Hi Everyone, I was just reading about John Sumser's "Key Influencers" project, and I have to say, I'm jealous. I'm envious. I help who ever will listen, try to keep active within my network, etc. etc. etc. How do I get on that list? No, how do I even get on the radar? Your opinions? your thoughts? your guidance? feel free to respond here, or my blog page.…
Added by Konstantinos Kasekas on August 13, 2009 at 10:30am —
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The following graduate business schools’ resume book databases have been or will be released during the next month:
Resume Books Available Now: (in alphabetical order)
UT at Austin - McCombs School of Business… Continue
Added by Ryan Pratt on August 13, 2009 at 9:09am —
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Last year, I didn’t go to recruitfest. But I heard about it. A lot. Still do a year later. In the words of Barney Stinson, it was Legend (wait for it) dary.

This year – more legends are sure to be made with an amazing lineup of recruiting leaders guiding us on the journey that is an unconference. No stuffy conference rooms, no hiding in back, no boring powerpoints – just actual learning and interaction While I am excited for everyone –…
Added by Sarah White on August 13, 2009 at 8:30am —
If there's one thing I've learned about employment branding in reality, it's that an employment brand alone really won't get you anywhere.
You might have your ad agency put together a fancy ad that resembles the key points of your employment brand and has imagery that encompasses the culture of your company. But even that only gets you so far.
There comes a point in a candidate's experience of your employment brand's message that they either buy into and believe your…
Added by ryanchartrand on August 12, 2009 at 7:04pm —

Among the all-time debates with no answers such as: nature or nurture; chicken or egg and of course DiMaggio or Mays there remains the nagging one of hiring or retention.
What is tougher, making a good hiring decision or retaining "A" players once you find them? These are issues that probably have been studied, surveyed, poked and prodded by more organizations than have sworn off applicant matching systems, attitude surveys and exit interviews…
Added by Dave Opton on August 12, 2009 at 3:30pm —
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We are a global higher education company headquartered in Baltimore, MD. Most of our HR professionals reside in Baltimore but we currently have openings all over the globe. Do any HR professionals have recommendations on a Global Applicant tracking system that they have used? Any sales professionals who email or call off of this blog will be ignored.
Thank You
Added by Christian Dubbs on August 12, 2009 at 3:12pm —
The HRchitect Beauty Pageant series of webinars, which has become the buzz of the industry, returns after a two month summer hiatus.
This series of webinars covers a different area of HR technology with each event. The concept allows attendees to see presentations from up to six leading vendors in a fun and informative format where the audience votes on the winner at the conclusion.
In November, iCIMS won the Talent Acquisitions Systems pageant and Cornerstone OnDemand won…
Added by Matt Lafata on August 12, 2009 at 2:17pm —
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Hi hope my blog should be useful to all
Added by Murugan Kesavan on August 12, 2009 at 1:46pm —
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If you are looking for candidates holding a PHD or a Master’s degree with research or teaching experience then this post will help you to learn an efficient way to search for resumes on college and university websites.
I will demonstrate how to do this with Boolean search strings on search engines such as Google. To do this, you have to have a basic knowledge of Boolean search, and if you lack this experience I recommend to use our tool…
Added by Rami Madi on August 12, 2009 at 12:30pm —
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Now Hiring!!!!!
Business Development Managers/Account Managers, Client Relationship experts/Sales/Full Desk Recruiting Professionals with proven experience in building new business within the staffing/recruiting industry.
We are looking for experienced Sales/Account Managers/Business Development professionals for a new virtual Talent Acquisition firm. Do not miss the opportunity to make well over 6 figures within your 1st year!! The economy is turning around for the better…
Added by Kim on August 12, 2009 at 12:04pm —
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I like to see myself as an open person, willing to try things, willing to take feedback on board, give it a try.
When I was younger and not as confident, I would take things said to me as gospel, especially as I moved into a Corporate environment, where coming from the Agency world I did feel like a fish out of water initially. I was probably treated that way too, you know, a Agency Recruiter in an HR world. I was viewed with suspicion. Too Salesy to fit within the HR world. Feedback…
Added by Dan Nuroo on August 12, 2009 at 11:04am —

I find
Twitter fascinating. I see it as many different things ranging from a search engine to an instant messaging device to a blogging platform to a time suck. And while these are just a few of the things that I myself have used it for - I love them all.
One of the first things recruiters have been struggling to understand since it's release is if…
Added by RecruiterGuy on August 12, 2009 at 9:00am —
1 Comment
Added by Dave Mendoza on August 12, 2009 at 4:30am —
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Trust me on this. You have never had a test of your leadership until you have managed a recruitment business through a recession.
It’s beyond tough. Balancing falling revenues while trying to retain key staff. Communicating critical fee generation targets while at the same time not “spooking” the troops and leaving people depressed and panicky. And then there is the myriad of decisions about cost control, pricing levels, and strategy.
Really, who would want to be running a…
Added by Greg Savage on August 12, 2009 at 3:31am —
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I've started a series where I interview the every day job seeker and have them share what's worked in their job search. Thought you'd find it interesting.
Thank you again for taking the time to share with us what you've done to land your job.
Can you give a brief over view of your background and the circumstances that led to your unemployment?
My background is electrical engineering, my degree is from RWTH Aachen University in Germany. I…
Added by Duane Roberts on August 12, 2009 at 1:58am —
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This is absolutely insane: http://tinyurl.com/msglu8
The New York Times reported that companies are now using credit checks to narrow down a pool of candidates - you're kidding me, right? I understand for finance positions, government jobs and other positions that would require stellar credit, but for data entry clerks and personal trainers? Give me a break!
It is hard enough in today's economy for people to find a job opening, stand out enough to get noticed with a cover…
Added by Lizz on August 11, 2009 at 1:07pm —
There are an endless number of articles predicting the imminent death of job boards. Yet
this one caught my eye – it was thorough and it was re-Tweeted a number of times. (In the author’s defense, it was aimed at job seekers – and despite the provocative title, was fairly balanced. Nonetheless, CB took issue!)
But I (as you might guess) beg to differ. I think we’re asking the wrong question. The real…
Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on August 11, 2009 at 9:12am —
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If you are facing unemployment or a career change in this market a good coach can be your best friend but do your homework and be ready to work. Today virtually everybody could use a good coach. At this time in your life what could be a better investment in your future. Today no matter what your skills are or what your specialty is a productive and successful job search is a fulltime job. A coach can make you more effective and the process more comfortable but you still have to do the work. If…
Added by Mark Warren on August 11, 2009 at 9:11am —
Post Interview Follow-up
The Perfect Follow-up Letter
Mark Warren
Follow-up after the interview starts with a carefully written follow-up letter as soon as you can get to your computer. If you do not send a well thought out letter using perfect English, spelling and punctuation do not count on a second interview. Remember that anything you put in writing can’t be taken back and there may be people involved in the decision making process who will not meet you but…
Added by Mark Warren on August 11, 2009 at 9:00am —
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So I'm playing with one of those online resume searching deals ( CV fox for those of you keeping track), and about ten pages into my returns, I find a PDF that's actually an attendee list from a convention held by professionals within my specialty.
So, I'm going to like, socially reach out to them and see if I can't change someones life for the better.
Just thought I'd offer encouragement to the sourcers out there - keep on digging. :)
Added by Thomas Patrick Chuna on August 11, 2009 at 8:51am —
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