AS A TRAINER, I have always used various approaches to help get people engaged. We all know that this can be a difficult feet. For those of us that have been doing it for years we don't see the big deal. It's simple isn't it? Ultimately you use what best fits your personality, meshes with the audience that you are presenting to, and what can ultimately reflect the message and learning you are trying to reinforce. Am I right? Media, should reinforce and appeal to the content you…
Added by Benjamin McCall on December 11, 2009 at 12:11pm —
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We have posted a great article with some informative links on our website at
Swift HR Solutions. that you might find interesting.
Will recruiting pick up when employees who are staying at companies for security feel safe to start searching again?
Added by Kathi A. Jones on December 11, 2009 at 11:57am —
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Good Day All,
Our company
DERIS TECHNICAL GROUP, LLC has been afforded the opportunity to have Superior Sales teams who has billed 300K this quarter thus far(12/10) in direct placement, in contingency hire placements, and split fees. You guys are AMAZING! As a result, our entire Team including satellite recruiters received a
Christmas Bonus of 7% of their gross earnings in addition to normal salary for an outstanding effort. THANK YOU TEAM FOR AN AMAZING…
Added by Ed Miles on December 11, 2009 at 11:38am —
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One of my all-time favorite writers, Bill Simmons* of ESPN, credits
Rocky Balboa for ending the Cold War by defeating Ivan Drago in Rocky IV . The thought is intriguing. Communism began its decline very shortly after this movie’s release.
I watched Rocky IV for the 200th time over the Thanksgiving holidays. I was astonished by the allegorical similarity of Rocky’s one-man disarming of the…
Added by Chris Hood on December 11, 2009 at 8:55am —
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What is a Google Alert?
A Google Alert is a free service from
G-Mail, that lets you track Key words that You desire to track... in Real Time. Create Google Alert
Key words that pertain to your business,or even use Your name. This is perfect for tracking your
Branding efforts,or business.
When you or someone else publishes, or post on
social sites using your chosen "Google Alert - keyword",…
Added by Coach Tim on December 10, 2009 at 11:00pm —
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This was the most infuriating conversation I have ever had with the the Recruiting Animal
ring ring
Animal: Hello
me: It's me, I have a question to ask
Animal: Go ahead
me: How do you say obnoxious little sister in Yiddish
Animal: Vahksin zuls du vi a tsibeleh, mitten kup in drerd
me: Why do you need to insult me
Animal: (silence)…
Added by Slouch on December 10, 2009 at 6:44pm —
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If you’re looking to hire high-performing or high-potential leaders, look no further than MBA Focus. We’ve put together several new solutions to help you identify and attract highly qualified candidates quickly and cost effectively! Here's how it works:
1. You select the criteria 2. We do the search 3. We send you the results…
Added by Ryan Pratt on December 10, 2009 at 4:33pm —
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Yesterday I was reminded about of my first visit to China.
During the long drive from the airport to Beijing’s downtown, I marveled at the ability of the Chinese [gov’t] to hide thousands of its poorest citizens behind a never ending array of ingenious landscaping devices- miles of carefully planted trees and plants, well positioned walls and mounds, all designed to obscure our view of ordinary people going about their daily lives.
Regardless of China’s motivation for…
Added by Gerry Crispin on December 10, 2009 at 3:24pm —
I have over 20 years in recruiting and are currently working placing permanent professionals. I am considering working with temps in healthcare, manufactrring, etc. Does anyone know what the requirements are? I know you need insurance.
If anyone has recently gone through this, can you please educate me on the requirements.
Added by Ellen MacDowell on December 10, 2009 at 2:29pm —
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The fuel door on my car is busted. We had a little mishap at the gas station the other day and the fuel door latch was thankfully the only minor casualty. It won’t take much to replace it however the interruption to the crush of work and holiday schedule is annoying. It sounds odd perhaps but I think it was my car’s way of telling me to slow down the usual driving pace before moving forward. Compatible to the inevitable year-end reflection and resolution-making, the following is my glimpse in…
Added by Alisa Tazioli on December 10, 2009 at 1:30pm —
A portal? Isn't that web 1.0? Didn't we develop since then with social networking & search engine optimization?
