Most job seekers understandably think that their resume is their most important written job search tool. Why? Because most people associate resumes with landing their next job. Resumes are important, even critical, to your ultimate goal of landing your next job. However, resumes are best used only when you are applying for a specific position. After all, that’s the purpose of a resume – to articulate your background, skills, abilities and credentials – with the hopes of garnering an… Continue
Added by Matthew Levy on January 1, 2010 at 9:33am —
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As the recruitment market picks up in 2010 and companies start hiring again, we’re going to see recruiters getting busy. They will do exactly what they were doing prior to global financial crisis. Nothing much will change.
In parallel, we will see a tremendous amount of innovation in the social, mobile, real-time, and collaborative technology space. We will see more and more of the potential job seeker market participating in the social and mobile web. The small cluster of prominent… Continue
Talent professionals in social media love labels. Thus, those of us who use social channels for recruiting and networking together have brilliantly entitled our scene "Social Recruiting". We've been doing this "social recruiting" thing for years with LinkedIn and recruiting networks like But with the explosion of Twitter,…
This is not my usual kind of post but I had to share it with someone so you, my recruiting friends.
This morning, December 31st, 2009 I had a total Larry David moment. I seriously could hear the light little tune that is a staple of his show running through my head. Please try to hear that in your head as you read this.
The other guy, I have never seen him before in my life but let’s call him Larry, arrived at the gas station before me and attempted to use…
As we close out the year I thought I would share some of an article that a colleague sent to me yesterday and my reaction to it. The article below describes a measured, but more positive outlook for the coming year.
Survey adds to positive hiring outlook
by John Zappe Dec 29, 2009
There’s a bit more to celebrate tomorrow night than the start of a new year. A report from CareerBuilder today says more employers are looking to hire next year; fewer…Continue
Added by Todd Kmiec on December 31, 2009 at 10:22am —
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Here are my top 10 resolutions for all the tweeters I know:
1. People – DO NOT put “Please RT” in your tweets. If it is interesting, I will RT. If it is interesting and you ask me to RT, I won’t cause that’s just how I am.
2. The authenticity debate ends. No one is actually authentic unless you see what they do in their own house all alone when no one is watching. You are who you are.
3. #FF AKA #FollowFriday will actually have different people every week. I get it, you… Continue
With the New Year upon us it’s time to clear the way for the new by discarding the old. Time to clear out the closets and rid yourself of what no longer fits. Grab that hefty bag and start emptying out draws, shelves and purge anything and everything in your life that no longer serves you. When you start the New Year with a clean slate in every aspect of your life, you send yourself and the universe a message that you are making room for the new. It’s time to simplify your life and your job… Continue
Added by Lisa Kaye on December 30, 2009 at 12:45pm —
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Social media is becoming ubiquitous. Websites like Facebook and YouTube are among the most popular websites racking up millions visits - ok, and they're also among my most visited websites too. But beyond the entertainment factor, I'm realizing more and more that social media is an indispensable part of any serious job search. As a recruiter seeking a position right now, this is especially the case for me.
Why should social media be an integral part of your job… Continue
It's not dead yet! Don't be de-motivated just because of the time of year.
What's your motivation? What gets you up in the morning? Why do you do what you do?
Are you self motivated? And if you are how do you do that? Can you motivate others consistently?
This time of year is an interesting study into the psyche of the world as I know it. Things are supposed to slow down, it's the way of the world. People are being merry, thankful and looking… Continue
Added by Dan Nuroo on December 30, 2009 at 8:31am —
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Well guys (gals too) – how does that sound? Weird? Unreasonable, so on…. Search Engines like Google and Yahoo has just figured out that it is possible too. And why not? It is web 2.0 and everything is so easy.
I recently put my name on “sarang brahme” and was surprised to see my name in their sponsored listing section. For people who do not know what is sponsored listing in Google (popularly called ADWORDS in SEO language) – these are the paid listings which have been… Continue
Added by Sarang Brahme on December 30, 2009 at 1:38am —
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Sometimes my wife calls me a freak. I respond to her in body building pose and shout “Freak of Nature! Yeah baby, yeah!” That usually ends it right there.
Come to think of it, I am freak. Yeah, I’m a freak around the office. I open the bathroom door with a paper towel, drink a lot of crap that has vitamin C, and I use a gallon of anti-bacterial hand sanitizer every day.
I’m freak. A Germaphobe. When someone sneezes, I want to be wearing a fraking face… Continue
Added by Michael Glenn on December 29, 2009 at 11:03pm —
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My Look Ahead For 2010: Quit Bitching About The Economy And Do Something
29th December 2009
written by Margo Rose
I just got off the phone with Steve Levy, and he said something that really stood out, “The Best Way to Predict The Future Is To Invent It.” When he said this to me, it swept the cobwebs out of my head like a vacuum and made me realize: If you don’t like the current economic temperature-quit kvetching an do something about it.
Recently, I attended a webinar with @JennyDeVaughn. In this session we learned how to identify and recruit talent using Facebook. At first, I bit my lip, worried that recruiters and employers might scouring my facebook page seeking information about me and my life-long friends. I mean really, do they care about what I ate for dinner, or seeing my dogs dressed in the latest couture? Well the answer is maybe. Employers and recruiters are looking for you, and will use facebook, twitter, myspace,… Continue
Added by Margo Rose on December 29, 2009 at 1:56pm —
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Credit is a big issue these days. Whether it is about our financial institutions providing businesses with the capital to expand, or fear that your credit score has been compromised by identity theft, the topic of credit is a media constant. Type in to any internet search engine and the term “credit score” and it yields over 45 million hits.
Most all of the media hype about credit scores is helping people maintain and improve their credit ratings. Those annoying commercials by… Continue
I have a contract with Microsoft, and hope you can spread the word to those who are seeking employment. We are seeking C++, and C programmers with experience in shippable software product. Great if they have .net, and system level programming, even better if at the kernel level.
All applicants must apply directly--they can use my name, but no agencies are allowed to submit into these. Software Developers and Software Developers in Test links below:
11 years of recruiting for top companies has been an interesting place to grow a a solid base of knowledge. One thing that constantly amazes me is how few are true innovators and how many share a pack mentality. When setting up your recruitment program it is imperative it be multifaceted and tailored for the needs of YOUR organization. I am going to make some suggestions but hope to draw out some best practices that are working. One thing I can say is to be organizationally aware and honest… Continue
I posted and then took down a very personal blog last week. It took 24 hours for me to decide the information was just too personal to share on such a public forum. I re-read it a few times before I made the decision. Besides making me uncomfortable, I realized it had no point.
Then I received a succession of Tweets from someone who read it and told me it inspired her. She is trying to do the “impossible” right now and my post helped her believe that it was possible. In the spirit of… Continue