Recruiting Blogs (24,294)

Candidate software suggestions

A friend of mine who runs a small staffing firm in Connecticut asked me if I could recommend a software package that is not too expensive and can handle their candidate and client data. 


It needs to store lots of notes on people, have good skill set sorting, etc.


Any suggestions? What does your firm use?

Added by Chris Russell on May 17, 2011 at 3:30pm — 11 Comments

Changing Tides: The Workforce is Shifting

The tides are changing…oh, yes they are.  Hang on.  Get ready.  The shift is happening, again.

First, let’s frame where we’re at.  The Millennial Generation (those born between 1980 and 1991) is emerging as the predominate workforce.  They are a larger group, collectively, than the Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) and Generation X (those born…


Added by David Rose on May 17, 2011 at 2:10pm — 2 Comments

Job Openings in Massachusetts

please take a look at my jobs:

Added by Ddelongis on May 17, 2011 at 12:14pm — No Comments

Recruiting Graduates in a Recession - part #1

Given today's financial climate,  we all know that this year graduate recruitment requires a different approach. It certainly doesn't make sense to abandon your graduate recruitment programme but you can, however, be smarter about your processes, the tools you use to recruit and adapt your methods to the time.

The bottom line is that there are fewer graduate positions…


Added by Emily Stevenson on May 17, 2011 at 11:05am — 5 Comments

Where are your best hires coming from?

Let's be honest...the main goal for any recruitment marketing campaign is to make a hire.  In order to make sure you are making the best hires and most of your recruiting budget, you need to find out what recruiting channels are bring in your best candidates and ultimately hires.


The key to figuring out your best candidates and hires is collecting your own internal recruitment metrics to measure how well recruiting channels are performing for your…


Added by Chris Brablc on May 17, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments

The Social Recruiter

The world of social media can be confusing at best especially with the myriad of sites out there claiming to be social media websites. So what is all the hype about huh, and why should we be listening as recruiters? In short – social media is a must have for digital engagement and reputation development especially in recruitment!

As mentioned there are a lot of sites out there from photo sharing on flickr, video sharing on YouTube, social…


Added by Alex Mather on May 17, 2011 at 10:14am — 1 Comment

Leveraging Your Organization’s Top Talent & New Talent for Talented Referrals

How successful is your Employee Referral Program (ERP)?  What percentage of your total number of Top Talent hires come from your program?  How are you driving your Top Talent to refer other Top Talent to your organization?  These are all questions we need to continue to ask ourselves if we want our ERP to continue to provide new Top Talent to our organization. The 3rd question I pose is the most critical – how do we drive Top Talent within our organization to refer and recommend Top Talent…


Added by Simon Parkin on May 17, 2011 at 9:38am — 1 Comment

Using greed to find candidates: an all American solution

Any job board operator will tell you that one of the toughest things about keeping your site running well is ensuring that you have a steady flow of the right kind of candidates. What exactly is the ‘right kind of candidate’? Well, this would a candidate that is qualified for a particular job AND responds to that job. If you have enough of these candidates, your employers will be happy and they will pay to use your site.

Problem is, finding these candidates is easier…


Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on May 17, 2011 at 9:28am — 3 Comments

The Process and Pitfalls of Education Verification

While employers have long conducted education verification checks on their employment candidates, it appears that increasingly more staffing and recruiting groups are being made responsible for conducting this and other background checks as part of the employment screening process.

Education history, of course, outside of criminal records, is one of the more significant searches.   For many positions,  education is not just a prerequisite but also vital to employment candidate's…


Added by Gordon Basichis on May 17, 2011 at 3:00am — No Comments


I keep hearing a cry for “work-life balance”. Now I think that is a bizarre term so I started asking people what they meant by “work-life balance.” Here is one of the responses I got.

“I want to spend more time with my family”.

