Recruiting Blogs (24,316)

How To Get Your CV Noticed

Your CV is your one way ticket between you and that dream job. That’s why it is vital to ensure that you’re CV stands out amongst the crowd, and gets noticed by the employer.

Cater Your CV ToThe Job You Are Applying For

To make your CV really stand out, write a cover letter for each individual job that you apply for. At first it may seem time consuming,…


Added by Daniel Smith on May 10, 2013 at 1:27am — No Comments

Construction Recruitment Agencies – Help You Find Desired Job

Construction Recruitment Agencies are agencies that focus mainly on meeting the staffing needs of construction companies. Since the construction industry has been growing consistently and rapidly, and is further expected to grow in the coming years, plenty of job opportunities are being created. This has led to the emergence of agencies to bring together companies and individuals in this specific area.…


Added by Sharon Kaith on May 10, 2013 at 12:08am — 1 Comment

Are You Prepared to Turn in Your Two Week Notice?

Turning in your two weeks notice can be a stressful and stress relieving process for anyone involved in making a career transition. You may be wildly loyal to your current employer but presented with a career opportunity you know you can’t pass up. On the other hand, you may dread turning into the company parking lot every morning and can’t wait to sever ties with your responsibilities and move on to a new and exciting career opportunity. Regardless of your situation, it’s important to focus…


Added by Rob Havey on May 9, 2013 at 4:28pm — No Comments


Candidates often complain that they never hear back when they send their resume.  I have to admit I generally reply to everyone out of respect and understanding that during these difficult times, everyone deserves to be heard (or at least their resume responded to).  The reason I say generally is that I have continued to place ads where I not only ask for specific requirements, I also have been clear that people should NOT APPLY if they do not meet those requirements.  Since I read…


Added by Terra on May 9, 2013 at 1:12pm — No Comments

Healthcare, Recruiting, and the Sequester

Check out iCIMS' latest blog post from iCIMS blogger Holly DeMuro.

For as long as I can remember, industry experts claimed that the healthcare industry was basically guaranteed to remain a consistent and strong job market forever. The thought was there will always be patients and patients will always need healthcare providers.  Now, I see that rationale is not quite as…


Added by Elise Jennings on May 9, 2013 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

10 Things Every Recruiter Can Learn From Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson.  A living legend.  As a person born and raised in Austin, TX, I have heard his songs played on the radio for as long as I have been alive.  Now a lot of musicians come and go, but not Willie.  He has stood the test of time.  My grandparents, parents, and even my kids have heard him.  There is something special about Willie Nelson, and on April 29, 2013…


Added by Will Thomson on May 9, 2013 at 9:00am — 10 Comments

Africa and jobs

More jobs in Africa as Sub-Saharan economies are set to grow by more than 5%

A World Bank reports that Africa's economic growth to will outpace average- a result of Higher commodities, increasing investment and a general pick-up in the world economy.

More jobs in Africa can be created if that African governments do more to ensure that this growth reduced poverty.

The report said strong economic growth has meant vacancies  in Africa and significantly reduced the…


Added by Kirti Rathi on May 9, 2013 at 4:53am — No Comments

A Good Recruiter Experience is Equally As Important As A Good Candidate Experience

As professional recruiters, we all strive to hit the mark on offering candidates the BEST experience possible when working with us and we all do our very best to make it happen; however, we also need to look at the other side of the recruiting spectrum. Are qualified candidates offering recruiters a good 'recruiter experience?' If not, why? First, I think we have to…


Added by Jeanna Zivalich on May 8, 2013 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Why more recruiters should be using Google Plus

I know it starts to feel a bit overwhelming when you constantly feel like you’re obliged to sign up to the newest social 

networking site in an attempt to stay in touch with social media trends. But let’s…


Added by Amanda Ashworth on May 8, 2013 at 11:30am — 10 Comments

I-9 Audits on the Rise - 5 Ways for Recruiters to Avoid Penalties

According to a recent Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) article, I-9 audits are on the rise (membership may be required). In 2004, only three audits were conducted compared with 3,004 in 2012. Simple paperwork errors can cost employers up to $1,100 per violation.

