Recruiting Blogs (24,316)

SEO recruitment for dummies

In 2015, any business not using Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) as a tool in its sales and marketing arsenal is lagging dangerously behind. The recruitment industry is no exception: SEO provides a powerful and highly effective way to attract candidates and stay ahead of the curve. With 67% of jobseekers starting their job hunt on search engines, even a simple SEO strategy…


Added by Roxanne Abercrombie on February 24, 2015 at 5:30am — 2 Comments

IT Staffing & Recruitment Business: From a Balanced-Score Card Perspective

IT staffing industry & recruiting, like any other industry, has…


Added by ZYoin Jobs on February 24, 2015 at 4:39am — No Comments

What can the company do for you?

Fresh graduates, listen up. How many times have you applied blindly to any job post that comes your way, even the ones that are not remotely related to your dream career? How many times have you considered taking any job available, even when the employer in question doesn’t offer anything to interest you? This needs to stop.

Even in the current economy, it is crucial for recruiters to select the right candidates. It is even more crucial for you to choose the right employer to work…


Added by Vanessa Pham on February 24, 2015 at 4:00am — No Comments

Twitter’s new features - Group Chat via Direct Message & Video Tweets

Twitter is definitely one of the popular social media channels used by most individuals and it has no intention of relinquishing its title either. As a result it has upgraded its features to improve the experience of its growing user base. Twitter’s two new features i.e. Group Chat via Direct Message and Video Tweets. The Group Chat via Direct Message enables users to…


Added by Ashwani Paswan on February 24, 2015 at 12:39am — No Comments

How to Destroy Your Career Without Trying

I am not creative enough to make this stuff up.

Here's the scenario:

Sarah is currently making $68,000 and not in a management position. She started interviewing because she wants management, opportunity, and a different company culture.   Her company is large and structured in a way that limits her opportunities at the local level. She doesn't see herself going corporate, but currently reports to corporate, and is not happy with the reporting structure. 



Added by Barbara Goldman on February 23, 2015 at 3:58pm — 5 Comments

5 Lessons In Attracting, Onboarding and Developing Top Talent From The World’s Biggest Improv Theater

We've talked about looking to marketing and data scientists to improve recruiting, but what about people outside of your organization like actors? Yes, I said actors. Don't make a pun about actors and jobs - there's something to it.

That's why we've talked to Second City Improv Theatre about how they have been attracting & developing top talent in their field.…


Added by Katrina Kibben on February 23, 2015 at 12:55pm — No Comments

Job Hopping Is NOT On The Rise (And That’s A Bad Thing)

This idea that millennials are job hoppers is completely inaccurate (and that might be a bad thing). Credit: Reebs, Wikipedia Commons

If you do …


Added by Paul Petrone on February 23, 2015 at 11:29am — No Comments

The Digital Revolution: Is our workforce at risk of full automation?

For the UK to be a true digital leader there’s one thing that’s for certain – We need to address the skills gap. According to Make or Break: The UK’s Digital Future, a recent report from the House of Lords, digital and technology competency should be considered…


Added by Austin Fraser Ltd on February 23, 2015 at 10:24am — No Comments

Recruitment Messaging: Targeting the Right Candidate Pool

It’s not enough to ask recruits “Do you want to work here?” 

Candidates need motivation to work with your organization. That motivation comes from the recruitment message. Your recruitment message attracts the right candidate pool the first time.

Social media posts, employer branding and job advertisements all play a vital role in the brand messages candidates receive.…


Added by Raj Sheth on February 23, 2015 at 10:19am — No Comments

Small Business Finances: Big Dreams to Start Small

Contrary to popular notion, small businesses require every bit of the immaculate planning and efficient management skills that are the backbone of corporate bigwigs. Small business is a huge step towards financial independence and then, of course, is the huge upside that you get to be your own boss.

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Small businesses require very careful treading on the marshes of the highly changeable aspects of the economy. When times get tough, it is very easy for a novice…


Added by Geo Msn on February 23, 2015 at 8:00am — No Comments

Why Choose Vps Over Shared Hosting?

