Featured Blog Posts – January 2012 Archive (74)

1960’s Recruiting in 2011

Remember the 1960’s?  Well, there are two generations who don’t.


If you were a candidate, there were three primary ways for you to find a job.


1)      Complete an application, drop it off with the Personnel Department, and hope the company called you.

2)      Become known as a contributor in your current company and be recruited by a recruiter or someone within another company who knows your impacts.

3)      Network with people who could help…


Added by Bill Humbert on January 31, 2012 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

An Open Letter To My Candidates

I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you’re frustrated, annoyed, sad, angry, and despite your efforts, still trying to get a new job. I’m writing you this letter so that you’ll understand that it was not my intention to ignore you, leave you hanging, or cost you your dream job. I hate that your application got trapped in the black hole known as our ATS. I apologize for taking 3 days to respond to your email and even longer to call you back. In the interest of giving you a better “candidate experience”…


Added by Amy Ala Miller on January 31, 2012 at 2:14pm — 18 Comments

The Cost of Making Derogatory Statements about your Employer in your (Personal) Social Media Profile…

Everyone wants to be part of Social Media. Linked In, Facebook, Twitter, Marketmesuite, Foursquare, Beknown, Branchout….etc,etc….there are many programs out there. It is fair however, to assume that even the information you place on these sources will be seen by persons other than those to which it was intended.

(please note that everything below this point->.<- is not intended to injure, insult, maim or otherwise impair someone's judgment of right or wrong in the world of…


Added by Daniel J Smith on January 31, 2012 at 10:00am — No Comments

What do you get from a job besides a paycheck?

When you are evaluating a new position, one of the first thing you should ask yourself is:  What will I get from this job besides a paycheck?  There are several things you want to look at as you evaluate new positions.

  • Does this role provide the opportunity to develop my career?
    •  Is the job content in line with what I want to be doing
    • Make sure you understand what you will be working on, and…

Added by Paul Crowley on January 30, 2012 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

Networking Tips

Network can be a strong tool when it comes to filling and keeping your pipeline full. Here are couple of tips to capitalize on networking opportunities.

First Impressions

The first impression you make is very important in networking. When you see the opportunity to meet someone new walk up to them with confidence. One of the most important pieces to a good first impression is eye contact, look them in the eye as you approach and speak with them.  Put out your hand and…


Added by Kara Stringer on January 30, 2012 at 10:09am — No Comments

Recruiting Stars - What's the Reality?

Have you ever been in desperate need of money quickly?  I recall a situation in college when I needed cash fast.  In some of my dad’s parting words as he and…


Added by Tina Guth on January 30, 2012 at 9:30am — 5 Comments

Give the #customer what he wants

A Man From Cambridge

A man from Cambridge walked into a clothing store. He told the salesclerk "I am looking for a pair of polka dot pants in a size 34". The salesclerk looked at the man oddly and said "I have just the right thing!" and went into the backroom. He came out a few minutes later with a nice pair of khaki pants in a size 34. "Here you are sir, our best pants in a size 34!" The man replied, "indeed, those appear to be nice pants, however, I really need…


Added by Paul Crowley on January 29, 2012 at 8:41pm — 5 Comments

The Offer Acceptance to Job Start Transition

Most recruiters, corporate and third party alike have discovered that a candidate’s acceptance does not automatically translate to their start.  Many events may occur to prevent the candidate’s transition to employee, particularly if they need to relocate.


Therefore it is important to keep in contact through the period between their acceptance and their start.  It is also good for the hiring manager to communicate their excitement that the candidate is joining their team. …


Added by Bill Humbert on January 28, 2012 at 9:00am — No Comments

Building an Effective Job Description

Hiring managers in many companies do not understand the value of an effective job description.  One client said, “Just find me C++ programmers.”  When I asked if he was mostly interested in application programmers or software engineers, he simply looked at me.  If we found the right people, we would not waste his time reviewing resumes.  After taking the time up front, he was happy with our results.


The job description is the foundation of an effective recruitment process. …


Added by Bill Humbert on January 26, 2012 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments

4 Recruiting Trends to Watch in 2012

It's a new year, and the usual predictions abound about what will be hot in 2012.  Based on what we've been reading and hearing, here are the recruiting trends we think recruiters should keep an eye on:

1. Social Media Recruiting Wars - The race is on to see which social network, if any, will unseat LinkedIn as the recruiter's social network of choice.  When it was released last year, a lot of people had their money on Google+ due to it's ability to…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on January 26, 2012 at 11:13am — 2 Comments

Amy Ala Returns - Recording - Recruiting Animal Show


My scheduled guest decided at the last minute that an appearance on my show might hurt her tender growing brand. So she copped out. Luckily, our good friend, Amy-The-Recruiter-Ala stepped in to fill the gap.

