Recruiting Blogs (24,293)

Industry Support - Help your fellow Hospo Professional

This week I don’t really have any advice or an opinion (yep, you heard it correctly – no opinion), I have more of a conundrum.

I have met with a few really great candidates in the past month or so who are facing some really unique challenges. Let me explain what I mean.

These individuals are all senior level people – area managers, franchise managers, directors or operations managers and the one thing they have in common is that they are victims of the economic… Continue

Added by Corey Harlock on March 10, 2010 at 7:00am — No Comments

Recruiting Versus Politics

I decided to write a blog that is more personal and hopefully will provide relevance to my current practice. I’ve had the largest mental block lately trying to question certain areas within our industry for Recruiting Blogs. The fact of the matter is that sometimes we find parallels of what we do in comparison to other industries. And with that, wonder, where will this take us?

I completed my undergraduate degree in political science focussing on the development between people,…


Added by Neha on March 9, 2010 at 6:04pm — No Comments

Something Stinks, "Oh It's a Counter Offer"

A quick search for “counter-offer” on any search engine will yield a

bucket of articles and information about the pitfalls of accepting

a counter-offer. And do I really have to mention the well known

statistic that for every person who accepts a counter-offer, they will

change jobs within 6 months anyway?

But who cares about stats? They are wrong 50% of the time anyway, right?

Today I am going to set the record straight once and for all. I am…


Added by John Sanders on March 9, 2010 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Context Is Always Decisive

Context Is Always Decisive

Lets face it, we have all been in that "space" of thinking or feeling "I really don't want to do this", or "This is impossible and it will never work out". I am sure you have been there, right? I know I have been there more times than…

Added by Matthew Hakaim on March 9, 2010 at 1:46pm — No Comments

Why Social Recruiting needs to fail

I was going through some old folders on my laptop the other day and I happened to come across my very first digital recruitment media plan which I wrote for a client way back in 1999. Even though a lot has

happened in the last 11 years I still remember this particular project

fondly. This might seem quite strange when I tell you that it was an

abject failure from both mine and the client's point of view!

The client needed to recruit four permanent software engineers and…


Added by Matt Alder on March 9, 2010 at 1:34pm — 23 Comments

Developing And Nurturing Candidate Relationships

Most recruiters can agree that there are two types of recruitment- passive and active. Passive recruitment tends to lend itself to more candidate involvement. The majority of your time is spent building that relationship with the candidate & earning their trust while all along suggesting and offering opportunities for them to consider. It's not uncommon for the passive candidate to stay in your pipeline for several months because they are only looking to make a career change for the…


Added by Matthew Hakaim on March 9, 2010 at 1:14pm — 1 Comment

Job-seekers....Don't be Afraid of Change.

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like hard work.” - Thomas Edison

The key to being successful as a job seeker often times comes down to our ability to recognize change.…


Added by Trevor Smith on March 9, 2010 at 12:40pm — No Comments

Green Jobs to Save the World! (or at least the economy?)

Last months’s State of the Union address included a myriad of partisan and bi-partisan talking points - with cheers from one side and stoic faces from the other. But through and through, nothing was as pertinent to both sides of the general public, and coincidently the HR community, as the budgetary blueprint for 2011, or more specifically, the $100 billion designed to create more jobs. Specifically cited in the big budget was the focus on and education of green…


Added by Katie Meeker on March 9, 2010 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Great Companies

For those of you who don’t know me or don’t know me well I am a trainer for Monster Canada. I have an amazing job that is absolutely perfect for my personality – I get to talk for a living! I am passionate about my brand, my company, candidate experience and improving the recruitment process. Even with all of this wonderfulness I too get sucked into the daily grind from time to time.…


Added by Samantha on March 9, 2010 at 12:30pm — 5 Comments

Celebrating 10 Years of Excellence

iCIMS is kicking off 2010 with a celebration to shout about. Happy 10th anniversary, iCIMS!

Incorporated in 2000, iCIMS marks its 10th year in business with a tour around the nation starting April 8th in New York City. The celebration will give all attendees the opportunity to meet the iCIMS family and network with other HR professionals to learn the latest in HR technology solutions. The company will visit 8 cities in total. Click on the city name to… Continue

Added by Karen Bucks on March 9, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Diversity Sourcing Part 2!!!

