Recruiting Blogs (24,184)

Job Changing? Don’t Do It Just To Make More Money

It is very common for people to seek new jobs for the sole purpose of making more money.  However, If the sole purpose is to make more money, it’s a losing position.

This is not to say that wanting to make more money is fundamentally wrong.  The problem lies in more money being the only reason to make a job change.

Don’t do it.

Obviously the money factor is a key element in any decision to change jobs, however other key factors…


Added by Bernie Reifkind on August 17, 2017 at 12:12pm — 1 Comment

Recruiter Advice: How to Avoid Epic Career Damage

Navigating a career can be tricky business.  Just one career mistake is all it can take to have a damaging impact on your professional ambitions. To avoid tripping up, here is a list of common career mistakes.

Avoiding these mistakes, while keeping your focus and passion for your work, will help you navigate a successful career. We all want to excel at our jobs and grow in our careers, but there are certain tendencies and behaviors that can really end up holding us back.



Added by Bernie Reifkind on August 17, 2017 at 12:11pm — No Comments

Post Job-Interview Tips

So, you have been working closely with a recruiter over the past few weeks to find your next career opportunity. Your CV has been updated, formatted and sent out to clients, you have been put forward for specific roles and finally you have the interview date! You have researched the company, been prepped by the recruiter and feel prepared and ready to face the…

Added by Charlotte Barrington on August 17, 2017 at 11:20am — No Comments

One reason why you are missing out on great candidates

The ideal candidate — sorry, let me rephrase that, the “perfect candidate” is like a unicorn. They are extremely elusive, if not completely imaginary. You have heard about them in meetings with the hiring managers and read about them in your …


Added by Manan Shah on August 17, 2017 at 9:05am — No Comments

7 Takeaways On How Programmers Use 'Search' While Job Hunting

Have you ever thought how other people search the web? In this article, we’ll reveal what software developers are using to facilitate their job seeking efforts. It’s no secret that …


Added by Andrew Stetsenko on August 17, 2017 at 6:43am — No Comments

5 things that we think the recruiting world needs to fix!

  1. Think Quality of Hires!
We all know that companies want to improve the Hiring Quality of their organisation by improving the recruitment process and performance of new hires?

How can we fix this?

Well firstly gathering Hiring Quality data that highlights the factors that make for a successful hire. Ensure the data you can access is accurate and easy to use e.g. expressed as simple percentages. It will allow you…


Added by Howard Flint on August 17, 2017 at 4:50am — 2 Comments

5 things that we think the recruiting world needs to fix!

  1. Think Quality of Hires!
We all know that companies want to improve the Hiring Quality of their organisation by improving the recruitment process and performance of new hires?

How can we fix this?

Well firstly gathering Hiring Quality data that highlights the factors that make for a successful hire. Ensure the data you can access is accurate and easy to use e.g. expressed as simple percentages. It will allow you…


Added by Howard Flint on August 17, 2017 at 4:30am — No Comments

How to Make a More Accepting Workplace

One of the best ways for companies to take the next step in their business is to make a more accepting workplace. There are a lot of companies that want to hire and retain the best talent. In today's world, more flexibility is needed in order to do that. There are a lot of employees with diverse backgrounds that can add value to companies…


Added by Devin Caldwell on August 16, 2017 at 4:34pm — No Comments

Six best men who never failed me in hiring the best

It is a historical fact that sourcing the right talent is mission critical for the success of all business objectives. Yet in the modern age of recruitment, the gap in talent is one of the most important factors businesses face today when it comes to achieving their objectives and keeping pace with industry peers. When a job requirement becomes alive, getting energetic about execution is natural. The classic mode of “Ready, fire, aim” is very easy to adapt but difficult to…


Added by Neetu Gupta on August 16, 2017 at 4:13pm — No Comments

Recruiting vs Training Sales Talent


Recruiting vs Training Sales Talent

When it comes to handling the demands of a growing business entity, having access to well-trained and quality employees must be a top priority. This is more prevalent than ever in various industries alike where the demands of the workforce are…


Added by Devin Caldwell on August 16, 2017 at 3:30pm — No Comments

TLS Continuum Part 81: Who are we as an organization/as a society?

I am currently experiencing the thrills of having a 16-month old grandson running around the house. This is an experience, which I have not had to deal with in over thirty years since my sons were born. But the events of this past weekend make me stop and wonder what type of organizations or society are we leaving for him, as he grows older?

In working with clients I advocate that in order for continuous process improvement efforts to be successful, your organization needs to become…


Added by Daniel T. Bloom on August 16, 2017 at 1:27pm — 1 Comment


In order to keep pace with the changes taking place in the business ecosystem, it is imperative for HR professionals to take every opportunity to gain knowledge and insights from every available source. 

As a HR professional who must manage people every day with high…


Added by Joanne McDonagh on August 16, 2017 at 5:22am — No Comments

5 Outside the Box Startup Hiring Strategies

One of the first things a startup founder realizes is that they can’t do it all themselves. If you try to do this, there is probably one eventual outcome; you’ll end up doing some of the things poorly. Since clients and…


Added by Devin Caldwell on August 15, 2017 at 4:37pm — 1 Comment

5 Ways to Lower Ramp Time for New Hires

Very frequently in businesses, management sees significant periods of time in which new hires are not yet contributing to sales, internal culture, and the overall success of the company. In many cases, it can take eight months for a newly hired employee to reach full productivity.  One of the best ways to have new employees…


Added by Hope Serdakowski on August 15, 2017 at 2:00pm — No Comments

3 LinkedIn Makeover Tips that Attract the Right Job Opportunities

On LinkedIn, top tech professionals are regularly greeted with an unruly mob of job opportunities in their inboxes. Whether the majority is relevant to their career goals or misses the mark depends on how each LinkedIn profile is written. Used correctly, this social media platform can be a beacon guiding you to …


Added by TransTech Staffing on August 15, 2017 at 9:59am — No Comments

One Benefit Too Many

Early finishes, free drinks and office lunches are just a selection of perks that companies have been offering over the years to keep us motivated and attract new employees. However, with more and more companies announcing cut backs to such incentives and with the value of these coming into question, are job perks as secure as we once…


Added by Investigo Ltd on August 15, 2017 at 8:51am — No Comments

3 Ways to Measure Employee Loyalty

Defined as showing constant support to an institution, company loyalty is a hard concept to measure. Humans are complex creatures who have sporadic feelings of loyalty – we’ve all be there, one day you’re in a great mood and love your company. The next day is another story.

Paired with the zero hour contracts and the every-growing gig…


Added by ISL Recruitment on August 15, 2017 at 7:00am — 1 Comment

More Evidence of Real Growth

Some good earnings reports in the last couple of weeks may be a real good sign for business.  Companies like Boeing and Apple are reporting good numbers.  Leaders in different industries like this showing solid earnings growth has a big impact.

These companies impact all of their suppliers and other companies that they do business with.  If we continue to see industry leaders doing well we can expect widespread growth.  Something we have not see for some time.…


Added by Todd Kmiec on August 15, 2017 at 5:59am — 1 Comment

Step by Step Guide to Design Beautiful Careers Page

Companies tend to focus heavily on creating fantastic experience across web and mobile for their customers and partners but not so much on prospective candidates. Why is that? A shoddily designed careers page can give the impression that you probably don’t care about candidates and employees much. To deliver a path-breaking candidate experience, it often starts with designing a beautiful careers…


Added by Amri Anand on August 14, 2017 at 5:05pm — No Comments

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