Back in the 1990's I led a consultancy that comprised a collection of executive search and training executives. Each of these was working to stringent KPI's inclusive of new business development, client retention, quality outputs and business growth.
As you might imagine performance varied from consultant to consultant, however what I found truly intriguing was the fact that the most shy of these executives (in this case one of the training consultants) was consistently the highest…
Added by Ron Watroba on January 23, 2013 at 11:58am —
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Scott explains four examples that will help you on your path to pull leadership: Vision, Mission, Company Goals, and Individual Goals.…

Added by Scott Wintrip on January 23, 2013 at 10:10am —
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Dear Recruiter’s Coach,
I work as a Recruiter at a small staffing agency for a husband and wife team who do not have the same view on the best way to do things. They disagree on how I should do on everything, from the best way to qualify candidates to how to handle client negotiations.
I am stuck in the middle.
I do not feel comfortable telling them that they need to communicate better…
Added by Rebecca B. Sargeant on January 23, 2013 at 8:33am —
Okay, so you have recruited just the right candidate. According to his resume his credentials are impeccable. He has all the required skill sets and vital experience in dealing with all the disciplines the job will require. His references provide you with glowing reviews. You have conducted background checks as part of your employment screening process, and your candidate emerges squeaky clean. Nothing that is noteworthy.
Or maybe there is some kid stuff type offenses on…
Added by Gordon Basichis on January 23, 2013 at 7:00am —
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Ok, so you've made the contract placement and your candidate has been working for a couple of weeks. Now what?
If you have outsourced their employment to a contract staffing back-office, there's really not anything else you HAVE to do, except collect your checks. But may we suggest that you call the client on a regular basis to follow-up on the placement? Successful contract staffing recruiters have shared some insightful reasons for regular…
Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on January 22, 2013 at 4:14pm —
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Thought I would share an article written by my boss, Ed Guy, who is a veteran recruiter and owner of NationStaff Inc....
I have heard that the most important trait for a successful sales person is the ability to listen. Hear your client and then get them what they want. As a recruiter, the same rings true. Listen to the client and then go find them a…
Added by Evelyn Amaro on January 22, 2013 at 2:30pm —
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After two months of running around metropolitan DC in my beloved gas-guzzling Chevy Suburban, I decided it was time for a change. With my miles-per-gallon topping 17 on a good day – a drive to Gainesville and back, I wanted one thing – relief at the pump. I was determined to settle for nothing less than 28 miles to the gallon, which was double what I was getting on basic stop-and-go days. Sounds pretty easy, right? Technically, it was, but that’s where this post begins.
I performed a…
Added by Marcia Call on January 22, 2013 at 2:20pm —
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I need some feedback from you who have worked on retainers. How do you ask for a retainer? How much do you ask for? What additional fees do you expect when you have made a placement? Thanks!
Added by Shari Burke on January 22, 2013 at 12:40pm —
1 Comment
Hard work is a competitive advantage. Most people believe that technology is the secret that will give them leverage in their careers. But it’s not. It’s about planting seeds, tending them, putting in the time, and doing the work. There is no way around that. Think of it like relationships. We would like to think that we can call someone a ‘friend’ by linking to them on a social media site. But friendships, authentic and meaningful ones, take time to build. They take work, just like one’s…
Added by Scott Love on January 22, 2013 at 11:00am —
Added by Scott Wintrip on January 22, 2013 at 10:42am —
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I've noticed online networkers have become much more aware of people who look at their LinkedIn profile during the last few months, but frankly not many do anything and let potential opportunities slip by - perhaps for the fear that they don't want to appear too pushy. I suspect there's something very British about that, but I admit that's a guess (wouldn't it be fascinating to see the LinkedIn behaviour stats country by…
Added by Martin Ellis on January 22, 2013 at 10:06am —
Roller Coaster enthusiasts are usually bummed by the extremely short track, wishing there were more ups, downs, and mega insane twists. While we can’t blame a thrill seeker for wanting a longer ride, maybe roller coasters are just meant to be short and to the point, and not drawn out, exhausting, and detrimental to those around it.
The NHL, it’s players, league officials, and fans of the game have just reached the end of their own long roller coaster ride. While the lockout…
Added by Christopher Young on January 22, 2013 at 9:30am —
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One thing I have learned over the years is that TOMORROW will never be the same as TODAY. What do I mean by this? Just because everything is perfect in your world today, doesn't mean that everything can't change quickly. You could be the top of your game with your company and your personal life, but chances are that circumstances will change! Some of these…
Added by Will Thomson on January 21, 2013 at 12:00pm —
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2013 is a very special year for LinkedIn…the company started the new year off by breaking the 200-million member mark.
Now while that’s great news for the company and its shareholders, as well as many of its business-owner members, it can mean a bit of a challenge for you as a job seeker.
The good news is that as a member of LinkedIn, you have a HUGE audience.
The bad news is, you also face a TON of competition.
So how do you tap into the vast…
Added by Amos on January 21, 2013 at 11:56am —
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A values-based corporate culture is fast becoming an integral factor in the workplace. It sets the tone for the daily employee experience – employees want to feel good about their work activities, and a positive culture fosters deep awareness and identification.
The effectiveness of employee referral programs is affected by the quality of the corporate culture. Since referral programs are optional to employees, and lie outside of their job descriptions, they are more likely to be…
Added by Assaf Eisenstein on January 21, 2013 at 10:30am —
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“What lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do.”
Aristotle. Did they appreciate his wisdom back in his day?
We all would do well to heed his sage advice in any day. In particular I call out to IT Managers as a reminder that you when you have a need – you also have the power. While finding good IT talent is tight and the demand great, you hold all the cards.
But you must act. In that first moment when you receive a resume and it shows any promise at…
Added by Bonnie Brooks on January 21, 2013 at 8:49am —
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The Article on our Website
Five years ago I started to learn surfing and I loved it from the first minute. Reflecting on it, it turns out there are some similarities between surfers and recruiters. When the conditions are good and smooth, surfers from all different levels of experience can have a good time and catch a lot of breaks. The swell is nice and the streams are soft.…
Added by S-E on January 20, 2013 at 5:53pm —
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If you suddenly find that you’re finishing your studies or your job is ending before you’ve landed a new one, don’t panic! Unfortunately nowadays it can take longer to go through the application and interviewing process and successfully secure a position. It’s important to stay focused in the job search while building your skills in other areas. Below are some tips of…
Added by Gavin Redelman on January 20, 2013 at 5:52pm —
All joking aside, the current state of the recruitment industry is no laughing matter. It is a world lacking any form of entry barrier and as bizarre as something directed by David Lynch himself! HR departments so it seems, were put in place with the sole purpose of fending off hordes of thick skinned recruiter-goblins, whose only…
Added by Valbonne Consulting on January 19, 2013 at 12:00pm —
If English is not your first language chances are that you are active on more than one professional network such as LinkedIn. Services like Viadeo, Xing and others are then probably part of your social media strategy.
The hard news is that since the rise of LinkedIn-Today these platforms are clearly struggling to find a model with which to compete. Their biggest challenge is to make their users coming back and engage.
LinkedIn has not only understood and perfected the art of…
Added by Valbonne Consulting on January 19, 2013 at 11:30am —
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