Recruiting Blogs (24,182)

Recruiting in a vacuum

Having spent almost a year in my current in-house role I've started to reflect back on where I came from. I took a look at my previous agency experience and compared what I did there to my current responsibilities and realized that although accidental, the format of my last job prepared me very well for what I was walking into.

The setup was such that every recruiter had one skill set within which he or she was to become an expert. The thought was for each recruiter to become fluent… Continue

Added by Gino Conti on April 2, 2009 at 2:44pm — 1 Comment

Welcome to the Era of WEB 2.0 Adaptive Talent Acquisition Technology in the CLOUD

8 tools to find semantic similarity between words

Semantic net

The big news this week has been Google announcing their use of semantics to enhance the performance of the search engine. This will not come as a surprise to computer scientists working in the language field (IR, NLP etc…). There are also already quite a few semantic search engines around like cognition for example. I think we were waiting for Google to take this step for a while and now it has it’s really… Continue

Added by 01. Lonnie McRorey on April 2, 2009 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

Demystifying the Cover Letter

stressguy1 People get so stressed about the cover letter.

  • Do I send?
  • How long should it be?
  • What should I put in it?
  • Do I put salary requirements in it?
Let's start with the first question. Carol from North Carolina said to me: "When sending in my resume for a job, I don't send a cover letter. It doesn't give me any advantage in getting the… Continue

Added by Bill Meirs on April 2, 2009 at 1:46pm — 4 Comments

Relationship Recruiting

Successfully identifying, cultivating, and maintaining talent pools are the keys to winning the race for talent in a global marketplace – HCI Whitepaper

Relationship Recruiting can best be defined as the development of long-term career/business relationships with higher performing individuals possessing the necessary skills and talents an organization deems critical to the success of their business. This includes both active and passive candidates, internal and external. It requires… Continue

Added by Robb Myers on April 2, 2009 at 1:19pm — No Comments

Recruiting Process and its importance in this economy- we have to learn how to “do more with less” - just like our clients do every day.

A good recruitment process is very important for any company, but in more ways than you may think. The process itself speaks volumes about your company.

The important aspects to look at:

1) Which aspects of the recruiting process are important to you?

2) On a scale from 1 – 5, how important are these aspects for you?

3) How would you measure that the process is performing according to your needs, and how would you know that your expectations are not… Continue

Added by Sam on April 2, 2009 at 11:00am — No Comments

Devott Insights:2.0 Times of China’s Service Outsourcing Industry Development- Part 1

Devott Insights:2.0 Times of China’s Service Outsourcing Industry Development- Part 1

In response to the release of the Reply to Questions on the Promotion of Service Outsourcing Industry Development by the General Office of the State Council and the speech of Mr. Wang Qishan, Vice-premier of the State Council, on the Service Outsourcing Work Seminar held in Nanjing on February 2nd, all the service outsourcing base cities in China quicken their steps on the development of service… Continue

Added by Devott on April 2, 2009 at 3:20am — No Comments

Negotiating a Higher Fee

As a recruiter, how can you command a higher fee?

Well, here’s one idea that sounds almost too good to be true—you simply ask for it. Savvy recruiters know that at any given point in time, there are companies out there with staffing needs so urgent, they'll do whatever it takes to get the position filled.

Like stranded airline passengers who are sick and tired of hanging around the terminal, they're more than willing to open their wallets, just to get… Continue

Added by Bill Radin on April 2, 2009 at 12:30am — No Comments

Preferring dead fish to fresh flowers

There's a story of a woman who sold fish all her life and knew nothing else. One summer day, she was invited to the queen's palace to help prepare a royal festival. When she was shown to her room, she found it filled with fragrant flowers. How disgusting, she complained. Please take me back and let me sleep near my pile of fish.

She choose the stench of fish over the sweet fragrance of flowers because of habit and familiarity. It's the choice of picking the devil you… Continue

Added by Steve Levy on April 1, 2009 at 4:29pm — No Comments

Experienced Sr. Staffing Consultant Available

Sr. Staffing Consultant available. Diverse experience recruiting high-tech professionals in commercial/aerospace industries. Specialize in start-ups or companies in a growth mode. Industry experience includes:renewable energy technology, R&D, broadcast & television, telecommunications, aerospace/defense, etc. E-Mail:

Added by Sharon Boreham on April 1, 2009 at 3:23pm — No Comments

Beta Testers Wanted: Social Media Expert 14.0

For the last several months, Copywrite, Ink. has been working with a former Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity (CADIE) developer on a side project to take social media to the next level. We call it SME 14.0.

