Recruiting Blogs (24,307)

Linked in profile vs The CV: Face off...

There has been quite a lot of argy bargy in the recruitment space recently following the launch of the 'Apply with LinkedIn' button, hot on the heels of their IPO announcement. A large amount of the debate is centred around the impact of the tool and, given LinkedIn's ever extending reach…


Added by Gareth Jones on September 6, 2011 at 7:00am — 8 Comments

Top 3 Insights from the 2011 RCSA International Conference

Last week I was fortunate enough to attend the 2011 RCSA International Conference in Port Douglas. This year’s theme was innovation, and there were number of excellent world class speakers on the topic.

The three key points that resonated with me were;

  1. Successful innovation is the result of many small incremental changes or improvements made over time and is rarely about a big shiny new…

Added by Aaron Dodd on September 6, 2011 at 12:21am — 4 Comments

Employee loyalty...

I spent quite a few years working in the CRM space, many of those talking customer loyalty and retention strategy with some of the biggest brands out there.  In all of the conversations we would have with their customers, there was one consistent and familiar story which often went something like this:

"How did you become a customer of…


Added by Gareth Jones on September 5, 2011 at 9:51am — No Comments

When negotiations go bad, who really loses out ?

As regular followers of this blog will know, I work as a Rec-to-Rec consultant (i.e. I recruit recruiters for recruitment companies – say that after a few glasses of wine!). I recently received a call from the owner of an agency explaining that he had heard good things about me and could I meet with him to discuss helping him find new consultants. As always, I was upfront about my fees and in return for some commercial advantages and as a gesture of good will I agreed to a 1% discount, which…


Added by Luke Collard on September 4, 2011 at 10:03pm — 4 Comments

Job Interview First Impressions


Are first impressions really that important? The answer is... YES!


When the decision comes to hire a new employee, the candidates that are chosen almost always will share similar educational backgrounds, skills and experience. Because of this, it can be the small things that make the difference between getting the job or not. A lousy handshake or dirty shoes can be all it takes to…


Added by Gavin Redelman on September 4, 2011 at 7:18pm — 4 Comments

Creating Employment Buzz

After you’ve identified your company’s Customer Value Proposition (CVP), and understand the difference between how potential candidates perceive your company and what you want them to think, it’s important to take charge and implement your employer branding plan.  


Amongst all of your branding elements lies the idea of generating employment buzz.  This motivates your employees to share their enviable work experiences with their…


Added by Dana Feigel on September 4, 2011 at 10:09am — No Comments

How to handle Situational Job Interview Questions


Situational Interview Questions:

Situational job interview questions, more commonly known as “hypothetical interview questions” are questions an interviewer uses to find out how you would approach certain problems if they were to arise. This type of questioning is designed to help the interviewer with determining how you would handle a certain situation. Unlike behavioural interviews which you are required to provide examples…


Added by Gavin Redelman on September 4, 2011 at 3:34am — No Comments

Webinar: Uncovering Hidden Profiles


Space is limited.

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:


If you are one of the 97% of sourcers and recruiters who search beyond job boards, chances are…


Added by Irina Shamaeva on September 3, 2011 at 9:00am — No Comments

Google search script to search candidates in Google Plus

Source: eGrabber Newsletter


Did you know that you can search candidates in Google Plus using the site command?

The Google search syntax is as follows:

site:(City | State) Keyword

For example, if you want to search C++ programmers in San Jose, California, your Google search string will be:…


Added by Umamaheswari.K on September 3, 2011 at 5:19am — 1 Comment

9/11, The Great Recession, & Recruiting - 10 Years Of Lessons - But America Still Stands Strong

USS Hornet


On July 4th, 2007, I visited the USS Hornet.  Steeped in History, she sits proudly in the San Francisco Bay.  On that day, we witnessed fireworks over the Bay with a wonderful daylight concert, games, and a fun family outing.  The Hornet sank the Yamato, a Japanese supercarrier in WWII and recovered the astronauts who flew the first mission to the moon.  It was here as I witnessed over the SF Bay…


Added by Mike Rasmussen on September 3, 2011 at 2:30am — No Comments

5 Best Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 8.27.11 to 9.2.11

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. This week we'll be talking about real recruiters, Twitter experiments, Sodexo, counter offers, recruiting the best talent and HR Vendor demo tips.


