Recruiting Blogs (24,196)

Born to Recruit?

The longer I am in the industry, the more convinced I am that there are naturals for our profession. I have tried training people who don't have "it" and I am never successful. On the other hand, people with "it" need very little direction and they seem to take off like an airplane, often using new creative ways of doing it.

So what are these natural qualities? I will list a few, please add your ideas too because I could never think… Continue

Added by Julia Stone on December 9, 2009 at 7:58pm — 16 Comments

Southern California Prime Contractors/Employers=any need for experienced, national IT recruiting firm in government or commercial sector?

We are looking to open a Southern California office. We have worked with government prime contractors on several Dod, USDA, and other federal and state agency projects, as well as commercial work. We want to find out if there are any prime contractors in Southern California whose needs are not being met by existing IT recruiting vendors. We have qualifying characteristics that may help the prime fulfill its obligations under the prime contract. We recruit nationally, and have offices in the… Continue

Added by Andrew Marquardt on December 9, 2009 at 3:54pm — No Comments

"Speed Dating For Jobs" in 2010 - A fun alternative to the traditional job fair

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

First and foremost, from my family to you and yours, I would like to wish all a blessed and happy holiday season. On that same note , I would like to thank everyone for their support throughout this last year , especially including all of the nominations that were sent to the White House on my behalf to request that I represent the voice of the unemployed at President Obama’s jobs summit in Washington DC… Continue

Added by Carlos Gil on December 9, 2009 at 1:37pm — 2 Comments

Are you out of your mind-set?

So Happy Holidays to everyone. While typically I like to discuss hiring tips and techniques directed more towards hiring managers than job seekers, I’d like to go a little different route this month, and focus these remarks towards job seekers. Let’s face it, at some time or another….we are all job seekers.

Most people have been affected in some way by the economy. Either you’ve lost your job, lost a portion of your income, made a change to a new career, or at least know someone that… Continue

Added by Trevor Smith on December 9, 2009 at 1:03pm — No Comments

It's All About Me

When I make a decision that my 5 year old disagrees with I like to tell him that it’s all about me. He emphatically tells me that it’s not all about me, it’s all about God. Cracks me up. So in most cases in my life, it’s not all about me. However, in some ways in business it is all about me. Back in the Great Depression, many businesses in many industries went out of business. But not all of them. There are those in all industries who survived and came out stronger in the end.

For… Continue

Added by Todd Kmiec on December 9, 2009 at 10:46am — 1 Comment

Inside and outside: job boards have to work both places

It’s easy to do: you work and obsess over building the perfect job board, making certain that posting a resume is easier than sneezing – but then you forget about the world outside your site. Or you spend hours on backlinks, blog postings, and email campaigns, only to discover that your site just isn’t that easy to use.

Job boards have to function equally well both inside the site and outside the site. As a colleague once said, “You can build the best store in the world, but you’ll… Continue

Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on December 9, 2009 at 9:19am — 3 Comments

Been in meetings like this? "I don't know!... 3rd Base!"

I can't help it. Ever since Kellie O'Shaughnessy Tweeted this the other day, I haven't been able to get it out of my head.

Firstly Abbott and Costello, just happen to be one of my all time favourite comedy duos, their style of visual comedy, great timing and well thought out routines never get old. Secondly the fact that Australia could have had potentially these 2 names running out fair nation never failed to amuse.

Now… Continue

Added by Dan Nuroo on December 9, 2009 at 8:43am — No Comments

India: New Twists on Social Responsibility, Availability and Co-existance

Up at 7an Tuesday morning. Our delegation’s 1st “work” day lasted 13 hour (note to self on feedback form to ask for an afternoon wine break). Now, back at the hotel late at night, I'm having that nightcap in a quiet corner. Everyone else has headed up.

By mid-morning I was at Delhi’s Management Development Institute that is noted for its MBA, PHD, Business and HR programs at the graduate level producing 900 graduates a year. (The bus ride there and all thsat entails is still being… Continue

Added by Gerry Crispin on December 8, 2009 at 8:19pm — 7 Comments

Is OD Dead? Yes, We Killed It-Or Did We?

I hate to be the Friedrich Nietzsche of OD; however, the question begs to be asked, is learning and development dead? It is because the economy killed it. The need for statistically valid organizational diagnostics did not go away, nor did the necessity for strong coaching and professional development programs. The recession decimated OD and Learning and Development departments. So, the next question that begs to be asked is what are companies going to do? If they are smart, they will pay… Continue

Added by Margo Rose on December 8, 2009 at 7:55pm — 11 Comments

Pre-Interview - Easy but important research tips

You finally got that phone call; you know the one that is more elusive than a smiling DMV clerk? You have been invited to interview for your dream job. Your suit is back from the cleaners, your resume is polished to a shine, and you just invested $100 on a good haircut.

You are all set, right? Nope. Between now and the interview, you have some important work to do.

