All Blog Posts Tagged 'resume' (501)


You've checked the websites, you've researched companies, and you've turned in your resume for a job you really want. But your resume is only one paper in a stack on the desk of the hiring manager. How do you get yours to stand out? Well, how about trying an interactive resume in addition to (or instead of) a flat paper resume. But where do you start? Why not…


Added by Recruiter Raya on December 11, 2014 at 2:56pm — No Comments

Professional Resume - Plays Vital Role in Job Search

Never underestimate the importance of a good resume. Your resume is your first impression and first impression counts. Your Resume is the first impression that the employer has of you. This is the means to attract the attention of the employer. It can either make the situation or break the situation. So if your resume is not working contact a professional…

Added by Avika Shah on December 5, 2014 at 7:38am — No Comments

Career Growth of IT Industry in Year 2015

Fresh graduates entering the job market are always concerned about the growth prospects and career growth in their chosen field during the coming years. These fears are especially warranted when one looks at the nature of global economies and how they have behaved in the recent past. Lay-off's have been common during the recent global economic slowdown. However, there are some jobs and careers that are considered ‘recession…

Added by Avika Shah on December 1, 2014 at 8:54am — No Comments

7 Celebrities Who Would Never Get Hired From Their Resume

For the most part, the celebrities below have had successful careers, and gone on to fame, fortune and riches.

Why? Because they weren’t just a resume. Someone took a chance on their personality, not a meaningless skill-set written down on a piece of paper.


1. Kim Kardashian…



Added by Charlotte Phillips on November 5, 2014 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment


Are you feeling discouraged during your job search? Discouragement can come not only from how potential employers respond to your queries and applications, but also from your own self-assessment of skills. You might be wondering if you'll ever be good enough for the jobs you want. It's likely that you are also comparing yourself to other candidates who may seem more…


Added by Recruiter Raya on October 16, 2014 at 12:26pm — No Comments


We all hear about how critical it is to make a good first impression. An important study recently showed that first impressions are eerily accurate and frustratingly arbitrary. Rest assured, though, there is hope for the awkward. A 2009 study…


Added by Recruiter Raya on October 8, 2014 at 6:33pm — 2 Comments

Common Misconceptions about Recruiter’s Mind

A recruiter represents the face of the organization as far as quality manpower is considered with respect to best recruitment services. Imagine a candidate without proper qualifications or performance recruited into a company for a key role. If the company suffers because of the inability of the candidate, then it is not just the failure of the candidate but also the…


Added by Avika Shah on September 26, 2014 at 4:38am — No Comments

Call for Mr. Hole, First Name: Jack

Here’s the recruiting scenario:

An executive search firm principal (let’s call him Jack) searches for and sources potential prospects via LinkedIn

Jack finds and contacts a potential prospect (let’s call her Jenny) through inMail

In his inMail message Jack introduces himself, his search firm, and briefly…


Added by Kelly Blokdijk on July 24, 2014 at 7:01pm — 31 Comments

You're Three Questions Away From Quantifying Your Resume

Some people have an advantage when it comes to quantifying their accomplishments on their resume.  Take Deep Roy, the one-and-only Oompa-Loompa from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; how many of us can say that we saved our company millions of dollars by doing 165 jobs?

Hiring managers and recruiters want to find people who add value to the company.  They are seeking…


Added by Kelly Mead, SPHR on July 24, 2014 at 4:30pm — No Comments

12 Tips To Bring Out Your Inner Headhunter

The historic act of headhunting is quite disturbing, yet fascinating. The literal practice of taking and preserving a person’s head after killing them, has advanced from ancient times to the 21st century. 

Figuratively, the aggressive nature of the word has carried over to the modern day recruiting industry.  In our …


Added by Jody Dugan on July 10, 2014 at 9:30am — No Comments

Why I Hate and Love Resumes

Every hiring manager and recruiter measures themselves on how well they can tell the future. They have to, because that's what judging a person based on their resume really is. When we talk about resumes, be it applicant or employer, we talk about it like it’s your permanent record, the complete and total summation of your career thus far.

