Employment During a Recession?
It seems the news is the same every day “Recession!” “Poor economy!” “Stock Market down!” But what can you do to make lemon-aid out of lemons during these turbulent times? Especially in regard to employment?
First let’s look at it from the employer’s perspective:
During economic good times, the best performers are quickly snapped up by those “employers of choice” who can pay higher…
Added by Margie Tosch on March 11, 2009 at 5:44pm —
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So on Friday my contract recruiting position ENDED and I became unemployed. During this economy, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that even the most successful companies need to take a look at their books and where it…
Added by Heather Gardner on March 11, 2009 at 5:37pm —
You'll believe anything!
But they did agree in negotiations with Ford
to reduce it to $55 per hour with benefits.
This reminds me of a few months back when lots of Lehman Brothers software developers hit the streets and really believed they were worth the $200K+ base they were earning; when sussed out, it was clear that skill-wise they might be worthy of $100K here in NYC.
For so long the…
Added by Steve Levy on March 11, 2009 at 4:04pm —
"While other forms of intelligence-gathering have benefited from research and technological advances — intelligence officers can intercept telephone and Internet communications or use satellite images to find people — interrogation has suffered from a lack of innovation. And our military lacks an elite unit of highly trained interrogators to call upon when high-level people in terrorist organizations are captured. Too often, the questioning is left to whoever is closest at… Continue
Added by Steve Levy on March 11, 2009 at 1:15pm —
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Claudia's Wednesday Wisdom
"Struggling" asks about success and Claudia let's them off the hook, waxing philosophical.
Read it here...
Wednesday Wisdom: The Quest
Bonus Track
Rayanne goes classical, waxing philosophical herself by quoting:
"The unexamined life is not worth living."
Sock it to me, Ray-Ray...…
Added by Amitai Givertz on March 11, 2009 at 11:30am —
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How’s the view from under your desk these days? I know who you are!! Get out from under the desk. Yes, there is another recession and you’re nervous about keeping your job, yet hiding is not going to help you. Actually, it’s the worst thing that you can do. If your company doesn’t want you, can’t afford to have you -- they will find you no matter where you are. The better strategy is to make yourself a valued player and decrease the odds that you will finally be listening to recruiters when…
Added by Karen Russo on March 11, 2009 at 11:15am —
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I wasn't thinking and ordered onions on a sandwich the other day. A couple of hours later, I could smell my own putrid breath. I almost had to work out of the bathroom to cover up my halitosis. To make matters worse, I had some meetings and a candidate was on the way. Something had to be done.
I reached for my survival kit. Actually, it’s a desk drawer stocked full of stuff. Here is what I keep and you should to: A toothbrush, toothpaste (d-uh), pressed shirt, deodorant, cologne,…
Added by Michael Glenn on March 11, 2009 at 10:24am —
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Dear Claudia,
I’m trying to sort something out and I’d like your thoughts about it. I’m a classic Type-A personality: I like to be in charge, and expect to succeed at everything I do. My family was pretty poor when I was growing up; my parents struggled to feed us kids, and lots of times we went without. As the oldest, I worked three jobs through high school and college to help out; it was difficult, but I graduated with honors, and eventually started working in a recruiting… Continue
Added by Claudia Faust on March 11, 2009 at 12:30am —
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Candidate: It sounds interesting, but I am not quite ready to make a move.
Recruiter: Oh, that´s too bad. Let me ask you something. Do you recall meeting someone from this firm last Friday at the conference?
Candidate: Oh yeah, what was his name...
Recruiter: Was his name Timothy Gray?
Candidate: Oh yeah, I think so, yeah... That´s the name.
Recruiter: Well, you know, his office is right across your building. He was very impressed by you. And you know what else, he is…
Added by Catia Yun on March 10, 2009 at 10:30pm —
1 Comment
So here goes my first attempt to “blog” I have thought about it numerous times but was just not compelled enough to venture into this new world.
Well the news of recent days in the industry I specialize in, the pharmaceutical / biotechnology industry has compelled me to try.
The economic climate and merger as a solution mentality has now created what I am terming Mega Pharma. These new companies will be too big to be simply be called big pharma.