Here are the articles our that interested us this week (in no particular order),…


Added by Chris Brablc on September 2, 2011 at 11:17am — No Comments

Check out the 2011 Human Capital Management Buyer’s Guide

I’ve always been impressed with the Human Capital Management Buyer’s Guide, so I submitted a success story about our recruiting software for this year’s edition. I was pleasantly surprised when the Guide’s editor accepted it.

In the article (which starts on p.60 of the Guide, by the way) I…


Added by Tim Giehll on September 2, 2011 at 10:36am — No Comments

Ask for the job? Yes? No? or Maybe?

A tip you hear from a lot of recruiters is that at the end of the interview you should “Ask for the job!”  You know, when the person interviewing you says “Any questions for me?” you say stuff like: “ Do you think I’m a good fit for this job?”, “Are there any concerns with my background relative to this role?”, “What would keep you from hiring me?” there are a million of them but you get the idea...ask for the job.

The real question I this a good idea? Should you “ask…


Added by jeffreytmoore on September 2, 2011 at 8:02am — 8 Comments

Looking for a safe stance on the use of exclamation marks in recruitment advertising? Me neither.

The exclamation mark is known informally as a bang or a shriek. It’s frequently used in fiction and then mostly to express strong feeling in spoken dialogue.


There are broadly 3 types of people who use exclamations marks when writing:

  1. Amateurs
  2. Children
  3. Fashion Journalists

Clients don’t want their recruitment agencies to be any of these things – which makes the fact that some consistently use exclamation marks in their job…


Added by Mitch Sullivan on September 2, 2011 at 5:17am — 1 Comment

Calling All Recruiters - Humaneness For the Under and Unemployed

A couple weeks ago I started attending a local jobs networking group at a church near my home in Frisco.  I am not sure why I felt compelled to show up, but I wanted to go see what it was all about.  I have to be honest, I think it was one of the best decisions I could have made for my own career.


It was weird, walking in to a room of people that are under or un-employed when not only do I have a job, I have a job helping other people get jobs.  The group didn't make me feel…


Added by Kirby Cole on September 1, 2011 at 11:30pm — 15 Comments

Feeding your Applicant Tracking System with Talent

There's been a lot of buzz lately around Talent Generation and as Recruiters, what we can do to ensure we drive the best quality candidates into our Applicant Tracking Systems. This is another great post by my colleague Mike Vilimek (@mikevilimek) about exactly this topic. Take a read...


I recently read a great article titled, …


Added by Stephanie Weirich on September 1, 2011 at 2:52pm — 5 Comments

3 stages of a successful Talent Network strategy!

Building your Talent Network isn’t just about getting as many recruiting contacts into your database as possible.  Instead it needs to be in getting as many interested AND qualified candidates as possible into your Talent Network.   But to do that you first need to quickly fill your Talent Network with candidates that you can qualify.  This is where the Talent Network building process begins.


Let’s take a look at how you…


Added by Chris Brablc on September 1, 2011 at 1:54pm — 2 Comments

Social Media: No Longer Just For Fun; Now New Career Development

Social Media is communication through multiple people. It is an open communication network powered by: social networks, news, blogs, videos, and job boards’, and social podcasting at so much more. Today Social Media is no long just a fun way to connect with family and friends; it is now a tool for both employees and employers. MySpace and AIM are a thing of the past; today Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook are taking companies to a new level and create a virtual every day career fair. Job…


Added by Emily Eastman on September 1, 2011 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Training My 73 Yr Old Boss How to Use Social Media

The social era sparked a new revolution in recruiting. Web 2.0 and the rapid advancement of "speak your mind" sent brick and mortar businesses scattering to keep up with technological advancements. In early 2007, I had the great fortune of introducing Kelly Services' professional group in Houston to LinkedIn. My enthusiastic…


Added by Dayna Herndon on September 1, 2011 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

Companies Recruiting College Grads May Need to Increase Their Budgets

I was recently talking with a friend of mine whose son is starting his sophomore year in college and just changed his major to Petroleum Engineering.  When she asked her son why he chose that major he informed her that is has the highest starting salary potential of any job for college graduates.  He obviously did his research as you will see… Continue

Added by Tim Giehll on September 1, 2011 at 11:49am — 2 Comments

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