Recruiting Blogs (24,293)

Twitter. Its a chat room on steroids...

To continue the twitter theme from my last post, I thought I'd tell you a story....

So I’m sitting in my office and the IT Director hurries in, shoves a small black box, some cables and a piece of paper into my hand. “I’m off out” he said, “give this a whirl, I think you’ll like it”. And with that, off he trots.

I look at the box – a modem (remember those?!) and know enough to deduce that I needed to plug it into the office phone socket. After an hour or so of…

Added by Gareth Jones on April 29, 2010 at 4:31pm — 1 Comment

Do You Post & Pray?

When it comes to looking for work, how do you best approach your job search? Now that there is some movement in the job market with over 75,000 media & entertainment jobs posted on some of the job board aggregators, do you feel there is opportunity for you or do you like many, still hope that someone will notice your resume and pick you out of the countless number of others who may be…


Added by Lisa Kaye on April 29, 2010 at 3:56pm — No Comments

Get more from what you know

Recruitment is an information business. Your ability to recruit is based solely on who and what you know, this is the commodity you sell. But in todays information age, where information is so plentiful, it is not enough simply to be in possession of information. To make money in recruitment you require the ability to extract value from the vast quantity of information that is available to you.

Super Star recruiters do not have to work harder than average. They do not have…

Added by Shane McCusker on April 29, 2010 at 1:44pm — No Comments

Get a Free HirePress Jobblog! Tester needed.

HirePress will be launching very soon, but we want a few individuals to test the site and lend us your feedback. HirePress
will be a interactive community of Jobblogs, Networking

Professionals and Job-Seekers.

If you would like to become a tester and add your company to our network. Please contact us at…


Added by Roger Cohen on April 29, 2010 at 1:05pm — No Comments

Forums, Blogs, News/User Groups and Groups(in general) !!

Forums, Blogs, News/User Groups and Groups(in general) !!

So some of the most over looked places to search, post jobs, and make connections are Forums and News/User groups. Back before there was Twitter, LinkedIn, and the…


Added by Dean Da Costa on April 29, 2010 at 12:52pm — No Comments

Is Social Media Ruining Your Job Prospects?

Don’t you just love the Web 2.0? We at SMStheJOB know all too well how easy it can be to while away a…


Added by Stephanie Bressan on April 29, 2010 at 12:09pm — No Comments

Tranzitioning Summary, Part 1

We've just finished reviewing the changes occurring in employment today, and the prognosis is clear -- fewer full-time jobs with benefits, and more self-employment-like opportunities where people work for themselves. Coincidentally, Intuit (the people behind Quicken) have published a well-researched and footnoted report that aligns nicely with what we've covered here (click to read…


Added by Jay Fenello on April 29, 2010 at 11:45am — No Comments

on wearing a chicken to a job interview

Blog post by HTS blogger Nick Tomlinson -

Picture this. You've applied for a fabulous job and behold, the employer in question wants to interview you. There's just one catch. You'll be required to attend the interview with some sort of poulet-objet (a hat, a mask, an actual…


Added by Jayne Hannon on April 29, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments

The NFL Draft: The Perfect Hiring Process?

Disclaimer: These opinions are my own

There’s nothing like the NFL Draft, when the eyes of the nation tune in to watch an event which, at its core, consists of 255 verbal offer extensions. Kris Dunn recently wrote the NFL Draft represents a “test tube for the Talent Management game as a whole.” It’s the perfect search, really, one that’s almost unfair to employers watching the prime time… Continue

Added by Matt Charney on April 29, 2010 at 11:00am — No Comments

Human Resources: Be Like a 1-year Old

“Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards. - Vernon Saunders Law

In order to be in HR (or any field or career mind you) you need to approach everything like a 1 yr old.

  1. Crawl, Walk, and then Run – Whether you start out as a specialist, a generalist or in a rotation from one area to another, don’t fool yourself into thinking you know everything.…

Added by Benjamin McCall on April 29, 2010 at 10:38am — 2 Comments

Recruitment Metrics = Bargaining Power (with Job Boards)

Originally posted on the SmashFly Recruitment Marketing Blog.

