Recruiting Blogs (24,293)

Does your recruiting tell a story?

They say every picture tells a story. Well, I think the same is true for new media (podcast/video/blogs) when it comes to recruiting the next generation of talent. Take a look at at what 2 innovative companies are doing with their new media initiatives.

One is Sodexo which recently launched its own career podcast show called the Sodexo CareerCast…


Added by Chris Russell on April 5, 2010 at 7:16pm — No Comments

Interview and Review of Eric Jaquith's SourceCon Session

Eric Jacquith is ubiquitous, and he’s an enigma, and he wants to keep it that way. He’s so successful exactly because he lurks in the shadows sourcing, providing recruiting strategy, and executive project management for

global talent management initiatives.

He’s a consultant extraordinaire.

Just ask anyone in Atlanta.

Just ask anyone in…


Added by Margo Rose on April 5, 2010 at 5:26pm — No Comments

Playing Hard To Get...Will Get You Nowhere

It has been a little while since I wrote a blog post dedicated to the stupid stuff candidates sweet, clueless candidates, this one is for you. ***raises tall Red-Eye from Starbucks in mock salute***

As girls, we are taught to play hard to get to get what you want (or at least men). I've never really paid attention to this rule...namely, because I'm naturally so awkward it wouldn't really matter what I did. The (less than favorable) end result was always the same. I was a… Continue

Added by Megan Hopkins on April 5, 2010 at 5:24pm — No Comments

Beyond Good Recruiting: Why You Need to Change Your Approach

Most (okay, some - those over 30 for sure) will know how to complete this movie cliche: "you had me at..."

I think Amazon had me at: "Amazon is building brand new recruiting tools and services from the ground up..." Which makes me kind of a geek. I'm good with that. I'm also very happy to see lines like that in job

postings. We're going to need many more…


Added by Martin Burns on April 5, 2010 at 4:23pm — No Comments

Where did that hire come from, anyway? And who cares?

A long time ago – say, in the early 1990s – employers had a very good

idea where their job candidates originated. Most came from ‘word of

mouth’ and the rest via newspaper ads.

Not so today. In a world where candidates can discover jobs via Twitter, job

, social

,… Continue

Added by Eric Shannon on April 5, 2010 at 1:41pm — No Comments

No Longer Available

Companies now have to put on their "selling shoes" to the candidates. They need to articulate the positive points of the company, culture and the position; create some excitement with the candidate. Companies are so busy "screening out" that they forget to "screen in" candidates. We no longer can assume that we have the only position open in a poor economy and candidates should be grateful for this position.

Within the…


Added by Candice Arnold on April 5, 2010 at 12:30pm — No Comments

What makes you more employable in 2010? #7 Communication

To make you more employable in 2010, #7 good ‘Communication Skills’ is vital trait to master.

Effective communication is the lifeline of an organisation. Employers want to discern if you have the ability to organise your thoughts and ideas effectively to achieve business goals. Good communication not only enhances any organisations productivity, but also improves the overall working environment.

We at SMStheJob know that good communication…


Added by Stephanie Bressan on April 5, 2010 at 10:54am — No Comments

Jump Ship: Everyone is doing it

In 2008, Employees and Contractors held their seats for dear life to avoid being laid off and out of work.

In 2009, we saw economic recovery, however more…


Added by Neha on April 4, 2010 at 10:34pm — No Comments

What else can a Recruiter Do!!

What else can a Recruiter Do!!

The great debate within companies has been around for some time. You are a "recruiter", that is all and what you do. That is what they say…


Added by Dean Da Costa on April 4, 2010 at 1:34pm — 4 Comments

Are You Unpatrotic ?

By most estimates, the military produces hundreds of thousands of

civilian workers each year. Chances are that your business will consider

a veteran for employment.

Based on my experience with both veterans and companies looking for quality employees, consider the

following before hiring a veteran. You'll find these are the same for

any applicant.

