Recruiting Blogs (24,316)

12 Top CV Tips

In the first part of the JGB Guide to CV's we give 12 top tips to getting your CV right.

Part one – 12 Top CV Tips.

Think about what you are opening yourself up to:

If you are of interest to an employer they may well decide to check out your online presence. Take 5 minutes and Google yourself, what comes up? Is it all good? Make sure your Linkedin profile says the same as the CV you have just sent them, make sure that anything personal on Facebook or whatever social…


Added by Jim Gervaise Brazier on December 13, 2012 at 12:01pm — No Comments

Now That’s the Question: What Will You Give Up?

Click here to play.

Scott’s new video book, The Avoidant Economy, is now available. …


Added by Scott Wintrip on December 13, 2012 at 8:59am — No Comments

Reading between the lines during an interview!

A while back I came across an article that was able to bring the interview back to 4 main questions.  I have always found this information to be helpful to share with candidates before an interview.

I would be interested in get your thoughts on if you feel anything is missing.

1.)   Why are you here?

  1. No one is going to ask you this straight out, but it is something good to consider before going in for an interview.  What skill do you have that will allow you to be…

Added by Ryan Harding on December 13, 2012 at 6:00am — No Comments

Old School vs New School Recruiter - Infographic

Infographic - Old School vs New School Recruiter

Posted Courtesy of

Added by Noel Cocca on December 12, 2012 at 5:36pm — 2 Comments

Applying for job is like finding a date to the senior prom!

Part of my job as a recruiter is to help people find a job.  May not be with my company, but if I can be a resource for someone in their job search then I am more than happy to do so.  Here is my first peice of advice...DON'T APPLY FOR EVERY JOB OPENING AT A COMPANY!!!!  I can see why a candidate may think this is a good approach (someone has to notice my resume if I sent it 1500 times), but in the end does it not make the candidate look desperate?


Let's put a little spin on…


Added by Ryan Harding on December 12, 2012 at 3:49pm — 1 Comment

Why Hiring "The Santa Candidate" Is Not The Answer

Santa is amazing.  You have to admit it.  No one works harder and longer hours than Santa.  Really, how does he do it?  He gets all those toys to all the boys and girls all over the world in one day?  He prepares all year for one moment in time.  Now that is a true feat!  

Santa is smart though!  He can't do it alone.  Now, that would be impossible!  He has to…


Added by Will Thomson on December 12, 2012 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Why You Should Look for a New Job at Your Current One

Earlier today, I read an article about the top job search mistake: looking for a new job from your current one. While it's a little over the top to contact recruiters and submit resumes using your current workplace email address or phone number, I disagree to some extent with the alarmist assertion that "once the boss knows you are thinking about leaving, they might just show you the door first." While this…


Added by Kerry Skemp on December 12, 2012 at 1:29pm — No Comments

New Forms Required in 2013 for Background Screening

This is a guest post by Dawn Standerwick, Vice President of Business Development for Credential Check Corporation which specializes in employment screening for mid to large size organizations. Read more of Credential Check's HR Solutions Blog here.

Fair Credit Reporting Act

As of January 1, 2013, three notices required under the Fair Credit Reporting Act will change.  The…


Added by Meghan Doherty on December 12, 2012 at 12:00pm — No Comments

What is a Talent Network? – Part 1

This post is the first post on what will be a series of posts on Talent Networks and how to use them to create value in your recruitment strategy.

Over the last year, I’ve heard a lot being thrown around about Talent Networks and Talent Communities and it is a strategic trend that is gaining steam among recruiting circles.  For this post, I wanted to take a step back and really define what Talent Networks are and aren’t and focus on the value that they can provide to both…


Added by Chris Brablc on December 12, 2012 at 11:41am — No Comments

Season's Greetings from Vermillion Group


In 2012 we survived, in 2013 we will thrive!

From our family to yours...


Todd Wilson



Added by Todd Wilson on December 12, 2012 at 11:00am — No Comments

The 8 Top Reasons Why The Client's Not Always Right

The client isn't always right.