If you serve as the W-2 employer for your contractors, you are…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on May 8, 2013 at 10:26am — 1 Comment

HORSES FOR COURSES: The Realities of the World of Work

Image Credit: City CV

When applying for work, many inexperienced jobseekers make the mistake of thinking that the employer cares about which candidate is “better”, which candidate is the most "bubbly" or which…


Added by Dave Wood on May 8, 2013 at 10:00am — No Comments

Can Hiring for HR Pro's in Canada Bounce Back?

In the beginning of the year, WANTED Analytics reported that the number of job ads for HR professionals in Canada had steeply declined at the end of 2012. This could be a seasonal trend, since historical hiring shows declines in the last quarter of the year for HR jobs. Now that we are one-third of the way through 2013, we looked at more recent rends to see if…


Added by Abby Lombardi on May 8, 2013 at 10:00am — No Comments

Looking for a speaker for Tucson Professionals Recruiter Association on Social Media Recruitment


We are looking for a presenter to discuss Social media recruitment trends, tips Friday May 24th!

Does anyone know someone that can do a training session maybe a 2 hour session?

If so please let me know at 520-319-1011

Added by Danielle Duarte on May 7, 2013 at 10:37pm — No Comments

Making it easy to apply!!

Making it easy to apply!!

Over the last few weeks, I have gone out to many company sites and check out the style, process, and length of time to apply to an open position. I was amazed at some of the things I saw. About 50% of the companies had easy, quick ways to apply, took less than 5 minutes. Another 20-30%…


Added by Dean Da Costa on May 7, 2013 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

How Lunch Affects Your Hiring Judgment

We've warned candidates about the challenges of interviewing with tired or hungry recruiters, but ultimately we'd like to remove all bias from hiring decisions.  This will require the leadership of talent acquisition teams to change recruitment processes that are vulnerable to bias.  Here are a few interviewing pitfalls to be aware of and our recommendations for removing…


Added by Angela Yu on May 7, 2013 at 1:01pm — 2 Comments

Making Friends With Marketing: Why, When and How

If you're new to hiring, it may come as a shock that one of your biggest advocates might be in another department entirely. That's right, it's time to make friends with Marketing! 

Why (you ask with that perplexed look on your face) Maren, WHY would I need to make friends with the marketing pros at my company? 


They get attraction in a big…


Added by Raj Sheth on May 7, 2013 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

Generalization Fatigue

Generalizations are stupid.

There. I just made one. Now doesn’t that sound silly? You’re probably thinking “aww, come on Amy! It’s usually true!” Yeah maybe, but it’s exhausting. I have been diagnosed with Generalization Fatigue. Symptoms range from eye-rolling, head banging, and groaning to slamming laptops closed in order to protect yourself from one more crappy prediction about the fate of recruiting. Here are some of my favorites:

The resume is…


Added by Amy Ala Miller on May 7, 2013 at 11:51am — 16 Comments

Making the Case for the 140 Character Twitter #Résumé

Can you describe all of your distinctive attributes in 140 characters or less? Better yet, can you sum up your entire job résumé into one “tweet”?

Many people are starting to speculate that Twitter, the social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read short messages, has the capability to…


Added by Catie Augusta on May 7, 2013 at 11:17am — No Comments

Is your boss "cool" or "cruel"...Let us evaluate the signs

I am fortunate to have a warm and receptive boss that cares about my future and goes above and beyond to provide me with the tools and resources to gain the necessary skills to grow and work in a very satisfying environment.

With her cheerleader persona, focus on rewards and recognition and balanced workflow, she is a role model for the qualities that we look for in a “cool” boss.  On a daily basis, I witness a leader that:

  • Fosters innovation
  • Promotes strong…

Added by Mark A. Leon on May 7, 2013 at 10:52am — No Comments

Re-live those dead candidates now. The power of the database

Its a really common thing. You work with a really great candidate, you place them into a great job.


You do all the good stuff – the congratulations lunch, the follow up calls, you make them non-active on the database and your job is done.



Of course this person should then become a client and you should work to continue to build the relationship into a really great one for the future. A client for life, if you do it all…


Added by james nathan on May 7, 2013 at 9:09am — 1 Comment

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