When you read…


Added by James Ellis on June 10, 2014 at 11:28am — 3 Comments

Ditch the Double Standard

The good news: for at least a few people I’ve spoken with recently, the job market seems a bit warmer so far this year than it has been in quite a while. Let’s hope so!

The bad news: applying and interviewing for jobs is just as cumbersome as ever.

The ugly news: many employers must have missed the memo about candidates actually caring how…


Added by Kelly Blokdijk on February 5, 2014 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments

Recruitment Skills

What are the skills required to get recruited? You might be very good at your technical but all of these can be showcased only after you get into a job. It is how you present your skills that impress the employers the most. For this the most important factor is your communication skill. You could be just average or above average at your technical but if it is backed up with good communication skills, you…

Added by Neelam Mestry on December 9, 2013 at 2:31am — 1 Comment

Performance Management

These days a lot of importance is given to the word Performance Management in the corporate companies especially as they use it as one of the strategies to improve the productivity of the company. Some find this to be a complicated process as there is no specific indication of what this process deals with. Does it deal with some product / service or some department or employees or anything else? To remove…

Added by Neelam Mestry on November 15, 2013 at 4:05am — No Comments

Tips for Making Your Resume Stand Out from the Pack

Before you secure a job interview, chances are you'll need to win over a potential employer with your resume. Since your resume could be competing with hundreds of others, it's important to design it to be attention-grabbing. However, there are right and wrong ways to make your resume stand out.

Use the tips below to make your resume stand out from the pack in a positive, professional way.

A well-organized resume will help you stand out from the job-seeking…


Added by Bev R. Sninchak on November 9, 2013 at 2:30pm — 5 Comments

Tips on Communication Skills

Have you ever heard that people got fired for in effective communication? Or a sales executive was fired for his incapability to express in a business meeting? Or a professor was fired because he wasn’t able to deliver the exact content to his students? A student who is intelligent failed in his examination because of lack of ability to express the contents or his thoughts on the sheet of paper? By this we can…

Added by Neelam Mestry on October 30, 2013 at 3:22pm — No Comments

Career at CrossRoads?

For many of us, there comes a time in our careers when it feels like a change is required.
But, whatever the reasons for re-evaluating, the idea of starting again and trying something new can be daunting. So, to help you choose your direction, here are out tips for managing a career crossroads.
Am I ready to make a change?
Switching careers can be a tough decision, especially if…

Added by Neelam Mestry on October 25, 2013 at 2:30pm — No Comments

How to Perform in your Interview

Many people have been job searching for months but wonder how to land right away into a job interview. They don’t know. But you have to reap the benefits of “power words” to get to a job interview. So while writing your resume, search online and use the power words to make it strong. Don’t make your resume boring and only list your facts. To get noticed, however, try to make it such that the employer gets impressed by your resume and gives a call you for an interview. One of the many…

Added by Neelam Mestry on October 24, 2013 at 8:00pm — No Comments

How to Acquire the Interview Skills

It is really important to prepare well enough for acquiring your dream job before one attends to an interview. The more time you spend acquiring those skills the more efficient one can be. Bringing out your innate skill and utilizing it properly will surely fetch you a job. Now when it comes to acquiring interview skills, here are few tips that one should go through before attending an interview.
Acquiring your dream job in this competitive world may seem a tough job. Attending…

Added by Neelam Mestry on October 18, 2013 at 9:30am — No Comments

Frequently Asked Interview Questions !!

While attending an interview, one has to face many questions. They can be related to your major subjects or field of interest or general knowledge too. Apart from these questions, there are a few frequently asked questions in an interview. While answering them, keep in mind that your answers will win a job for you. So, stay focused, utilize your communication skills to optimum extent and conclude well. As soon as you put your resume before the employer, you can expect a question which…

Added by Neelam Mestry on October 9, 2013 at 5:30am — No Comments

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