That's right. Rather than plod along from Social Media Expert 1.0 to 2.0 then to 3.0, we've leapfrogged right over all those cool and catchy numerals to Social Media Expert 14.0. And, for today only, you too… Continue

Added by Rich on April 1, 2009 at 3:23pm — No Comments

5 Concepts for Next-Generation Applicant Tracking and Recruiting Software

It's time to rethink how we gauge our applicant tracking and recruiting software. In the past, companies have touted a system that can 'blast' to thousands of candidates and find a needle in the haystack. This is an old and out-dated way of 'recruiting thought'. True recruiting efficiency will come from applicant management software that promotes teamwork and collaboration between hiring managers and recruiters. Without further ado,… Continue

Added by Darwin Redshield on April 1, 2009 at 2:00pm — No Comments

No Onions! - A sales story

No surprises here, but we’re in a recession/downturn/what ever you want to call it and as always it doesn’t affect everyone (yes, some companies are actually hiring). The difficulty with working with these companies is that they aren’t looking to fill run of the mill IT positions, but instead high end niche roles (ERP experts/BI/DW/Architects/etc.). Additionally they have requirements for specific technology skills, and with only one or two hires for the entire year these people have to be… Continue

Added by bill martineau on April 1, 2009 at 1:41pm — No Comments

Baby Boomers, Gen Xers Collide At The Retirement Door

DALLAS, Texas (March 31, 2009) -- As unemployment numbers continue their worrisome climb, and as the stock market moves erratically up and down with so many retirement plans hanging in the balance, I have been thinking lately about the much anticipated shift in the workforce -- as Baby Boomers retire they will be replaced by eager Gen-Xers. For years workforce gurus and insurance actuarial analysts have been proclaiming the arrival of this moment in time. Now that the time has finally… Continue

Added by John G. Self on April 1, 2009 at 1:37pm — No Comments

April 1, 2009

Above the Fold

Today Lance Haun grapples with some thorny issues the jab one at the point that controversy and dysfunction meet. Hmmm...“Why are recruiters such jerks?”

Read it here, in context...How To Advocate For (And Not Create) Controversy

Claudia's Wednesday Wisdom

Claudia is at ERE this week. So, something to remind you why we miss her… Continue

Added by Amitai Givertz on April 1, 2009 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Finding time to "Re-brand" and build my Social Network

Wow. I sat down this morning to another day of recruiting and realized that I had gotten into the rut of doing the same thing day in and day out. I am not getting the results I would like to achieve and can not blame it on the economy any more as a scapegoat.

I decided to explore more of the Web 2.0 scene and see what I could learn. So far, I have started with updating my LinkedIn profile and seeking connections with more of my colleagues as a way to quickly expand my network. The next… Continue

Added by Matt Hilleary on April 1, 2009 at 12:35pm — No Comments

Oh the irony of the EEOC

I am positively shell-shocked having just read that the EEOC willfully violated the FLSA.

The agency's practice of offering compensatory time off to its employees rather than overtime pay amounted to "forced volunteering" and was a knowing violation of the law, according to the ruling.

Nothing quite like… Continue

Added by Steve Levy on April 1, 2009 at 11:30am — No Comments

Blind dates and retention metrics

Recruiting and matchmaking - not entirely the same, but not so different either.

A friend is single, yet can't manage to find a guy/girl because work/school/life is too hectic - just like the customer who has a vacancy yet can't seem to find the right candidate on their own. You get to work thinking about who you know that would be interested and has a personality that will mesh with your single pal - sounds like sourcing a qualified candidate to me. You set up some sort of meeting,… Continue

Added by Gino Conti on March 31, 2009 at 2:19pm — 1 Comment

Spring Forward. Tally-ho!

How’s the market? I can’t even begin to guess how many times that I have been asked this question. Having worked in and around recruiting for over a dozen years, people assume that I see trends in the labor market that can indicate the overall health of the economy. To a great extent this is true. The companies that I have helped start and run for the past 10 years are proven leading indicators of market conditions, especially for the technology markets: people stop hiring when things get… Continue

Added by Joel Passen on March 31, 2009 at 12:14pm — No Comments


Recruitment sessions for the upcoming 2009 college scholarship

recipients for the San Onofre Career Preparation Program are scheduled

in April. If you would please forward this information to your contacts

that would be a great help in reaching potential candidates for the

program. We also have the May 5th recruitment date tentatively planned

at the Escondido Workforce Career Center in Escondido.

Southern California is offering:

* Full… Continue

Added by Heather Phillips C.A.C. CIR on March 31, 2009 at 12:04pm — No Comments

I Hate Your Guts but I'll Represent You, You Stupid Dick.

I am finding that one of my biggest challenges of late is finding and having to represent the most abhorent, rude, arrogant, pompus, skilled, intelligent, well-educated, experienced jerks with inflated senses of self-worth. Originally when I came across these people I parked them in my database and said, "the hell with you, you stupid dick! I hope you never get another job again." However, I realized that my approach is immature. In real life I can decide to cut jerks out of my life (and do,… Continue

Added by See_Jane_Recruit on March 31, 2009 at 11:08am — 14 Comments

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