There, I've said it for the whole world to see and argue about. Clients are sometimes under enormous and extreme pressure, but getting the right people in place is often the only way out of the hole they're in

Here are some customers…


Added by Martin Ellis on December 12, 2012 at 6:43am — No Comments

Epic Resiliency - It is no accident

Epic Resiliency.  It's a term I heard once.  It's a mojo and a hope.  I recently had some humbling moments which gave me pause and a time to reflect - what is it that keeps you forging forward when challenges arise and moments demand your best foot forward?  Epic Resiliency.  I went tonight to Wal-Mart to pick up some organizational tools - a planner and a dry erase board.  I realized these tools were needed when I sat back and looked at all my open requirements and almost felt overwhelmed…


Added by Mike Rasmussen on December 12, 2012 at 2:00am — No Comments

How-to find Santa’s replacement!

Come on we’ve all asked the question;

  • How does Santa get around so many houses in one night?
  • How does he get down those chimneys?
  • Where does he find all those elves and reindeer?

Point one and two can only be described as the magic of Christmas, for point three I can only…


Added by Theo Smith on December 11, 2012 at 10:00am — No Comments

Doing What’s Right vs. Having to be Right

Video Series – The Simple Truth: Doing What’s Right vs. Having to be Right














Added by Scott Wintrip on December 11, 2012 at 9:54am — No Comments

All the news that fits, starting with Facebook's (ahem!) new job board

Ok, the election is in the rearview mirror, winter is looming, and I bet you haven’t gotten all of your Christmas presents yet! Nevertheless, things keep happening in the job board and online recruiting world. For example:


Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on December 11, 2012 at 9:08am — No Comments

How to Tell If A Recruiter Can Be Your Next HR Manager…

Posted by Kris Dunn:

One strong opinion I have is this – if you aren’t recruiting as a HR Generalist, you’re an administrator, subject to being outsourced at your employer’s whim in the future.  I believe HR people need to be heavily involved in the Talent acquisition process in their companies.  I know recruiting can and is outsourced, but if you are good on the…


Added by Sylvester Simon Pascal on December 11, 2012 at 8:52am — No Comments

Leaving the dark side – how agency experience benefits the in-house recruiter.


Sophie Mackenzie, AdMore Recruitment - Specialists in Retail and Hospitality Recruitment, Search & Selection, Talent Management and Career Development

They say doctors make the worst patients – is the same true for ex-agency consultants who move in-house? Sometimes, certainly. Take a…


Added by AdMore Recruitment on December 11, 2012 at 7:30am — 7 Comments

LinkedIn Drops Sharing Apps Wordpress, and Gives out New Profiles: BUT NOT 100%

A new change for LinkedIn profiles is coming to a desktop near you starting TODAY! 12-11-12. Take a look at a recent email I received form LinkedIn regarding the changes below.

Now before we all get into a battle with LinkedIn "Doing their own thing" it's important to realize that the services are not going away. The presentation will be different and the services that connect you to the services will be different. That being said, it does look like you will need to connect the new…


Added by Ryan Leary on December 11, 2012 at 7:00am — No Comments

Social Recruiting Surprise: Google Search Beats Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn (Combined) In Job Traffic

Ever wonder where all the traffic to your job postings comes from?

On the heals of last week’s piece on The 5 Things Everyone Should Know About SEO in Job Descriptions, Ongig took a look at our last 100,000 visits to the “social job descriptions” we help power for our employer users (and thus have visibility into via…


Added by Jason Webster on December 10, 2012 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Google+ Communities for Recruiters

I’ve been banging on about Google+ for the last year or so and welcome Google+Communities which was added last week, as I think it is what was needed to make users become more active.

I see it as a great way for recruiters to build niche communities applying the basic of community management. Google+ is already good for sourcing as it has 500 million…


Added by Amanda Ashworth on December 10, 2012 at 3:16pm — 2 Comments

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