All Blog Posts Tagged 'jobs' (711)

Top Interview Tips for Mortgage Admin Jobs Candidates

A successful interview can have a significant influence on employers when you are applying for mortgage administration jobs, so it is important to make a good impression.

  1. Look Professional: Mortgage administrators need to be highly organised and personable in order to be successful. This is why it is essential that a professional attitude and positive…

Added by Ian Reseigh on June 24, 2015 at 4:34am — No Comments

Why Online Jobs are Becoming Hot in India

In past 5 to 10 years internet in India has grown considerably. Many people love to browse on Internet, however there are many who are interested in making a living out of it.

In fact, today online jobs are becoming so popular that younger generation is ready to take chances. I have strong points to prove that online jobs are really becoming hot in India.

You may or may not agree with me but my points are very persuasive. Here are some of them

1. Money, Money and…


Added by Priya N on May 28, 2015 at 2:12am — No Comments


Gender Gap

There is a high demand for individuals in STEM fields. Even conservative estimates assume that for decades to come there will be many more tech jobs available than there will be qualified applicants to fill them.

Many big tech companies are thinking ahead and doing anything they can to boost the number of people necessary to perform work in a technical role.…


Added by Recruiter Raya on May 14, 2015 at 11:41am — No Comments

PHP Developer Jobs in Kolkata – Look for Rewarding Opportunities

PHP tools help in creating dynamic as well as static web pages. It is a server-side scripting language designed not only for web development, but also for use as a general-purpose programming language. PHP is a tool that allows collection, processing and utilization of data for a desired output which is responsive. Being responsive, the output is visible over computing devices like desktop and laptops,…


Added by Angel Joana Hall on May 13, 2015 at 2:00am — No Comments

An Alternative View on Recruiting

I was speaking to a company owner last week who let me know he spent over $125,000 a year in job postings on major job boards. I was FLOORED! When I asked him about the quality of the candidates he got from those ads, he said that he received average or less-than-average candidates but that “I use it for the PR”.

This company thought that by providing regular…


Added by Danielle Thompson on May 11, 2015 at 2:30pm — No Comments

10 Worst things to say in an interview...

As soon as you drop some words in a job interview a light bulb can spring from nowhere and give a signal to the interviewer that you are already not the right person...every word counts!


If you get the Job, we will decide if you are ninja'd enough, wizardry,guru- tastic, or expertise and warriors status enough for you to work…


Added by Or Hillel on April 12, 2015 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Back on British soil: The impact of a stronger UK economy on recruitment in the pharmaceutical industry

At the height of the economic downturn, confidence in the UK’s economy dropped. In a bid to reduce manufacturing costs and stabilise investments, many pharmaceutical companies took these processes abroad. As a consequence, some of our highly skilled, domestic labour force went with it and project availability in the UK changed. Today, Britain’s economy is…


Added by Austin Fraser Ltd on March 25, 2015 at 2:18pm — No Comments

Top Factors for a Successful Sales Recruiting Project

Finding a top sales performer in today’s recruiting market can be a daunting task. Every employer is seeking the professional with the best performance record, hoping to increase revenue for their company. Realistically, however, these top performers are difficult to find.…


Added by Or Hillel on March 15, 2015 at 11:52am — No Comments

How do College Students Benefit from BPO Jobs?

Fresh out of college and looking for a good job? Well, getting a job without prior work experience may be a challenge. Thank god for the BPOs; you needn't worry about not being experienced. What’s more some of the BPO jobs rival top multinational company jobs in terms of salaries, perks and other facilities therefore making the industry very lucrative for students just out of college.

Benefits of working in a BPO for college students

Easy to find…


Added by Anjali Dixit on March 4, 2015 at 2:37am — No Comments

11 Clever and Unique Ways to Promote a Job Opening

If you rely on all the usual career-building websites to fill the openings in your company, you aren’t alone. Most employers today use digital job boards to advertise positions ranging from entry-level assistants to high-ranking executives. The problem is that with thousands of other listings competing alongside your own, there’s no sure way to know that your ad is…


Added by Jonathan Hulet on January 15, 2015 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment

Four Worst Office Workers: How to Handle Them Professionally

You have probably met some of the worst co-workers, but, there are times you cannot handle them. These annoying co-workers make you cringe in your chair and probably be out of focus from time time. Heck, you may even have some awkward situations with them.