Don't stress. The following are 5 easy research tips that will put you ahead of the others, even before the race… Continue

Added by JC Simon on December 8, 2009 at 7:31pm — 2 Comments

Incentivising Tomorrow's Recruiters - it's Feedback not Fees

Historically we have always seen 3rd party recruitment as a sales business. We employ recruiters who are rewarded for their ability to open doors and sell to clients and to place as many people as they can…irrespective of how they do it, and of what experience they deliver to their clients and candidates.

Social media is beginning to change that…whether on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter, recruiters now have a relationship with their candidates and clients which is both visible and… Continue

Added by Mervyn Dinnen on December 8, 2009 at 5:56pm — 2 Comments

LinkUp Reports Significant Improvement on the Jobs Front in November

As further evidence of an improving economy, LinkUp reported today that new job listings in its job search engine rose 9% in November, while the total number of job listings in its search engine rose 4%. The Department of Labor reported this morning that in November, the U.S. economy only lost 11,000 jobs, a stunning development given the consensus estimate from economists that 125,000 were lost during the month. Unemployment dropped to 10% in November from a 26-year high of 10.2% in… Continue

Added by Molly Moseley on December 8, 2009 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Should job seekers pay to search?

We took on the subject of paid job sites this month at

From the start of job boards in the mid 1990s until now, the vast majority of job and career sites have worked on a simple economic model: job seekers don’t pay, employers do. In fact, the concept

of free access to a job site’s listings was so ingrained that…


Added by Eric Shannon on December 8, 2009 at 5:19pm — No Comments

Branding Yourself on Social Networks During the Job Search…

Social networks are the new job boards. Recruiters and employers heavily rely on business communities such as LinkedIn and are even exploring Facebook and Twitter to extend their search for talent. Business groups on social networks are exploding and the want ads and job boards are becoming a thing of the past. If you are in the market for a new position, it is critical that you use these networks to your advantage.… Continue

Added by Andrea Persico on December 8, 2009 at 3:26pm — No Comments

Manners Matter in the Interview Process

Is common courtesy essential in the interview process? Do manners matter? The obvious answer is yes. Yet recently, I have witnessed a number of candidates that seem to think otherwise. Despite the economic climate candidates are still no-showing interviews, blowing off client requested tests and not returning calls. I am left wondering….do candidates really think this is acceptable?

People don’t blow off doctor, hair, or even car maintenance appointments for fear that they will be… Continue

Added by Andrea Persico on December 8, 2009 at 3:24pm — 2 Comments

recruiting is a lonely game, not a team sport.

Does it take a village? Or is it more of a fellowship of sorts?

I tried to get a team together for the DARPA Balloon Challenge. I posted everywhere, there were a few patient onlookers who mostly were curious how we would collaborate on googlewave to accomplish this crazy task. Find 10 red balloons hidden on street corners throughout the US in 1 day.

2 people were able to do so much. I have never been more proud to have a sourcer like Lisa Offutt working with me & for… Continue

Added by Julia Stone on December 8, 2009 at 3:22pm — 17 Comments

Ask Andrea…I am a Senior Level candidate and can’t seem to find a job – what should I do???

Job Qualifications are changing as rapidly as the markets themselves. A year ago everyone was desperate to hire the most technically savvy candidate they could find. If you made less than six figures you were quickly dismissed because it was assumed that you didn’t have the skills to fit these high tech roles. In the last year, like many markets, that paradigm has changed. Budgets are cut, firms are folding and suddenly the most sought after candidates of yester year are plentiful. Every day I… Continue

Added by Andrea Persico on December 8, 2009 at 3:22pm — No Comments

Conquer the Post Recession Applicant Pile Up

Great news- things are starting to turnaround! Before you receive the almighty “go ahead” to post opening, how are you going to prepare yourself for the applicant response rate?

To prevent an applicant pile up; organize and process your applicant data with an applicant tracking system. Most applicant tracking systems provide:

* Interface to manage and post active job openings

* Tools to qualify applicants based on… Continue

Added by Julia on December 8, 2009 at 1:38pm — No Comments

Blogging: Boom or Bust for your career

Is blogging a help or a hindrance in your career?

If you listen to some commentators, having a large online footprint will be THE only way you'll be found in the future. Job boards will die, and all Recruiters will be all over Social Media tools writing Boolean strings, mining LinkedIn, Facebook, reading blogs (etc) and just finding you when they need you.

So therefore, you need to have a Facebook account a LinkedIn profile, a Twitter presence and be furiously writing… Continue

Added by Dan Nuroo on December 8, 2009 at 8:05am — 1 Comment

The Omens are Good

Arrived Delhi 9pm last night. Refresehed.

I checked in to Newark and my boarding pass read "Seat 20A Window". At least it was in an exit row. Walked up to the friendliest flight attendant just before boarding and, with all the smile I could muster (as if that would make a difference), said, "Just checking to see if miracles really happen". She looked up, smiled and said "if your name is...(then looked quickly down at a ticket) Gerald Thomas Crispin they do".

Yes!!! Scored… Continue

Added by Gerry Crispin on December 7, 2009 at 9:09pm — 2 Comments

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