We already looked at Women so now let's focus on Hispanic. As I said in my previous post remember diversity sourcing is a very special skill. You need to have knowledge of were to search or as I have said in my " Top Ten Rules for Successful Internet…


Added by Dean Da Costa on March 9, 2010 at 11:18am — 2 Comments

Awkward, My Interviewer Facebook Friended Me

I’ve been watching the massive growth of Facebook just like everyone else. From a small idea in a Harvard dorm room to over 400 million global users, Facebook is huge. As a Facebook user for the past several years, I’ve successfully dealt with some interesting friend requests. First, people from high school that I used to be friends with but by graduation we were no longer speaking. Accepted, we’re all adults now. Then, my ex-girlfriends asked to be my friend. Declined, too hard to explain to… Continue

Added by Omowale Casselle on March 9, 2010 at 10:49am — 19 Comments

"Assistance During Your Job Search"

Steven’s Note:The following is a press release provided by Angel Food Ministries. The reason I’ve posted this information is that we can all use this wonderful service as locations can be found throughout most of the United States. During your job search, I’d ask that you consider using the services yourself, and certainly share this information with anyone you can. Thank you!



Added by Steven Coyne on March 9, 2010 at 9:03am — No Comments

Unofficial SXSW Tweetup

By nature it seems that the HR and Recruiting community is very social. We like to have a good time and sometimes we like to take those online connections offline at events, unconferences, or tweetups (twitter meetups). It's nice to have a beer with a social media someone who in many ways you know better than your sister or co-workers through their tweets, facebook, and blog. Even if you can't… Continue

Added by Jessica Miller-Merrell on March 8, 2010 at 11:16pm — No Comments

Phony Social Networking IDs for Recruiters - fair play?

Obvious phony identities are encountered from time to time on linkedin, facebook, and twitter as well as several other locations where recruiters see potential to find candidates. Whether the name is John Doe, William Peters, Jane Foster, or something with some originality, recruiters set up fake identities for a number of reasons. Maybe they are running a secondary business that they do not want their employers to know about. Maybe they don't want ex-employers to know they are breaking their… Continue

Added by Steve Fleischner on March 8, 2010 at 5:13pm — 9 Comments

What differentiates your recruiting model?

I attended an HR Conference in Fort Worth, Texas at the tail end of 2009 and had the opportunity to meet with dozens of exhibitors and attendees who work in the HR space. Par for the course; the event coordinators placed all of the staffing and recruiting exhibitors in the same row, which enabled me to listen to the presentations/elevator pitches of a…


Added by Travis Furlow on March 8, 2010 at 3:57pm — 23 Comments

Should You Incorporate? Sole Proprietorship vs. Incorporation

It can cost $1000 or more to incorporate your business. But is it worth it? This article compares the pros and cons of the two most common types of businesses that we see in Canada: Sole Proprietor and Incorporated.

Tip: You can change the legal structure of your business as it grows. Many small businesses start out as a sole proprietors or partnerships and become incorporated as the business grows.

  1. Liability

    One of the main…

Added by Tim Collins on March 8, 2010 at 2:31pm — No Comments

Healthcare Recruiting Position - K.A. Recruiting, Inc. is looking to hire an experienced Recruiter

K.A. Recruiting, Inc. is looking for an experienced recruiter to help with our increasing client needs. We’re a boutique sized, healthcare recruiting firm based in Boston’s financial district. We cover the entire US working predominately with hospitals and reference labs. To better meet our existing clients overall hiring demands we’re seeking a recruiter to expand our business into other verticals within the healthcare space. This is a unique opportunity to join a growing recruiting firm that… Continue

Added by KC Carpenter on March 8, 2010 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Attention DC Area Recruiters! recruitDC is Here!

recruitDC – a new, grassroots organization debuting its first ever event on May 26, 2010 at the Woolly Mammoth Theatre in Washington, DC – aspires to create a sense of community amongst…


Added by Ben Gotkin on March 8, 2010 at 2:00pm — No Comments

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