File this one in the "Another Jerry Rant" section......
Here's what has happened to me about half the time I've had a chance to catch up on the latest here:
I see an inviting title and click. Right off the bat I realize "Yep - another self-promo blog" and back out. I'll give a few of them a shot - but still find myself wondering why this junk was posted. I mean - for many of them it's hard to even find a way to kick-start a conversation. Just plain old…
ContinueAdded by Jerry Albright on September 10, 2012 at 1:25pm — 4 Comments
Two years ago I attended the Annual Carolinas Payroll Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC. As a vendor my role was to raise awareness for my organization and discussion potential career opportunities we had for a client implementation. The next morning at 9:45 AM, I was approached by the conference coordinator and asked if I could step in and do a 45 minute presentation given that one of the…
ContinueAdded by Mark A. Leon on September 10, 2012 at 11:55am — 5 Comments
I saw this in an ad that turned up in my inbox recently. The ad was for a recruitment manager for a professional services firm: "You will have had experience in a similar role in a professional services organisation." Nothing particularly unreasonable or earth-shattering about that, you'd think.
In fact, if you analyse most of the roles advertised in recruitment at the moment, or in many other fields for that matter, the bottom…
Added by Ian Harvey on September 10, 2012 at 10:54am — 4 Comments
This weekend was like any other weekend for a guy with 2 young children. If you have small kids, or have had them, then you know exactly what I am talking about. The one small caveat is that now that school is in session and football is in full- swing, hanging out on the patio with friends and family replaces the swimming pool.
We aren’t to the soccer game stage because my son is only 1 ½, and my 4 ½ year old daughter’s activity of choice is dance which happens on Thursdays…
ContinueAdded by Will Thomson on September 10, 2012 at 10:30am — 8 Comments
If you have a basic or a low-paid account on LinkedIn, you can't see the full names of people who are your third level connections. You can't see the names of people outside your network. In LinkedIn Recruiter, which is the solution for corporations, you can see all names.
I didn't realize up till I was at the #sourceIn event yesterday at the LinkedIn HQ in Mountain View, that agencies with the top solution wouldn't see the names either. Now, LinkedIn has decided to open up…
ContinueAdded by Irina Shamaeva on September 10, 2012 at 9:30am — 21 Comments
If you do not know this already, then let me remind you and if you do know, I hope you are actually doing something about it! Correctly promoting job advertising content via your career site and other online channels represents your best opportunity of attracting accurately matched, active candidates who want the job you are looking to fill. It even provides an opportunity…
Added by Martin Shaw on September 10, 2012 at 9:00am — 2 Comments
Having just returned from a weekend with my wife in Miami, I find myself pondering the rich diversity of this coastal gem. Known as the cruise capital of the world, the contrasts of Miami range from art deco to skyscrapers, Cuban cuisine to seafood just plucked from the Atlantic, and techno dance clubs to the Florida Grand Opera. The multitudes of languages, people, food, architecture, and music show how deep diversity creates a dynamic and vibrant entity.
The depth of diversity in…
ContinueAdded by Scott Wintrip on September 10, 2012 at 8:22am — No Comments
I had a great conversation with my mentor, Richie Harris, the other day. I blame Richie entirely for my success and tenacity as an Executive Recruiter these past 25 years. Now retired, Richie was a Recruiting Maverick in his time. Often profane, always unique, he was a star player on the sales and marketing search front. He still speaks at industry functions occasionally and his principles still apply.
During our wide ranging chat, he…
ContinueAdded by Cindy Cremona, CPC on September 10, 2012 at 6:00am — No Comments
Remember itzbig (see pic)? Trovix? Climber v1.0? The original Jobfox? It’s sort of like remembering your first iPod and its navigation wheel. These were the original “eHarmony for jobs” players.
Similar to the popular dating service, these solutions hoped to magically pair candidates with employers based on sophisticated algorithms.
It didn’t go too well.
