November 2011 Blog Posts (194)

Social Recruiting - Jennifer McClure - Recording - Recruiting Animal Show



About a minute into the show my line went dead and then it took me another minute to get back on. So you'll hear some dead air near the start of the show.


Listen to internet radio with Recruiting Animal on Blog…

Added by Recruiting Animal on November 30, 2011 at 3:00pm — 9 Comments

The Apple iPad 2: what’s it good for?

This post originally appeared here:

The latest commercial from Apple depicts several different people using the new Apple iPad 2 for hobbies they love, whether that’s…


Added by SkillStorm on November 30, 2011 at 11:54am — 13 Comments

13 Quick Tips for Writing and Marketing a Case Study for Your Recruiting Firm

Hook New Clients with a Tantalizing Case Study


A new year is right around the corner.  How will you position yourself to develop more business in 2012?   A great way to start is to share how your happiest, best satisfied clients have benefited from your service in the form of a case study.

The best…


Added by Jessica Lunk on November 30, 2011 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

Who actually controls a company?

A typical Plc board consists of a Managing Director, Finance Director, Operations Director, HR Director, Sales Director and a Chairman to keep them in line. Maybe there is a Commercial Director and a Property Director too if the particular case suits. But generally, there is not the business owner on the board.

So, this fine group of people are charged with making decisions to ensure the company’s survival and growth. The MD takes the decisions based on information and guidance from…


Added by Steve Williams on November 30, 2011 at 6:58am — No Comments

Gaps in the time space continuum….

I was talking to my friend Rob M Wright the other day and he was telling me that he was struggling to find the time to complete his recruitment tasks. Well, he can have some of mine!


From my point of view, somewhere near me there must be a gap in the legendary time space continuum wall where time is pouring into my world like there’s no tomorrow. Literally.


Clients ask me to let them have CVs and then fail to read them for 4 weeks, or ask to meet someone and…


Added by Steve Williams on November 30, 2011 at 6:53am — 3 Comments

Recruiters - the new Mad Men


To work in recruitment you have to be a Mad Man

Most CEOs realise the importance of securing the best people in their industry. Having the top talent working for you gives you a huge advantage over your competition. Whilst most companies will  have developed a compelling message that they are ‘the’ place to work,  the reality is that majority don’t do much with it. It is often left sitting in the…


Added by Luke Collard on November 29, 2011 at 11:00pm — 25 Comments

Arbita - Lays off Sourcing Group


Added by Suresh on November 29, 2011 at 3:15pm — 2 Comments

Which bit of "Don't apply for this postion if you ain't got the experience!" do candidates not understand?

I am sure I am not alone in receiving countless completely inappropriate and seemingly randomly sent CVs when advertising for roles - it kinda comes with the territory - but it never fails to amaze me that even when a specific warning that irrelevant and inappropriate CVs will not get a response is included in the advertisement that so many candidates think it is worthwhile sending you their CV despite the fact they have no suitable experience and in fact, in many cases, simply could not…


Added by Dyll Davies on November 29, 2011 at 1:30pm — 15 Comments

10 Essential Strategies for Career Site Usability

If you build it, they will come.

If you build it well, they will stay.

Attraction is half the battle, but attraction is pointless if your career site is not sticky enough to maintain the candidate’s interest so that they apply. To increase application completion rates, Certified Usability Analyst, Jennifer Brogee,…


Added by Julia on November 29, 2011 at 1:30pm — No Comments

4 important aspects of Recruiting SEO technology!

On this blog, I’ve been a proponent of making SEO at least a part of your overall recruitment strategy by ensuring your job ads and recruiting content are SEO friendly. In order to do this, however, you need technology to consistently make sure that this is happening.

There are a lot of options out there including ATS career sites, Recruitment SEO solutions and non-recruiting specific options such Content Management Systems (CMS) that enable you to control the content and keywords… Continue

Added by Chris Brablc on November 29, 2011 at 11:58am — No Comments

Social Talent Best Practice Tips: Social Media Policies for Your Recruitment Business

Since we largely train recruiters and businesses how to leverage the power of social media as a sourcing tool, an employer branding tool and a business development tool, one common question we get asked all the time from nervous HR managers to company directors is advice on a social media policy that will enable their teams to have the freedom to roam social sites for…


Added by Johnny Campbell on November 29, 2011 at 11:36am — 2 Comments

US Online Job Market declines 4.4% in November.