Will these new…
Added by Denise Milano Sprung on March 10, 2009 at 8:22pm —
In this economy, you have almost every major giant company out there putting a hard stop on bringing in new blood. Of course all the headlines are reading "cutbacks", "layoffs", "hiring freeze", you name it.
Inevitably, the job seeker is feeling motivationaly pumped out and is left wondering what is next.
What we are seeing in this downturn is a newer appreciation for us "headhunters" as we are the ones holding the cards. We have been seen as the last resort for most…
Added by Jennifer Loesch on March 10, 2009 at 8:07pm —
I am not asking for a split it is just a favor I have a friend of a friend in the bay area (Oakland) who has an interesting legal background with a JD who would like to leave her contract position for a full time position. Here is her resume if you email me I will connect you. I do only medical but would love to see her get a non contract position. She is an outstanding candidate very educated and professional.
John F.…
Added by Heather Phillips C.A.C. CIR on March 10, 2009 at 2:13pm —
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One of my biggest pet peeves and one of the biggest interviewing faux pauxs that people make is using the word "we" in an interview. As in, "Well, what WE did was build the models using SAS." We? Is there a mouse in your pocket or something? What's this we crap? I am not interviewing your company or your team, I am interviewing YOU. I want to know what YOU do. How is an interviewer to decipher between what YOU do and what your co-workers did if you keep using the term "we"? An interview is…
Added by See_Jane_Recruit on March 10, 2009 at 12:04pm —
Added by Steve Levy on March 10, 2009 at 11:30am —
1 Comment
Tutorial Tuesday: The Unkown Cybersleuth
Somewhere between the recursive nature of Google and "Who Killed Cock-Robin" I had an idea for a custom search engine.
What was I thinking?
Bonus Track
In conversation with Steve Levy, Rayanne reminds us that "one is the loneliest number."
Read today's post here...…
Added by Amitai Givertz on March 10, 2009 at 9:00am —
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Saturday mornings in the 70’s I’d watch the Superfriends. As soon as American Bandstand came on, I sprang outside and fled away on my Huffy bike. Back then the air was crisp, sky was blue, streets were safe, rock music was played and you didn’t have to wear bike helmets. Life was good.
Then a recession hit. Bam! Gas prices were high. Iran was the enemy. Jobs were lost, and the Carter administration was taking all the heat.
Things went from bad to worse. So bad, they…
Added by Michael Glenn on March 9, 2009 at 4:48pm —
I’ve been intrigued by mobile since I bought my first Palm back in 2003 and always thought the ability to have the Web in your hand, always on, at all times, was bound to be an idea and technology that would take off.
It was merely a question of time. And since smarter people than me agree that now is that time, we took the jump. If you’re not a Facebook fan or on our e-mail list, it’s news to you. We’ve recently soft-launched our latest venture,…
Added by Joel Cheesman on March 9, 2009 at 3:00pm —
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"Moving into a new job is among the toughest career challenges you'll face." George Bradt
In a 30 minute
Career Transition Channel podcast on Total Picture Radio, George Bradt, founder and managing director of PrimeGenesis, reports, "Between 40% and 50% of newly hired executives fail within 18 months. Many, many more new employees simply fail to distinguish themselves."
George wrote the book on onboarding: The…
Added by Peter Clayton on March 9, 2009 at 2:15pm —
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I am exploring the option of 10 month employees for certain areas in nursing in a hospital setting and would appreciate any experience and/or feedback you may have...
1) Other hospitals that are doing the 10 month for employees
2) The implications from a benefit standpoint (ie. healthcare, PTO accrual,etc.)
3) Budget perspectives
4) Hours and times of these employees
Thank you.
Added by Germaine on March 9, 2009 at 1:45pm —
1 Comment
Is your organization ensuring a positive candidate experience?
Anyone who knows me professionally knows that I believe one of the most important aspects of any recruitment program is a positive candidate experience. For over 15 years I’ve watched both agency and corporate Recruiters act dismissive and even disrespectful towards candidates who may not be a fit for the req sitting in front of them despite the fact that the candidate who they do not move forward with can be their best…
Added by Mike Astringer on March 9, 2009 at 11:32am —
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