I have a bit of time each day. 1:00-1:30 to be specific. Looking to listen to anyone talking everyday at that time about lead generation, preferably front/end.
I would like to invite some members of recruitingblogs to part of just a small handful of people who will be able to try the earliest version of social|median, a new product that I have been working on. social|median enables people to get highly personalized news inspired by people with similar interests.
This is early "dogfood" product so there will be some bugs and we are adding new features literally daily.
The ground rules for this dogfood trial are as… Continue
Added by Jason Goldberg on March 10, 2008 at 2:30pm —
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If you haven’t already, I suggest you read The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. If you don’t have time to read the book, buy it on tape and listen to it on your commute. If you’ve already read it, it’s worth picking up again and revisiting.
The reason that I suggest you read this book is because its principles have had a profound effect on my life, my relationships and my career. By continually focusing on developing these habits, I have over time become a… Continue
Added by David Sprinkle on March 10, 2008 at 12:52pm —
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I just watched the 10 slide demo on the new recruiter product that LinkedIn has released. In my opinion, there is no doubt LinkedIn realizes that there is money spent on every recruiting angle out there so why not get involved. I was watching and I was enjoying and starting tho think that maybe they get and feel the pain the recruiting industry feels. But then, I think around slide number 5 or so they say you can use the… Continue
In a previous post I disclosed my personal career challenge of not being able to check a box that appropriately fits who I am and what I have to offer. This is very frustrating in a world that really seems to LIKE boxes! Knowing this, we need to be sure to CHECK the boxes when trying to communicate our value.
I have always had this problem, but it became most apparent when I tried to transition… Continue
Added by Valerie Gonyea on March 9, 2008 at 11:00am —
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Our recently created "Wireless Jobs" Group is growing faster than a major league baseball player on steroids.
I extend a formal invitation to all of you who are connected in some fashion to the wireless industry, or, heck, have a desire to work in the wireless industry!
I am a managing partner of uBoast Inc. It is a new start-up which is taking off quite rapidly. uBoast.com is in the business of increasing video resume adoption. Although, there has been sites in the past that have risen to the occasion of hosting video resumes, uBoast had developed the ability attack the first step within the process in Creating the video resumes for job applicants.
uBoast.com's marketing has attracted partnerships with universities in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia… Continue
This news coupled with the current housing crisis has many people fearing recession. What is up for debate is whether or not we are headed in that direction or already in one.
Regardless, we shouldn’t let the drive-by media machine dictate how we feel and/or think about the current state… Continue
Added by Jeffrey K. Radt on March 7, 2008 at 10:56am —
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Well, that just gives us an opportunity to schedule another one, eh, Jason? Don't invest that money in a share of Google stock just yet, dude. You'll need it for Dallas round II.
Big kudos to the one RecuitingBlogs.com member who braved the elements to connect with his buddies - Brent Rogers!!!. Brent - great meeting you last night! Look forward to continuing our… Continue
The receptionist buzzed me and said, “Your 1 o’clock is here.”
I cleared my desk, minimized my screen, printed out her resume, checked to see if I had lipstick on my teeth, and got up to meet my candidate in the lobby.
A woman in a gray suit and pearls was seated demurely, reading an old issue of Fortune magazine. “Audrey? Hi, I’m Maya Walker. It's nice to meet you.” I greeted her warmly.
Audrey stood up and held out her hand. She was exceedingly… Continue
It seems to have passed almost unnoticed but it looks like the newspapers are sneaking back in the recruitment advertising race. I know it sounds crazy, a print medium succeeding in the modern era, but facts are facts. [continue reading]
Something I've learned since my time at VMware, which was not so apparent to me before: Most people despise recruiters.
Now definitely this claim is not aimed at anyone in the industry in particular, and it's almost understandable why we're so hated.
There are alot of headhunters out there who SPAM.
Now while most of us, myself included, would be incredibly flattered that someone went through all that trouble to find me and offer me a job opportunity because… Continue
We all know that at every recruiting industry meeting there is either a round table discussion about how to become a “big biller” or a “big biller” giving the speak about what it takes to make the big bucks. Now while I’m certain there are a lot of little things that they do that make them successful, but in my twenty years in the business, far and away the most repeated comment at these meetings is about being choosy (i.e. good decision making, having business acumen, etc.) about your projects… Continue
I know, I know, before I get a million comments about being MIA, let me explain - I am busy damn it!
Ok, now that we've gotten that out of the way, I want to talk about a issue that is very close to my heart and should be close to all of yours - The Candidate Experience. I don't think I have to mention how crucial a positive candidate experience is in closing your deals. We've all had clients that screw up the interview process by rescheduling last minute, making the candidate pay… Continue
Too much namecalling happening in politics. It reminds me of a story I heard about two guys who found out they were being considered for the CEO position at a major company. They managed to get word to different factions on the decision making team and, in short, thoroughly trashed each other. Since both seemed honest, both were believed. And, as you might guess, someone else was hired.
What really gets to me is how political namecalling would never pass the HR sniff… Continue
Something I came across today and posted on my own blog that I thought you would all find amusing.
A Japanese marketing firm - Hime and Co has started offering 'heartbreak leave' to its employees, allowing them to take paid time off to get over a distressing break-up with a partner!! If you are in your twenties, and you 'can only' take two… Continue
Added by Andy Headworth on March 6, 2008 at 12:44pm —
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