Trovix, the big winner, sold to Monster for like $70 million and became …
ContinueAdded by Joel Cheesman on September 8, 2012 at 2:30am — 4 Comments
Added by Steve Jones on September 7, 2012 at 2:46pm — No Comments
Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. In this article, we’ll be talking about candidate experience, sourcing rules, recruiting innovation, being better off and conference tips.
A few other things before we get to the articles. First, I highly recommend you check in on the…
ContinueAdded by Chris Brablc on September 7, 2012 at 1:35pm — No Comments
Project Management (PM) staffing style!!
So as some of you may figure out this is not my original post. My original post was something I originally wrote and posted on a now defunct site in the last 90s. It appears someone else used it in 2000 and of course I reposted it a few years ago and decided to repost it again. So when I found out all this I decided not to go down the rode of…
ContinueAdded by Dean Da Costa on September 7, 2012 at 12:30pm — No Comments
When reading job descriptions, I’m sure you’ve come across the term “player-coach” more than once. It’s a designation that employers use for positions that have management authority but are also expected to get their hands dirty on some day-to-day work. Seems reasonable, right? Especially when you’re talking about the junior-management levels where…
Added by David Gaspin on September 7, 2012 at 11:41am — 1 Comment
The second in a series of expert advice blogs, from Dave Wood of .
The battle against bad and ugly CVs continues! This week we set a keen eye on the personal details that you should and shouldn’t be including in your document.…
ContinueAdded by Dave Wood on September 7, 2012 at 10:30am — No Comments
I stood proudly looking down from Ensign Peak in Salt Lake City, UT, on August 11, 2012. One could not help but see that a view from where famous Pioneer Leaders of the LDS faith nearly 165 years before had used as a planning platform for the city that would come to be known as Salt Lake would enable the planning and estimation steps needed. I sat back on a rock admiring the view near a poignant and interesting marker marking the historic spot where the survey and landscaping mapping was…
ContinueAdded by Mike Rasmussen on September 6, 2012 at 11:45pm — 1 Comment
The Value of Hiring Best-Of-Breed Talent!
Posted on September 6, 2012 by Sheila Greco
Retailers Want Best-Of-Breed Talent!
The Importance of Best-of-Breed Talent To the Retail Industry!
There is no question about it; there is a difference between good talent and best-of-breed talent. My focus today is on the retail industry. Why? Keep reading to find out!
The retail industry as a whole is in the midst of a talent war. Faced with high turnover, access to…
ContinueAdded by sheila Greco on September 6, 2012 at 9:21pm — 1 Comment
By Dan Ridge, Contributing Consultant, Q4B
I was thinking about the whole idea of working remotely after reading Q4B’s Rookie Recruiter’s Blog of last week, A Remote Recruiter in a Virtual Company and how far this way of working has come.
Years ago I was asked to do some consulting for a local staffing firm whose founder I had…
ContinueAdded by Daniel F Ridge on September 6, 2012 at 4:39pm — 9 Comments
As a recruiter, understanding your candidate experience is essential. As a company it is vital. Not only will a bad candidate experience make you lose out on the top talent in your field, it will also affect your sales, brand and performance as a whole.
One Mystery Applicant survey found that a mere 19% of candidates surveyed were more likely to buy from or use the services of the…
ContinueAdded by Laura Purt on September 6, 2012 at 8:00am — 6 Comments
It’s been an amazing summer, and it’s still not over yet.
For many of us the day-to-day routine of early mornings, making lunches, school drop offs, and rushing to get to work on time has returned. In the haze that is normal life, it is so easy to forget the good things that the summer brought.
London 2012
Top of the…
ContinueAdded by james nathan on September 6, 2012 at 5:30am — No Comments
LinkedIn is “the” top place for many recruiters and for many people I have met “LinkedIn” is almost equals “sourcing”. Everyone we had placed in the last year was initially contacted on LinkedIn.
We all agree on the importance of not spamming candidates and carefully reviewing their profiles before we reach out.
However, LinkedIn's nature is not fully understood by many, I think. Here's what I read on a blog post on ERE today: “Examine the resultant profile summaries…. “Red…
ContinueAdded by Irina Shamaeva on September 5, 2012 at 5:15pm — No Comments
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