There is an elephant in the room when it comes to the basic business model of our industry. People don’t talk about it much, yet it’s a fundamental flaw in the relationship between client and recruiter, and it drives poor service and lack of satisfaction for all parties.
Multi-listing of job orders across multiple agencies, and recruiters accepting…Continue
Those of you in the biz – don’t laugh: I received this response to a LinkedIn referral request for a specific type of position that this gentleman would know (I had also attached the link to our RPO client’s career site listing) :
Thanks for reaching out to me. Don’t take this personally, but I generally do not work with recruiters because 95% of them do not deliver. I really have no respect for any organization/business who cannot come directly to me.
Busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.
I love that saying.....
Is wanting it all a bit much? I want the work life balance. The real thing, not a 60/40 split. Something always gives. Option a) You spend too much time in the office to deliver stuff and the family suffers, Option b) you leave early to look after family stuff and eyebrows in the office are raised. Especially the higher up to food chain you travel.
It seems like it was just yesterday when Microsoft released Vista. I was working for a technology company in central Illinois at the time and we had a Vista release party. There was quite a bit of excitement and anticipation about the new OS but many people had a wait and see approach. I remember speaking with quite a few people in the IT industry during the event and the majority of people felt that XP was a reliable OS but liked the new bells and whistles that were associated with Vista. It… Continue
As I sit down to write my first blog post ever I find myself intimidated. I was recently introduced to the world of blogging and by introduced I mean thrown into it with my whole body (as opposed to with both feet). I decided to go to Recruitfest this year, so I joined to get to know some of my fellow attendees. Little did I know that these people were professional bloggers. Some of whom have actually been blogging since the 90’s! OMG (it hits me)! So, while I was still… Continue
Added by Samantha on October 31, 2009 at 1:00pm —
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This week i’ve been on a talk show that is fast becoming a favourite. H.R.Happyhour which is organised by a host i admire, Steve Boese. The topic of conversation and debate, is HR Dead? I read a number of blogs this week commenting on the death of the job board. Despite the much reported demise they seem to be still around. The latest to join the nearly dead list are recruiters. It seems we are on… Continue
"Recruiters shouldn’t care about that Facebook picture of your beer pong game in college." — Shel Holtz, ABC, principal of Holtz Communication + Technology.
Holtz calls the increasing shift toward total transparency a cultural transition, spurred on by social media. And, as a consequence, "Animal House [by Millennials] behavior really… Continue
Added by Rich on October 30, 2009 at 2:46pm —
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You know life is good when your brand new blog is retweeted by :KevinWGrossman "A good HR Consultant is one who provides a solution without manipulation tactics, or fear." (via @HRMargo)
And @animal, @paris22, and others, have also RT my blog. I am honored and humbled by this. I launched my blog this week. I've been talking about HR topics and questions close to my heart like, "Why is HR so hard on itself" -- "H1N1 is Your HR… Continue
Added by Margo Rose on October 30, 2009 at 10:03am —
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Here is further proof that if you use new media to communicate to your customers (aka candidates) your company will have a much more favorable impression. Research firm eMarketer released this latest info which caught my eye. Podcasting your jobs and/or Youtube are perfect examples of new media in action.
74% of users have positive impression of companies who use new…
"I understand that you little guys start out with your woobies and you think they're great... and they are, they are terrific. But pretty soon, a woobie isn't enough. You're out on the street trying to score an electric blanket, or maybe a quilt. And the next thing you know, you're strung out on bedspreads Ken. That's serious."
- Jack Butler (Michael Keaton in Mr. Mom, 1983)
What could an early 1980's Dramedy possibly have to do with my future in the recruiting/talent… Continue
Aside from the frustration experienced by job seekers from what feels like the "black hole" in responding to postings on job boards (and there is enough on that subject to provide fodder for posts for the next year!) the next major pain point often seems to be… Continue
Added by Dave Opton on October 29, 2009 at 6:33pm —
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Now that we know that Cash for Clunkers was the real Clunker, I've had a chance to reconsider my proposal of Cash for Candidates. did a study showing that it cost the Government (that means you and me because we are the Gov's sugar daddy of course) over $24,000 per clunker deal, probably close to the total price of the new cars in most cases. What an incredible waste. And now we hear that car sales are dipping and expectations are for lower numbers over the coming months. They… Continue
I just posted this to my wordpress blog-disclaimer, I wrote this from a candidate's perspective. I offer this for your consideration after reading last night's twitter discussion on #tnl.
Today, on Paul Paris’s radio show Janet Worthington and her son Jeremy discussed job search strategies. I am a new volunteer on This site is free for people in transition. While is it is not a resume hub,… Continue
Last week we took a look at the value of securing prior employment references. As promised, let’s turn the tables and look at how we respond when we’re the one being asked for the reference. When a coworker or a subordinate leaves and requests to name us as a reference, do we oblige them?
What if the one leaving was a mediocre worker on their best day, the dreary sot after whose departure you expect a merry parade between the cubicles? (Don’t deny it… someone specific just came to… Continue
It seems nowadays that there's a new recruiting firm popping up just about every day. I can't tell you how many calls I get a week from firms that I have never heard of - and many times never hear of again. Although, yes, I am on the other side of the desk now, I am still a recruiter at heart. It is my bread and butter. It's what I was born to do - the thrill of the hunt and the power of the connection - at the core, I am and will always be, a recruiter.
At the start of the year we (that’s Character Creative) got to thinking about what we could do for freelancers and those agencies trying to find them.
More and more of our clients were asking about them and, whilst we never turned the work down, we hadn’t formalised any offer or even a general response.
Hence we struck upon the idea of a single introductory fee for freelancers, and it works something like this;
Pay us £500 for finding each freelancer and you’ll… Continue
Added by Darren Scotland on October 29, 2009 at 12:11pm —
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Next week Tuesday (November 3) is Melbourne Cup Day. Also known as “The race that stops a nation”, it is also a public holiday for those fortunate enough to live in Melbourne.
Who can forget the amazing three years of consecutive wins by Makybe Diva (2003 – 2005), or master trainer Bart Cummings with eleven cup winners?
As I only moved to Australia seven years ago, after a decade living in New Zealand, it has been… Continue
On Saturday, President Obama issued an H1N1 national emergency in his radio address, signaling waves of concern throughout the medical community, and population This week the CDC released an experimental drug still in its preliminary stages, which according to infectious disease specialist, Dr. Alan Cohen extremely rare. In a lecture he gave October 26th he said that Gen Y is expected to be hit the hardest. The CDC estimated that 40% of the US population will contract H1N1- So, what will that… Continue