Amy said it wasnt the same without Cat and Mouse Team, Jerry…


Added by Recruiting Animal on January 25, 2012 at 4:00pm — 6 Comments

Positive Side of Turnover

As difficult as it is, turnover is not always bad.  It can be an opportunity to revise an outdated position or to hire someone new with fresh ideas.  To decrease the panic and pain associated with the resignation of a key employee, follow these advance planning tips.

  • Transfer the knowledge.
  • Cross-train employees.
  • Document important procedures.
  • Hire a support person to learn key aspects of the role.

Turnover happens.  The key is to be…


Added by Ann Clifford on January 25, 2012 at 3:37pm — No Comments

8 Steps to a Perfect Recruitment Website

This blog originally appeared here on SocialTalent.co.

When was the last time that your recruitment site or careers page had an overhaul? The more recruiters that we talk to the more people…


Added by Johnny Campbell on January 25, 2012 at 12:07pm — 6 Comments

Countering the Counter Offer

Have you ever sourced the Best Candidate; sold them on the opportunity with your company or client; worked with them through the interview process, answering their questions; helped the hiring manager determine the best compensation package; extend the offer that they accepted; and then lost the candidate to a counter offer?  If you have been in the recruitment business for any amount of time, you have experienced that sinking feeling when they stop returning your calls.




Added by Bill Humbert on January 25, 2012 at 11:30am — 6 Comments

Recruiters OR Career Consultants

Check out my blog at WWW.Recruitwarstories.net



As agency recruiters we have to be polished, ready to go at all times and show value quickly. Being at the top of your game 100% of the time can be difficult especially with all the conflicts and interrupts that you deal with on a daily basis. In order for…

Added by Todd Schecter on January 25, 2012 at 11:03am — No Comments

Your Integrity, Your Reputation and the Ability to Succeed in HR & Recruitment

People who know me know how important integrity is to me.   People close to me within my network definitely think I take too hard of a stance on others who have let me down through their actions and subsequent lack of integrity.  I am a very trusting person and want to always be able to take people at their word.  But once a person fails to live up to their word I have a very difficult time looking beyond that experience and continuing our professional or personal relationship.  It's…


Added by Simon Parkin on January 25, 2012 at 9:58am — 3 Comments

Persistence and Perseverance.

Lipton Fleming work closely with a charity called Eaves and last week we spent a couple of hours with them discussing how dreams can become a reality with a few of the right steps.  These are people who have suffered physical, mental and emotional abuse and are trying to rebuild their lives for a brighter future.  Women who have been trapped in violent relationships, some even trafficked.

Life throws us a curve ball and the course of our lives can change cataclysmically. It could be a…


Added by Lipton Fleming on January 25, 2012 at 5:37am — No Comments

State of The Union and Other Things

Tonight we get the State of The Union.  I don’t care about the speech or the politics.  I do care about the actual state of the country. Here’s how I see the state of the union and a couple of other things.

State of the Union (Country) – Mature and overburdened with debt and a bloated political system.

State of the Economy (Business Conditions) – Pretty good, at least for the time being.  Recovered from the bubble burst and moving…


Added by Todd Kmiec on January 24, 2012 at 2:42pm — 1 Comment

Desperate 4 Guests

For some strange reason The Recruiting Animal Show is DESPERATE 4 GUESTS.

I NEED GUESTS. So, please, ask yourself: Do I want 2B a guest on the #1 online call-in show about Recruiting and Careers in the entire world.

This is a show that is now featuring on a regular basis the most famous Telephone Sourcer in the world - @MaureenSharib - who has just returned to active duty.

And now in addition to Maureen, the most famous internet sourcer in the world -…


Added by Recruiting Animal on January 24, 2012 at 2:11pm — 18 Comments

You Accepted the Position – Beware of the Counter Offer

Expert Recruitment Consultant Discusses the Dangers of Accepting a Counter Offer


Numbers demonstrate the employment market is improving.  As a result the people who have jobs are beginning to dip their toes gingerly into the market.  Surveys show that 30% to 60% of employed workers are unhappy in their jobs and are waiting for the employment market to improve.  An expert recruitment consultant warns that some of these people are setting themselves up for…


Added by Bill Humbert on January 24, 2012 at 11:30am — 6 Comments

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