Recruiting Blogs (24,293)

Please don't apply to this job

That's really what you're telling a potential candidate when you upload your job req to a job board. I came across a blog post the other day on the sad state of job postings and it has had me thinking about what I advise my clients.
The first thing I do when I get a call that they just aren't…

Added by Ginger Dodds on March 25, 2010 at 10:34am — 6 Comments

Golf, phone calls and a new way to manage Friday's.

I’m a golf freak and someone who has great admiration for a player named Freddie Couples. Frederick Stephen Couples is an American professional golfer and former World No. 1 who competes on the PGA Tour. He has won numerous events, and is most famous for winning the 1992 Masters Tournament. He was cool before Tiger dominated the sport and like Tiger, he’s also had his fair share of good luck with the ladies. The latter under very different circumstances mind you. My…


Added by Bob Wright on March 25, 2010 at 10:19am — 5 Comments

Social Recruiting & The Talent Funnel

When thinking about the benefits of Social Recruiting, I think one of the most compelling is the positive effect on controlling the quality of candidates that enter the talent funnel. As a development engineer, one of the fundamental lessons I learned is “Garbage In, Garbage Out”. It didn’t matter what software tools I applied to make sense of the input data, if one of my collection channels was faulty; the entire experiment would have to be scrapped. This example is not to suggest that…


Added by Omowale Casselle on March 25, 2010 at 10:00am — No Comments

Survival of the Fittest

As the first quarter comes to a close, is there any doubt that we are in a Survival of the Fittest phase in the recruiting industry? In fact, this is the case in pretty much all lines of business currently. I’ve read some things recently that confirm a lot of what I believe regarding current business conditions and where we are going. The bubble burst in 2008, we are in the shakeout or survival of the fittest stage of things now, and it will be a…


Added by Todd Kmiec on March 25, 2010 at 8:48am — No Comments

Fighting the War for Talent? Dont waste your time...

War for Talent? Or the Emperors new clothes?. At risk of offending most people involved in the talent arena, I have to say that the so called war for talent is a totally pointless war because most organisations are fighting over a resource which actually isn't scarce at all.

Lets go back for a minute and look at the origins of this so called war – and where the phrase was first coined – The McKinsey Article. The authors of this paper in…


Added by Gareth Jones on March 25, 2010 at 6:41am — 5 Comments

Don’t be Pond Scum, I beg you.

As many of you know, I am passionate about improving the standards of the executive search and recruitment industries. Recruiters by and large have a very bad name, often compared to real estate agents and used car salespeople. There is no smoke without fire, and much of the criticism is justified. Not all recruiters are suspect of course. Many are fine hard working individuals who create real value for their clients and are appreciated by their candidates. But many are not. These others are a… Continue

Added by Aaron Dodd on March 25, 2010 at 1:30am — 1 Comment

It’s a Selection Rejection Thing

“I nearly bought one of their products a few weeks ago. I’m glad I didn’t. Won’t be considering buying one again”

So said a candidate to me last week about a company whose brand extends into the High Street. Did he have a bad experience? Bad customer service? Was he let down by faulty workmanship?

Kind of..

He was a rejected candidate...he’d applied for a senior role, had 5 interviews including meeting most of the operating Board, giving a… Continue

Added by Mervyn Dinnen on March 24, 2010 at 7:23pm — 7 Comments

Industry Leaders or Industry Frauds

The term Industry leader is thrown around far too often in the staffing industry without merit. If everyone is number one then who is #14? Are all agencies tied? Of course not. So next time someone says that they work for the best or one of the best ask for proof.

How many billable consultants do they currently have in the area?

What is the tenure of the account manager or recruiter that you are working with? Don't fall for terms like average, combined etc.. Be specific to… Continue

Added by Schaun OBrien on March 24, 2010 at 12:39pm — No Comments

Job Post Optimization: What are your Candidates Searching For?

Today, reaching people on the web is all about content. Not only does your content need to be well presented but it has to be relevant to the group you are targeting (and you have to show this relevance in a hurry). The biggest benefit of this content generation though is that it’s shifted the focus of how you acquire customers from having to go out and find customers to having customers find you. This is what is called…


Added by Chris Brablc on March 24, 2010 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Over Thinking Social Media

*** this is cross posted from The HR Farmer

I’m a thinker, a reader, a planner and then I will execute after I feel like I have covered many options. But with social media, it is more of a think quick, try it, revise it and repeat it approach.