My question: “Are your kids in school, does your spouse work”

“Sure, kids have to go to school, we both work to be able to afford the house , the boat, take vacations, pay for after school activities for the kids like little… Continue

Added by Sandra McCartt on May 17, 2011 at 1:00am — 38 Comments

Energized Incompetence


The second prerequisite for building a talent community is mapping the passionate affinity group to its counterparts outside your organization.  If an external community or an unassembled group of people outside of your organization are not having conversations about the affinity you want to advance, do not attempt to build a talent community.  Similar to the passion (No Passion, No Community)…


Added by Marvin Smith on May 16, 2011 at 7:33pm — No Comments

10 Career Site Design Considerations (in a social media age)

A couple of weeks ago I went through my thoughts on what a newbs 10 considerations should be when thinking about having a stab at social…


Added by Ben on May 16, 2011 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Hiring Demand for Recruiters is Up 27%

Hiring demand for recruiters by corporate HR departments and staffing agencies continues to show steady growth.  Over 10,700 new job ads were posted for Recruiters in April 2011 - up 27% over April 2010. 


Hiring Demand for Personnel Recruiters - 4 Years:…

Hiring Demand for Personnel Recruiters - 4 Years


Added by Carolyn Menz on May 16, 2011 at 3:08pm — No Comments

Would you – and should you – put your mobile or business number on your LinkedIn profile?

LinkedIn has become a significant part of your job search strategy. So, we tried to write a lot about it, especially in the last few weeks. But this is an interesting question regarding how people make use of this increasingly popular professional networking tool. And we set out to find the answer. Recently, we polled active LinkedIn users – and professionals ranging across different… Continue

Added by Amos on May 16, 2011 at 1:12pm — 4 Comments

Grandma's Chicken Soup #17: The LinkedIn IPO Talk is Heating Up!

The buzz around the pending LinkedIn IPO is generating a lot of buzz around the human capital industry.  I love LinkedIn.  I spend quite a bit of time on LinkedIn each and every day for professional networking and business development purposes.  It is a major tool for corporate human resource professionals and staffing professionals.  The recruitment revenue generated by…


Added by Scott Ryan on May 16, 2011 at 11:49am — 2 Comments

Being in Community

Connection with others evokes the best in us as we experience the understanding, support, and compassion of those in our professional and personal communities. Yet, we spend so much of our days immersed in e-mails, iPhones, and multiple other distractions and technologies that often our interactions with others are drive-by conversations that lack any form of true connection and intimacy.

Having spent part of last week and this week connecting with two of my communities, I’m reminded… Continue

Added by Scott Wintrip on May 16, 2011 at 9:34am — No Comments

Recruiters – tentative language is reducing your billings!

We don’t mean to be tentative, do we? We want to be bold, strong and confident when dealing with clients. Yet time and again, we use words that are stumbling blocks. Our fear takes over. And we use tentative language. Words that offer the client a reason to doubt us. Phrases that reduce our credibility.

Tentative language: How do you know you’re using it? 

Do you use words like ‘normally’? The client asks you, how much do you charge? Do you start off by saying, ‘Oh, normally’.…


Added by Greg Savage on May 16, 2011 at 5:00am — 1 Comment

5 lessons from kids on giving feedback

When do you let someone know that you appreciate them ? How often ? Where ? How should this feedback be delivered ? Who should do it ?

Some simple yet very relevant questions when discussed in context of a corporate environment. But why only a corporate set up, these questions are relevant for everyday of our life. Family, Friends, Relatives, Business Partners, Vendors, Clients, …


Added by Subramani B on May 15, 2011 at 10:42am — No Comments

Will your next job be a good fit? Consider the company's culture

In a recent blog, we wrote about salary and benefits requirements for IT job seekers – and why candidates need to know everything they want (compensation) before starting the interview process with potential employers. Salary and benefits are key factors when determining whether a job is the right one for you. But there’s one other component in the decision-making process that is very…


Added by Jon Prete on May 14, 2011 at 8:02am — No Comments

How to survive the manager from hell

Have you ever had one of "those" managers? You know the type I mean "DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO"! The type of manager who thinks that people perform better under a fear based regime, the type of manager who thinks their employees are sub-standard and to be treated as such; the Manager from Hell (MFH)!
It's probably a good guess we've all been there! I used to work with a manager who thought her job wasn't done if she didn't have at least one staff member in tears a month (ok -…

Added by Stephanie Bressan on May 13, 2011 at 11:00pm — No Comments

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