Recruiting Blogs (24,196)

Try our new job posting site for FREE! VERY EFFECTIVE resume response!

SkillSearch is a fantastic value in a jobposting service/resume search engine. For a fraction of the cost of Careerbuilder, Monster or Dice you can have the same resume response to your postings. See for yourself today! Sign up today for a FREE TRIAL (3 job postings) and let SkillSearch start sending you qualified candidates on target! SkillSearch uses both PayPal and for secure transactions. Resumes searches are FREE! Your postings will show on such websites as: Business Week,… Continue

Added by Pete Jaffe on October 11, 2009 at 12:42am — No Comments

S.a.a.S model for Talent Assessments

S.a.a.S (Software as a Service) is the evolution of the next generation web tools, which is catching the attention of everyone in the HR industry. With the promise of lower TCO (total cost of ownership) and a turnkey solution, giants such as MasterCard are shifting to HR-SaaS solution providers such as SuccessFactors for employee evaluation services.

The charm of low cost integration is fueling the fire of the SaaS revolution. Traditionally, on-premise applications have required additional… Continue

Added by Hassan Rizwan on October 10, 2009 at 3:00am — No Comments

Oregon Teaching Jobs are Scarce

Recent graduates available to fill Oregon teaching jobs are having trouble finding work

A new survey from The Oregonian found that about 2,400 prospective teachers who graduated from colleges in Oregon this year have yet to find work in the state. Overall, fewer than 600 new teacher graduates were hired in Oregon this fall, which is only one-fourth of… Continue

Added by Cheezhead on October 9, 2009 at 5:31pm — No Comments

Job Board Logic

I remember in 1992 when the "world wide web" (the term internet had not been invented yet) was touted as a game changer for recruiting. And it was true.....for a time. There was Monster, then Careerbuilder but two was not enough, the job board industry realized that they could carve up the universe into bite sized pieces and convince recruiting departments that they had to be part of this movement in order to get closer to the talent they seek.

And millionaires were… Continue

Added by Phil Haynes on October 9, 2009 at 1:50pm — 8 Comments

How to take a closer look at your candidate

Take a real look

One of the reasons I appreciate our process of recruiting more and more is that it allows us to take a real look at the person who’s applied for the position.

In February, while working in a hiring campaign in Minneapolis, I also participated in an experience that changed my perspective on life. That doesn’t happen very often to us but this weekend was different. I was part of a group of eight who went into the Lino Lakes Correctional Facility (read… Continue

Added by Mark McDowell on October 9, 2009 at 12:21pm — 2 Comments

Anyone have data on average turn around time for Physican placement ?

Anyone have data on average turn around time for Physican placement ?

Added by Donald Knowles on October 9, 2009 at 12:04pm — No Comments

Unemployment and the Government: Which is worse?

Unemployment is a mounting issue that continue to steal the headlines of papers and blogs across the nation, and the world for that matter. Jobs being lost, outsourced or simply disappearing overnight are every day events. Plants shutting down, companies closing their doors, and the most financially stable name brands we grew up with calling it quits are on the tips of our tongue. So how do we address this? The free markets that we have come to understand are the driving forces of the western… Continue

Added by Jason Monastra on October 9, 2009 at 11:02am — 2 Comments

Yes, NOW is the BEST time to Recruit!

I was told once that the way to determine whether the glass if half full or half empty is to know whether your filling the glass or emptying it. If it started out empty, it’s easy to see the glass as half full; if it started out full, you’re likely to feel that it has become half-empty. Following that logic, I suggest that the glass of our economy is now half full.

“What I can tell you is that we are seeing signs of improvement. Layoffs, although we are still having them, seem to be… Continue

Added by Jason C. Blais on October 9, 2009 at 10:42am — 1 Comment

Raleigh Recruiters #recruitcamp 09' Dig it!

#recruitcamp RDU is on. It wont be as killer as Recruitfest, but you don't need to travel either. So dig it.
Let me know if you would like to participate, maybe lead a session.

Added by Rob Humphrey on October 9, 2009 at 9:09am — No Comments

How the Recession Will Change the Landscape of Professional Recruiting Services

You don't need a crystal ball to see that a cataclysmic shift is happening within the recruiting space. The recruiting services landscape already looks starkly different than it did before the economic meltdown and is continuing to morph dramatically.