Online labor demand dropped another 4.4% in the United States in November. Part of the decline is a seasonal adjustment which is common around this time of the year. This year it adds to the lackluster labor market making it even harder for the unemployed. Year-over-year demand is up only 1.8% leaving much to wish for during the holiday season.


United States Job Openings (Online Postings)…


Added by Henning Seip on November 29, 2011 at 10:23am — 6 Comments

Retail Sales and Hiring Both Grow this Holiday Season

As the holiday shopping season kicks into gear, retailers reported 6.6% gains from Black Friday and a 24% increase in online sales. We've been closely following hiring demand in the retail trade sector over the past few months and decided to take an updated look at retail sales online job ads. Between September 1 and November 15, Retailers placed more than 72,000 new…


Added by Carolyn Menz on November 29, 2011 at 9:07am — No Comments

Staffing Agencies - Can we do it better?

As the first and oldest staffing agency in Columbus, we have dubbed ourselves the “match makers” of Columbus between businesses and job seekers.  With our main focus being to get our candidates work and to keep our clients happy, we are constantly thinking of other ways to make our company stand out. 


For a job seeker, our process includes an interview, background check, drug screen, video resume, computer testing and a recruiter available for every question and need - This…


Added by Glenna Halligan on November 29, 2011 at 8:30am — 4 Comments

Mastering The Job Search Process

In the last decade, job seeking has changed and competition for every role is more competitive than ever. The prosperous decade of the 1990s, when jobs were plentiful and money (not to mention credit) was seemingly free flowing, failed to give way to an equally prosperous 2000s. Individuals seeking employment in this market are finding it difficult to do so, mostly because jobs have disappeared, having been shipped overseas or completely phased out. (Does anyone…


Added by Gavin Redelman on November 29, 2011 at 3:07am — No Comments

A Year Of Memories - What Lessons I will Take Into 2012


There is much to celebrate as this year draws to a close.  One can look at so many things that the year brings with it - the history, the memories of colleagues who made growth and found new direction in areas of their careers and those who moved on, memories of a year that taught me much about myself and I will not forget those defining moments which saw me…


Added by Mike Rasmussen on November 29, 2011 at 2:30am — 1 Comment

Understanding Your Recruiter Ratios

It amazes me how few recruiters truly understand their recruiting ratios.  Early in my recruiting career I would hear things like “we need to get your deal count up so come in a half hour earlier and stay a half hour later.  That gives you an extra hour a day to work harder.”  For me, “working harder” didn’t get to the root of my recruiting issues.  I was fortunate to have a strong manager/mentor who taught me to understand my recruiting ratios which allowed me to pinpoint the areas that I…


Added by Scott Burgess on November 28, 2011 at 8:08pm — 6 Comments

Homage to the Electrical Outlet

This is a post that I wrote for my job.  The idea came to me when I was staring at an electrical outlet while feeding my infant son at nap time.  I had never taken the time to slow down and notice the outlet.  Then I started thinking about how recruiters are much like electrical outlets.  Think about it.  We aren't always noticed for what we do, but the connections we make light up the world.  We are on the front lines of business, but the people we bring to the business can make or break…


Added by Kirby Cole on November 28, 2011 at 5:00pm — 4 Comments

Shake Off The Turkey Coma and Land a Job With Video Technology!!

Now that your turkey induced coma has subsided, it's time to get back to your job search!  The year is quickly coming to an end and you need to have your new career set for 2012!  

So what are you going to do differently that will get you that critical interview?  It's not going to happen by submitting your Word document and cover letter - you should know that by now...  Unemployment is still hovering at near record levels so you are going to have to think outside the traditional…


Added by David DeCapua on November 28, 2011 at 1:55pm — 27 Comments

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