Yes we did! And that's why we've launched the portal.
Jobs Holland has 60.000 searches every month! So in the wilderness of internet we give these people a safety zone. Only market leaders & unique recruitment services here, so an excellent quality standard. We want to get the people on the portal, and from here directly to all the companies. Here they…
Added by Rob van Elburg on December 10, 2009 at 11:35am —
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Okay, so I finally made the plunge. I figured that I would rather get with it or be left behind. Please let me know your thoughts or suggestions. Feel free to add content under recruiting ideas. If you would like to add a link under blogroll to help boost your rankings; send me a note and I will be sure to add your site. Thanks!
Jay Perreault…
Added by Jay Perreault {DCTechRecruiter} on December 10, 2009 at 11:15am —
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In his well-known book, The Trusted Advisor, David Maister explored the paradigm of that very important business relationship, using the professional services paradigm as a basis. His book covered some key components of trust (the trust equation), the process of creating trust (including the most common trust-breaking mistakes and this post includes a good example).
Trust is not a soft or an ambiguous concept – and it should not be. Some years ago I attended a one-week leadership…
Added by Charles Van Heerden on December 10, 2009 at 8:00am —
1 Comment
Dear Glennlist
I have a search for a company that needs a Software Developer that programs in Java, has been nude sun bathing in South Beach but doesn’t eat fish but will eat shrimp tacos. Also, rides a Harley Davidson, listens to Neil Diamond and hunts wild Goats. Oh, and they need to live in Alaska close to Sara Palin’s home.
Thanks, Millhouse.
Wow! I just placed someone like that recently. Here is the search string that I used. Hopefully this…
Added by Michael Glenn on December 10, 2009 at 6:00am —
1 Comment
We're delighted to announce that Sarah Rumball has joined STAR's support team, as a Financial Controller.
The search for a Financial Controller has been a lengthily one. STAR promises to find its clients not only the best people in the industry, but the best suited to their culture, and this rigorous approach to recruitment applies to internal STARs as well. With knowledge, ingenuity, and motivation given attributes, employees must also demonstrate behaviours compatible with STAR's…
Added by Carly Edwards on December 10, 2009 at 5:25am —
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It is a well-known fact that information technology is one of the most dynamic and ever-changing professional fields in the word. While some say that the frequency at which information technology innovation evolves is astronomical, others compare
its changes to the brazing speed of light (That is approximately 299,792,458 m/s.)
Information technology changes so fast said Sandra Thompson, a former employee of eLinks Software. “Since I lost my job one year ago, it has been…
Added by justin on December 10, 2009 at 5:02am —
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I have no idea how I’m going to get there: but I’m going.
I’m so excited. Last week the @radicalrecruit laid down the gauntlet and challenged the twitter community to a 100 tweet contest: the prize- free #trulondon unconference admission. After 24 hours of mad tweeting, I exceeded the 100 tweet quest and increased my follower base in so doing.
What blows my mind about this is that I was afraid that if I attempted to tweet 100 times in one day, my followers would leave me…
Added by Margo Rose on December 9, 2009 at 11:22pm —
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The Vice President closes her notebook and says she has no further questions. You sit back and let out a sigh of relief. You knocked that interview out of the park and now you can relax, right? Not exactly.
When the interviewer asks you if you have any questions before the interview ends, it really isn’t considered optional. This is your time to show that you have researched the company and really understand their core values, mission, goals and objectives, major players, and key…
Added by JC Simon on December 9, 2009 at 10:59pm —
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This Blog Post was originally posted on - - Please Visit the Blog if you like what you read.
The recruitment industry in the UK is a billion pound industry. In 2006 in the UK alone there were 10,426 separate recruitment organisations generating…
Added by Origin Forward Solutions on December 9, 2009 at 8:44pm —
The longer I am in the industry, the more convinced I am that there are naturals for our profession. I have tried training people who don't have "it" and I am never successful. On the other hand, people with "it" need very little direction and they seem to take off like an airplane, often using new creative ways of doing it.
So what are these natural qualities? I will list a few, please add your ideas too because I could never think…
Added by Julia Stone on December 9, 2009 at 7:58pm —