When you are looking to find a better solution for your hosting needs then you should know that there are few things that you can do. Are you not satisfied with your hosting services? It is maybe you are running your website on a shared server. If you want the best results then you should consider switching to the VPS so you can have a better experience. The users will surely stop complaining and you will be able to get a better option for yourself. We are here to tell you about the things…


Added by Geo Msn on February 23, 2015 at 3:00am — No Comments

What Can A Professional Writing Service Do For You?

You might consider to buy college papers for a professional writing service, but you’re still a bit hesitant to do this. There're many college students that're struggling to get their college papers done in time, and to deliver a great piece. If you’re considering to make use of a writing service, you might wonder what a writing service can do for you.

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Plagiarism free work

It is really…


Added by Geo Msn on February 23, 2015 at 3:00am — No Comments

Let's put an end to 'cold calling' once and for all!

Last week I was driving to a meeting and my phone rang. I didn’t recognise the number but I answered the call anyway.

Oh hi, Paul. It’s Francis here from [I honestly didn’t catch the company name]. I tried to connect with you on LinkedIn last week but you didn’t accept my invitation. I was hoping we could set up a time to catch…


Added by Paul Slezak on February 22, 2015 at 9:30pm — No Comments

5 Essential Skills Medical Recruiters Look for in a Nurse

The role of nursing has changed significantly over the years. While it is still essential for nurses to provide patients with consideration and care, nurses are now expected to have technological skills to process patient data and in some cases carry out research. Entering the profession involves undertaking a degree in nursing,…


Added by Ron Stewart on February 21, 2015 at 4:00pm — No Comments

My Job Seeking Experience

I knew finding a job was hard work, but I had never imagined that it would be this hard.  I have always believed in creating my own source of income, working for myself, and running the business how I wanted it to be ran. Sure I worked part time at a few grocery stores for extra money, but for the most part, I have always created my own source of income.  Over this past year however, I decided that I would have to get a "real" job, because I no longer had enough money to continue building my…


Added by Johnny Andrews on February 21, 2015 at 2:27pm — 5 Comments

Recruiting Red Flags to Avoid

Do you wonder what happens on the other end of your applying process when your CV is in the hands of the recruiter? Would you like to know the secrets of what makes recruiters place certain CVs in the "call for interview" stack and others in the "rejected" pile?

Here's your insider's guide on things that recruiters red flag, and how to replace them with items that…


Added by Dave on February 21, 2015 at 1:08pm — No Comments

How To Determine An Effective Auto Shop

Repair in cars can be given by any auto shop. However, quality repair can be given by the auto shop that is willing to give the maximum care your car deserves to have. Cars are not just materials that you use for transportation. Cars become a part of your family and obviously you care a lot for your car. You would want the best care for your car and finding it is difficult because there are several auto shops that are…


Added by Geo Msn on February 21, 2015 at 6:00am — No Comments

Setting Up A Betta Fish Tank For Your House

Betta fish tanks looks amazingly exquisite in the house. If you are a home lover then you must be well aware of the home décor ideas and techniques and setting up a betta fish tank is one of the most impressive ways of home improvement.

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Whenever you are going to buy the betta fish, betta fish tanks are a must to buy. Although there are lots of factors that affect the quality of the tank you are going to buy but a few of them have more importance in selection as…


Added by Geo Msn on February 21, 2015 at 2:30am — No Comments

Want to Start Your Career Planning Early? Get the Most Out of Your Internship..

Summer internship is a good medium to get professional exposure at an early stage of your career. While you might be a few months away from beginning your actual career, summer internship lets you understand what a real life work environment entails. It gives you the exposure and the experience that will help you later in your career.

Why is Internship…

Added by Avika Shah on February 21, 2015 at 1:33am — No Comments

Interview Questions – 6 Questions to ASK during an Interview

As a job seeker you must understand the importance of asking questions during an interview. During that point in the interview when you are asked, “Do you have any questions for me”, it’s imperative that you respond with a “yes”, and proceed with asking your questions. It will show that you are interested in the position and want to know more detail about the position than what the job description provided. Also remember that an interview is a two way street – you want to make sure that the…


Added by Priya N on February 21, 2015 at 12:30am — No Comments

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