Yesterday, I was in a client meeting and it was great. The client, which is a Fortune 200 company, is the perfect client because they get it. They get our product and the great value we provide in our…


Added by Chris Brablc on April 29, 2010 at 7:37am — No Comments

Utilizing Networking in Your Career

By Pat Meehan

Building a network over a lifetime is the most accountable thing we can do. It is the epitome of being a proactive person. Day by day, we build on this chain of meaningful personal relationships to which we can exchange the gifts of our ideas and influence. We should value these relationships and put great trust in them as they continue to develop. Stephen Covey teaches that a relationship is like an “emotional bank account.” We must nurture this emotional bank…


Added by Pat Meehan on April 29, 2010 at 12:13am — No Comments

Think Twice Before Hiring an Overqualified Candidate

Is the term “overqualified” code for too old, or too
expensive? Should an employer be wary of hiring overqualified people? The answer to both is sometimes.



Added by Mark Bregman on April 28, 2010 at 4:26pm — 2 Comments

Set Social Recruiting Boundaries

Just because your company is still deciding on whether or not to implement Social Recruiting into your overall recruiting strategy doesn’t mean you should delay setting a Social Recruiting policy. This can be a simple one-page of guidelines for appropriate use by employees based on the expected usage of these tools now or in the future. Being proactive about developing a usage policy will help avoid many of the issues that can result from a hands-off approach.



Added by Omowale Casselle on April 28, 2010 at 8:30am — 2 Comments

To Fish or Cut Bait? Check the Ratios

When I started out in sales, I was a lonely copy jock – that is what we called them in the old days. I worked for Lanier Worldwide as an “Account Executive.” Life consisted of 20 cold calls, 20 phone

connects and 2 pre-set appointments per day, EVERY day to make it in that

business. And of course, being as

by-the-numbers as I am, I tracked all of my activity. Some of my diligence was due to keep myself

motivated and some was just to keep my job if…


Added by Nikole Tutton on April 27, 2010 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments

What makes you more employable in 2010 Trait # 12 Presentation/Self Promotion

This is the last trait in our series of What Makes You More Employable in 2010. You should have read them in order, if you haven’t here are the links to the previous articles,… Continue

Added by Stephanie Bressan on April 27, 2010 at 9:42pm — No Comments

The simple VMS explanation

Over the past year and a half I have worked in the Vendor Management System (VMS) industry. I have heard many people who are new to the technology confuse it with many different names, including applicant tracking system, contingency workforce software, human resource information software, and others. I believe this confusion stems from the name of the technology and the…


Added by Chuck Summerland on April 27, 2010 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Looking for Advice.......

2 months ago yesterday I bravely went out on my own and opened my own firm. Sometimes I feel fantastic and sometimes I feel like I am in the deep end of the pool and someone is offering me a glass of water, not a life preserver. I'm looking for some advice from everyone out there. If you've got some time would you please answer the following for me:

  1. How do you find new clients?
  2. Is there one particular online service you can't imagine doing without as a…

Added by Jodi on April 27, 2010 at 5:14pm — 2 Comments

Do you know your Culture?

What kind of a culture do you want to create? Many organizations talk about workplace culture but I wonder how many really know what kind of a culture they truly have.

Unfortunately, the leaders of an organization are often out of touch with what happens on the ‘shop floor’ as it were and I’ll bet they’d be surprised at what they’d learn if they came into the organization as a new worker.

There is a new TV reality show (in all honesty, I have yet to see it) called Undercover Boss… Continue

Added by Kellie Auld on April 27, 2010 at 2:09pm — 2 Comments

The harsh reality of redundancy (but how it can also actually make you a better, stronger person)

I still remember the feeling to this day. The gut wrenching feeling that comes with redundancy is unlike anything I had ever felt before.

It was the winter of 1991. I was doing pretty well at my job. Or so I thought. I was an Account Manager for one of the UK’s leading recruitment marketing agencies and looked after…


Added by Alasdair Murray on April 27, 2010 at 2:00pm — No Comments

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