  • Make sure you fully understand any military terminology during your resume review or interview process. Do…

Added by Ray Johnson on April 4, 2010 at 10:08am — No Comments

Bring the Hiring Manager Closer to Staffing(HMCS) Methodology!!

Bring the Hiring Manager Closer to Staffing(HMCS) Methodology

The idea behind MHCS is one of training, informing and…


Added by Dean Da Costa on April 3, 2010 at 1:54pm — No Comments

Why do you all hate your jobs?

This might be a bit untrendy, and I’m not expecting to get featured anywhere for it, but I’m going to say it anyway. I think most Recruiters and most H.R. professionals do a pretty good job. I also think that most care about their candidates and clients and add plenty of value to the recruitment process.…


Added by Bill Boorman on April 2, 2010 at 8:18pm — 3 Comments

Bad Idea: Balk at Giving References

This would seem like a no-brainer. You are right in the middle of the candidate process for a great job at a company that you admire and the inevitable question comes up, “can you provide professional references and written permission to check them?” Umm…you know I have some questions about that for you, Corporate Recruiter. Can we talk?

Most large companies with an extensive web career portal are asking for at least three professional references before your resume is submitted to a… Continue

Added by Nikole Tutton on April 2, 2010 at 5:01pm — 1 Comment

Dex One Corporation

In November 2009, I transitioned from Agency recruiting to working with a fantastic corporation, Dex One (formerly known as RH Donnelley) as a Sales Recruiter. Check out my twitter at to see our Illinois (and occasionally Vegas/Iowa!) job postings!

Unfortunately, we do NOT use outside recruiting assistance for our hires. Thank you for your interest!

Added by Marina Hartung on April 2, 2010 at 4:23pm — No Comments

Unemployment Rate is Like the McRib Sandwich

Our current unemployment rate is like the McRib sandwich. With a lot of

hype and marketing, the McRib was McDonald’s finest obesity marketing

scheme to date. It was a boneless pork patty shaped like it had bones.

Then it was slathered in BBQ Sauce, and eaten between a spongy sandwich

bun. Whenever the sandwich made a comeback tour, every teen, nerd, geek

and weed smoker communally grubbed on the McRib.

The unemployment rate made a comeback tour and hasn’t… Continue

Added by Michael Glenn on April 2, 2010 at 1:22pm — No Comments

7 Best Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week (3.27.10 – 4.2.10)

Originally posted on SmashFly's Recruitment Marketing Blog.

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing.

This week’s topics include social recruiting, transforming your employee referral program, texting for…


Added by Chris Brablc on April 2, 2010 at 10:30am — No Comments

Social Media Dementia...

It's a funny old world, recruitment. On the one hand, you have some recruiters talking about social media like it's the second coming. On the other, you have others saying its simply the recruitment equivalent of 'big hair' - a fashion fly by night that has a shorter life than your average cheap firework.

Rarely though, do you find a recruiter that champions social media in one breath, then goes on to snuff out its potential in another. So midly surprised was I, when I picked up the… Continue

Added by Gareth Jones on April 2, 2010 at 4:36am — 2 Comments

Hello, Goodbye

In a recent post of mine that drew some parallels between David Mimet’s Glengarry Glen Ross and recruiting, I included a section called “Selling to the Nyborgs.” This section addressed the importance of being able to identify candidates that will talk the talk, but won’t walk the walk. In other…


Added by Mindy Slobodkin Fineout on April 1, 2010 at 4:30pm — 3 Comments

The Intersection of Brand With Talent Migration

Funny thing. When you have actual, honest-to-goodness, freaking wonderful time to read, think, talk, and then digest all that delicious stuff into energy. When you

have time, you get to refuel. When you're as fascinated by every bright

and shiny object as me, that can mean a lot of tanking up.

I've found myself most fascinated - if I can find a…


Added by Martin Burns on April 1, 2010 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

The Job of finding a Job!!

The Job of finding a Job!!…


Added by Dean Da Costa on April 1, 2010 at 1:27pm — No Comments

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