Below are some of the cringeworthy…


Added by Ellen Summerhills on December 19, 2014 at 2:30am — 1 Comment

Hiring in Smaller Cities Outpaces Largest Metros

As we approach the end of 2014, I wanted to share with you an interesting trend in hiring demand this year. While many times we think that the competition for talent is in populous areas - like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and the Silicon Valley - we found that hiring grew significantly more in smaller, less populated areas.

Some of the top metropolitan areas for…


Added by Abby Lombardi on December 17, 2014 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

UAE Job Market Turning Attention Towards Differently Abled

United Arab Emirates, which has the world’s seventh largest oil reserves in the world, is the job seeker’s paradise these days. The country which will play host to the Dubai Expo in 2020 at the cost of around $2-3 billion will be inviting employment opportunities in various industries such as construction, hospitality, retail, transport and commercial sector.   However, there is more good news on the employment front for the differently…


Added by saurabh tyagi on December 3, 2014 at 4:00am — No Comments

10 simple things you can do to stand out from the crowd and grab your dream design job

Desperate for a design job? Keen to become a creative? When you’re starting out, you can’t boast a ton of experience or a huge portfolio, so it’s tricky to get yourself noticed among an avalanche of CVs.

Owen Turner, managing director of branding and design agency United by…


Added by Rebecca Baines on October 28, 2014 at 7:30am — No Comments

Dubai’s Booming Aviation Industry

Continuing from my previous post about the rising ecommerce industry of Dubai, this time we take a look at the UAE’s aviation industry which is forging ahead with its expansion and giving a lift to many allied sectors such as logistics, real estate and tourism in this area.

A 2012 report from Oxford Economics predicted a bright future for Dubai Aviation. As per the report the aviation industry is set to double in value in less than 10 years. The fast-growing Emirates Airline…


Added by saurabh tyagi on September 30, 2014 at 1:20am — 1 Comment

Recruiting the Unemployed

Recruiters’ help people find and land jobs that match what they're looking for.

Whether job seekers want to change companies, completely change their field or if they're looking to get back into the workforce after a period of unemployment, a recruiter is there to help.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the current unemployment rate in 2014…


Added by Dave on September 28, 2014 at 11:45pm — No Comments

E-Commerce Is the New Fastest Growing Industry in UAE

E-commerce is undoubtedly the most talked about industry these days. The global B2C ecommerce sales are estimated to hit $1.5 trillion this year driven by growth in the emerging markets. This is a 20% increment over the past year. The majority of this growth comes from the rapidly expanding online and mobile user bases in emerging markets like India and the Middle East.…


Added by saurabh tyagi on August 21, 2014 at 7:29am — 1 Comment

The Best Jobs for People Over 50: Canadian Edition

New analysis from Statistics Canada shows that retirement is changing and that more than half of workers aged 55 and older return to the workforce.  Of Canadians that actually exited a long term job between the age of 55 and 59, 60% of them were re-employed within the next 10 years, while those age 60-64 had 42% re-employment in the same year. In this article we will examine…


Added by Vera Gavizon on August 12, 2014 at 5:10am — No Comments

Recently Graduated? Consider these Four Industries for Working in UAE

With major economies like the United States and UK still not fully recovered from the economic turmoil, it makes sense to look for employment prospects outside these countries and move into newer avenues. UAE, for one, is a lucrative option. The region is a home to multiple high growth industries, wonderful jobs that offer salaries that are tax free and a vibrant multicultural work environment to work in. If you are ready to take the road to this Middle East paradise, this piece of…


Added by saurabh tyagi on July 11, 2014 at 1:46am — No Comments

A Glimpse at the Best and the Most Awful Education Jobs

Children around the world grow up listening to a simple saying ‘Do what you Love’. However, following those words might make the scenario worse for education professionals. People, who have passed one year after another studying their favorite subject, and have achieved many degrees to secure the most appropriate jobs, might not be able to enjoy a delighting paycheck at the…


Added by Simon Hopes on June 11, 2014 at 2:32am — No Comments

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