, 2011 at 10:02am — No Comments

Social Security Numbers in your DB: Must-Know Info

Almost all states have security breach laws that require notification (at least) of individuals when a data holder suffers unauthorized disclosure of certain personally identifiable information.

The important facts to know are the definitions of personally identifiable information and what it takes to achieve “safe harbor” in the event of disclosure.  

The usual definition of personally identifiable…


Added by Martin H.Snyder on January 20, 2011 at 9:47am — 5 Comments


Technology is becoming an increasingly strong asset in all areas of business.  As companies become more complex, the need for technology grows and management is turning to technology for answers in all verticals.  Have we asked ourselves - is technology the answer at all?  Managers look to technology approaching issues with the question "What technology will solve this issue?"  They need to ask if technology is the answer at all, and then ask what technology might be the appropriate…


Added by Jason Monastra on January 20, 2011 at 8:41am — 2 Comments

Discovering your EVP

I’m using the word ‘discover’ in that title for a reason. I could have said ‘unearth’. I could have said ‘find’. (I could have said any other word that comes up when I click on synonyms for ‘discover’… wait, how dare you call me lazy?!).

What I would not have said is ‘create’.

I have this conversation quite a bit – that an Employment Value Proposition exists whether your company knows about it or not. At the the end of the day, if there are good reasons why people want to… Continue

Added by Kelly O'Shaughnessy on January 19, 2011 at 9:46pm — No Comments

Corporate Catfighting: Cut it Out!

I am certainly tired of seeing women in the workplace sabotage each other when it comes to dealing with conflict.  We have done more damage to each other than our male counterparts ever could.  How?  By not supporting each other enough and learning to iron out disagreements the way that men do.  As a woman, I… Continue

Added by Laurie Bell on January 19, 2011 at 7:48pm — 1 Comment

Staffing Solutions in 2011: Looking Ahead

Since I looked back at 2010 in a recent post, I’ll look ahead in this one. And I’ll admit, reading U.S. News and World Report’s annual …


Added by Tim Giehll on January 19, 2011 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Taking Risks - The Genesis Of Innovation

Looking at my career I've taken my fair share of risks and have gotten rewarded for some great successes because of those risks. I've also failed after taking on some risky ideas, but in the end learned more from the failure and ended up encouraging me to take on even more risks. Taking my first risk was the hardest risk to take, moving to San Francisco from Chicago…


Added by Timothy Yandel on January 19, 2011 at 12:04pm — No Comments

Dress for Work vs. Dress for Interview

I laugh continuously at the tenuous debate over what to where and when reference work.  Is this the red carpet, are we attending a formal reception, do we need to know the dress according to what time of the day the marriage ceremony is?  It is simply another issue to add to the useless list (that is becoming exceedingly long) that are thrown on to the shoulders of workers across the country by mindless drones in corporate America that think up what is the formal dress code for their…


Added by Jason Monastra on January 19, 2011 at 10:28am — 6 Comments

Competitor Insight – The StaffingU Market Demand Report

Here’s your latest peek into the job titles your competition is currently seeking.

Our data comes from 14,793 staffing and recruiting firms, from which, we’ve listed the top 25 candidates being sought and the number of jobs posted for each in the past 60 days. In addition, we’ve included the increase or decrease in demand compared to the same 60-day period last year.



Added by Scott Wintrip on January 19, 2011 at 10:05am — 2 Comments

Make Anything

It's amazing what people can come up with when they have the same general tools available to them. Some, take a supply of Legos, follow the instructions, and build a standard house. Others can recreate the Delorean and The Ohio State University Stadium. But this isn't a blog about Legos, I mean I couldn't even make it through a round of… Continue

Added by Julia on January 19, 2011 at 9:13am — No Comments

Some Businesses Shunning Mexico for American Locations

Once upon a pretty short time ago, companies who were thinking of outsourcing or building new manufacturing plants considered Mexico a good idea.  And why not?   Labor is inexpensive, the weather is decent, and Mexican workers are diligent and competent.   There are advantages to locating factories in Mexico, thanks in part to the NAFTA agreement.   Mexico gives businesses easy proximity to the United States, so there is a reduction in shipping costs.

But now Mexico is consumed by a…


Added by Gordon Basichis on January 19, 2011 at 4:30am — No Comments

Past Performance is Relative

A week into my social job hunt and I’m having some interesting conversations.

The online community has been awesome, giving me some great exposure and alerting me to opportunities. So far the lack of a physical CV has not hindered me, but I accept that it is early days. I won’t write too much about what is happening so far, except to say that my new style blog has attracted many views and some interest. The ‘Watch Me Being Interviewed’ page has been particularly useful for anyone…


Added by Mervyn Dinnen on January 18, 2011 at 6:14pm — No Comments

Project Management (PM) staffing style!!

Project Management (PM) staffing style!!

One way I have found to be very successful as a staffing professional is to Treat every opening like a project and use the basic PM steps to ensure you do the job right. Step one is to do needs analysis. This is the same thing as your first meeting with your client to determine what they need, write the JD etc.. Then you go on to the next step and so on till the position is filled.


There are six main steps…


Added by Dean Da Costa on January 18, 2011 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Stuff that has nothing to do with me.



Cultivating Leadership

Stories about flash in the pan social media companies.

Most everything related to the Employment Industry outside of the USA.

How much Facebook is allegedly worth.

College recruiting.

Whatever TED is.

The demise of MySpace.

Any and all news about iPads or iPhones.  I use neither.

Reasons my company can NOT ignore Social Media.

Increasing Employee Retention.



Added by Jerry Albright on January 18, 2011 at 5:25pm — 2 Comments

Don't let good candidates go!

So you are hiring for a position.  You’ve interviewed 5-6 candidates in the final interview process and made an offer to the best candidate.  And the best part, they accepted.


So the recruitment marketing campaign is over and was a smashing success, right?  Yes and no.


You recruited and hired the candidate you wanted (which is a success in itself), however, the question is what happened to the other 4-5…


Added by Chris Brablc on January 18, 2011 at 2:29pm — No Comments

Removing Recruiting's Wrong Reputation

Let’s face it. Buying a used car at a lot has to be one of the worst thought of experiences in anyone’s existence. The salesperson is just after that big commission and fast talks you about any car your eye lands on even if said car looks like it went down with the Titanic. Well, you might call me a liar on this, but there are some used-car…

Added by Michael Stoyanoff on January 18, 2011 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

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