The primary value that a recruiter used to offer was finding candidates for their clients and selling those candidates on their client's opportunities. Everything else was added value. Fast forward to today, now finding candidates and… Continue

Added by Kevin Jenkins on October 9, 2009 at 8:00am — No Comments

The economics of the talent shortage and what employers need to do NOW

Prior to the GFC we saw articles almost daily on the so-called talent shortage. Such clichéd headlines as “Winning the War for Talent” were commonplace. My own company, Mindset used them as did everyone else. These headlines and articles have subsided of late but the talent shortage is still there. It's like a wild beast hibernating; waiting for the thaw - which will be here sooner than most Australians think. In fact, many would argue that it’s waking now as the extra cold metaphorical winter… Continue

Added by Aaron Dodd on October 9, 2009 at 3:32am — 2 Comments

interesting view on the difficulties of innovating in the recruiting Industry

From the reason closed it's doors.

"The online recruitment space has its own unique market dynamics that restrict innovation on the company side. From the outset, online recruitment spend is huge. Its a market with the right fundamentals from the outside looking in. Its a large market ($10B/year spend), with rich customers, and poor innovation. It sounds like an entrepreneur's dream. The truth is that there are barriers to adoption of newer technologies which come down… Continue

Added by Slouch on October 8, 2009 at 6:35pm — No Comments

Would you hire Gladys Kravitz?


Would you hire Gladys Kravitz?

Gladys Gravitz was the infamous “know-it-all” snoopy neighbor on Bewitched. If you are unfamiliar with her character, you can read more about her here.

I was channeling Gladys Gravitz the other day when I read this Job Posting:

“Seeking super smart person to join our wildly successful global team. Proven track record of brilliant thinking, complex… Continue

Added by Heather Gardner on October 8, 2009 at 6:00pm — 6 Comments

C# Developer

I have a Senior C# developer position you might be interested in. The key skills are C#, Winforms, multi-threading, past C++ experience. Knowledge of Convertible financial products (brokerage experience). Resume must express strong C# development, manager is NOT interested in, etc developers. Please send qualified resumes to:

Added by Martin Kunat on October 8, 2009 at 4:11pm — No Comments

Why are we having a jobless recovery?

The stock market is up, the economic news is cheerful, and people are calling an end to the recession by 2010. However with all of this, what has happened to the jobs that were to be created with stimulus? What has happened to new jobs overall? The ideas are numerous and the points of views countless on where the jobs are, when we will see them, and in some cases if we will ever see them again.

Searching for the north, the way out of this hole we have placed ourselves in is much more… Continue

Added by Jason Monastra on October 8, 2009 at 2:03pm — 15 Comments

My Blog has moved

Added by Mark Spoor on October 8, 2009 at 12:00pm — No Comments

No one wants to follow your Recruitment Agency on Twitter

I had an interesting call from a Recruiter today. He was complaining about the fact that no one wants to follow his Recruitment Agency on Twitter. I spent some time talking about the ways you can use Twitter in the Recruitment process. But he didn't care.

We talked about creating a social recruiting strategy to interact with the users. He didn't care.

This is not an unusual situation I find myself in. Nearly all Recruiters I talk with about using some type of social media… Continue

Added by Thomas Shaw on October 8, 2009 at 7:38am — 8 Comments

The 2009 NAPS Conference - An Insiders Perspective

I just got back from the 2009 Annual Conference for the National Association of Personnel Services (NAPS) and wanted to share some of my experience with you…

It was a real honor for me to be asked to present the Opening Keynote at this years event and to follow in the footsteps of amazing people like Danny Cahill,… Continue

Added by Craig Silverman on October 7, 2009 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Read it before rushing to a white collar job

People are rushing to white collar job. White collars are admired in the family and society. Parents are interested to see their wards in white collar job.

However, is white collar job so lucrative? Should we be crazy for a white collar job?

Answer needs introspection. How much it costs to get a white collar job? How much do we get in return? We have to calculate before rushing to a white collar job.

Who is benefited by it. employers or employee? Are the… Continue

Added by Jyoti Kothari on October 7, 2009 at 2:12pm — No Comments

The Nerdy IT Manager

The Nerdy IT Manager tried to order a life sized iron cast of Han Solo. The purchasing department caught it. It was rejected. An uprising occurred. Corporate HR surge was sent in to quell the unrest. You were caught in the middle. Now the Nerdy IT manager hates HR; therefore he hates you, the Recruiter.

As you recruit, the manager shoots down all your candidates. He despises every candidate you send him. Everything you do just sucks.

New recruiting plan:… Continue

Added by Michael Glenn on October 7, 2009 at 1:00pm — 3 Comments

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