In a post last week, …


Added by Keith McIlvaine on March 24, 2010 at 11:58am — No Comments

The survival of recruitment, work and the world depends on this face

This is the face captured by photographer Phil Toldano and explained in the excellent Ted talk (embedded below) by game designer Jane McGonigal. It captures the emotion of gaming. Toldano set up a camera in front of gamers while they were playing. McGonigal in the video alerts us to the subtle nuances in this photo:

the sense of urgency, a little bit of fear, but intense concentration, deep deep…

Added by Paul Jacobs on March 24, 2010 at 8:44am — No Comments

Compassionate HR Goes To TRU USA

TRU EVENTS launches its first US Unconference April 19-20 in WI. The Unconference trend-it’s all the rage! What is an unconference? An unconference is a…


Added by Margo Rose on March 23, 2010 at 6:01pm — No Comments

Wow, has it been that long since my last post? Let me tell you what's going on

We've got jobs....

Lots of jobs and if you think that the market hasn't picked up or is going too slow, you're wrong. From a recruiter standpoint, there is so much picking and choosing on what we are going to work on for the day. In other words, we are seriously busy! If you…

Added by Jennifer Loesch on March 23, 2010 at 5:04pm — No Comments

Don't Forget The Customer...

It's no secret that I'm in love with technology. I enjoy getting my hands on the newest gadgets, widgets, apps and devices that are available and figuring out how they work - or just enjoying what they do. I've been known to go a few sleepless nights here and there just because there weren't enough hours in the day to wrap my head… Continue

Added by RecruiterGuy on March 23, 2010 at 3:42pm — No Comments

Selecting Recruiting Software Part 1: Know your users before you set requirements

By Michael Brandt – BrightMove Recruiting Software

I want to start this series on selecting recruiting software by just saying “I love recruiting”. Recruiting is one of the fastest growing, moving and evolving industries I could ever imagine working in and I have had the privilege of seeing some of the most amazing companies, tools and strategies put to work over my 18+ years in the industry. That being said, I am going to be doing a…


Added by Michael Brandt on March 23, 2010 at 3:06pm — No Comments

Their Future... Up In The Air

I watched the critically acclaimed movie "Up In The Air" last night - and I'll be honest: I wasn't all that impressed.


I can't get the movie out of my mind (which is a good indicator of a

good movie) - and I've spent a lot of time thinking about what it has

said about our work force. Without giving anything away: George

Clooney's Company fires people. To sugar coat this…


Added by Sean Ryan on March 23, 2010 at 3:04pm — 1 Comment

I disagree with Amy 100%. I am a recruiter of 32 years. I am a one mane shop... so is my partner in Chicago. But I work out of a barn in Garner, IA.. population 3,000. We hire candidates for one half…

I disagree with Amy 100%. I am a recruiter of 32 years. I am a one mane shop... so is my partner in Chicago. But I work out of a barn in Garner, IA.. population 3,000. We hire candidates for one half million dollar positions.. yes we split our fees but at 150K fees ... it does not take much to live in Garner, IA. Plus I will be working "virtual" in Las Vegas by the strip for next winter. Sorry, I do not buy what you are selling.. We know the ways to do it in other situations. Bescinds, I do not… Continue

Added by Tom Townsend on March 23, 2010 at 1:25pm — No Comments

Mobile Recruiting Part 2 of 2

Here is part two video of Mobile Recruiting. Please comment and give us your input / feedback.

While looking for some stats for a company we help in the games industry I was surprised to see the market share iPhone / iTouch has taken from the portable games console market. The PSP lost 9% share

and Nintendo DS lost 5% share putting iPhone at 19% market share, based

on portable game revenue. Considering most games are…


Added by David Martin on March 23, 2010 at 1:16pm — No Comments

"Which Diversity consulting firm do you think is the most cutting edge and why?"

I responded to a discussion question: "Which Diversity consulting firm do you think is the most cutting edge and why?" Posted on LinkedIn - Diversity- A World of Change by April (Frerichs) Powers

Hi April,

You ask important questions on a subject that has gained more momentum coming into the 21st Century. Why Diversity and what cutting edge efforts are making their mark? Well, the ‘WHY’ is primarily because the US population is undergoing dramatic demographic changes where the… Continue

Added by Valentino Martinez on March 23, 2010 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

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