Recruiting Blogs (24,196)

Job Boards and networks for analytic recruiters

The metric used to determine the price category ($$$ = high, $$ = medium, $ = low) is based on the average number of page views per job ad, as well as cost and duration (30 / 60 / 90 days). Internet traffic volume (*** = high, ** = medium, * = low) is based on metrics computed by Alexa, Compete and Quantast in September 2009.


Added by Vincent Granville on October 4, 2009 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Branding Your Firm As A Recruiting Firm Of Choice!

Keen just completed leading another Certification in Employee Retention for NAPS, in the 16 hours of content course titled Talent Strategy 3.0 our seasoned search professionals were inspired, engaged and clamoring for opportunities to service their clients in a more strategic manner.

People always say when the student is ready the teacher appears, well this past week at the… Continue

Added by Margaret Graziano on October 4, 2009 at 12:20am — No Comments

Why Does Everyone Hate Recruiters?

A couple of years ago, we spent New Years Eve in Thornton Park, at the end of Balmain, with a great view of the Harbour Bridge. We got there around 4pm, set up our chairs, and prepared to wait for the fireworks. There was about 100 people there, one of whom was a talker. He was floating around, talking to people, most of whom were doing their best to pretend he wasn’t there. He sat on a bench… Continue

Added by Ian Lenehan on October 3, 2009 at 9:49pm — 11 Comments

Take It Easy

Dearest candidate,

I appreciate the opportunity to interview you and compare your skill set to the other candidates currently in consideration for our open technical management position. Please understand that I meant no disrespect or connotation of ill will when I stated that a background check is part of our employment screening process and typically adds a week’s delay to process. This is a statement I provide every candidate with whom I interview, and it is not intended to imply… Continue

Added by Suzanne M King on October 3, 2009 at 8:04pm — No Comments

The USA HR Blogger Project

After attending an amazing blogging conference in Oklahoma called Throw Your Voice, I have been inspired by Jennifer James of And because of Jennifer, I am on a mission to find an authentic HR blogger in all 50 states. If you are interested in being featured for this project, please email me directly at with the subject line USA HR Blogger Project.

Please help me spread the word by posting this information on your website, twitter, and facebook to… Continue

Added by Jessica Miller-Merrell on October 3, 2009 at 4:47pm — 1 Comment

Beyond the “Industry Standard”

When dealing with the ever-so-delightful contractor that helped us remodel our house most of the questions I asked him about how something was done were met with, “well, that’s industry standard”. What amazed me about this nearly daily occurrence is that he actually expected me to be satisfied with that. Granted if his business card and truck had some mention of ISO 14000 certification for all his work, then that would be an industry standard that I could accept. But it was not that. It was… Continue

Added by Randy Levinson on October 2, 2009 at 4:50pm — 2 Comments

Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter – How Can These Help In Your Job Search?

Facebook, LinkedInand Twitter are extremely valuable job-search tools with today’s growing desire for instant information and dependency on networking. Facebook and LinkedIn fulfill the networking dependency. Twitter is better for delivering instant… Continue

Added by Ryan Pratt on October 2, 2009 at 2:26pm — No Comments

Hire Talent from the Top-Ranked MBA Programs

MBA Focus has exclusive partnerships with over 60 of the world's top graduate business schools, including all of the top 10, and 26 of the top 30, according to BusinessWeek.

Resume Books from the Top 10 Available Now:

(click on the MBA program to begin)

University of Chicago -… Continue

Added by Ryan Pratt on October 2, 2009 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Technology Toolkit: Brazen Careerist

Where ideas are your resume ' />

It is no secret that the Millennial Generation is extremely dependant on technology and have integrated it into all aspects of their lives. That being said, it should come as no surprise that the Millennials utilize technology to network and search for jobs.

Millennials realize that it is no longer enough to polish their resume when it's time to look for a new job. Millennials are actively seeking to make connections… Continue

Added by Richard Bottner on October 2, 2009 at 9:00am — No Comments

Interview Tips for the Hiring Manager

Well, I know Hiring Managers don't like to be coached on how to do interviewing. But I think they don't mind reading a blog and making those necessary changes... so here I go with some tips.

1. Doing Structured Interviews

Often Hiring Managers do not have a structure around their interviews. When I say structure I don’t mean the sequence of questions but I am referring to more about the logic. For instance not many hiring managers know about the concept of using CAR… Continue

Added by Kiran Gali on October 2, 2009 at 1:30am — 2 Comments

A look @ Sourcing with a different Lense

In the coming years, there's going to be phenomenal change in terms of how recruiters/companies source for candidates. Just the way traditional newspaper job ads were replaced by Internet job boards, there will be major shift in the ways and means of sourcing. Given below are few of my predictions around how sourcing channels are going to change…No I am not clairvoyant I am just a recruitment consultant who says things as it is..

1. Job Boards will go under the… Continue

Added by Kiran Gali on October 1, 2009 at 11:00am — 2 Comments

The Client Side – Truly Specialized

What is true specialization in regard to the recruiting industry, and is it important? I think the answer is changing and a specialist down the line a bit will be far more specialized than a specialist today. Here’s what I mean.

For years, specialization has been used primarily as a business development line. Not just in our business, but all over the place. “Mr. Prospective Client, I specialize in helping people just like you.” If it’s true, really true, that’s great and it will be… Continue

Added by Todd Kmiec on October 1, 2009 at 9:57am — No Comments

Hammer Time! New Job Skills

Hello Again

Have you ever heard this? “If the only tool you have is a hammer you tend to see every problem as a nail” That came from Abraham Maslow a famous humanist psychologist of the 20th century.

What’s your hammer? It may be MS Excel, it may be project management, it maybe a web design package, Object Oriented code, a telephone call, a statistical calculation, a motivational may of… Continue

Added by Martin Naylor on October 1, 2009 at 8:44am — No Comments

Breaking the Cycle of Dependency

In the late 90's job boards were a necessity, if you wanted to recruit online. Why? Because many companies didn't have websites let alone career sites. So if recruiting was to be done online it could only be facilitated through the job board, which started a cycle of dependency.

How did it become a cycle based on dependency?

Dependency was inherent in the process where companies would pay to ship their candidates to a community… Continue

Added by Chad Sowash on October 1, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

How would an iSnack2.0 selection decision affect your business?

This week has seen us witness the hilarious and ongoing Kraft iSnack2.0 marketing debacle. Although no longer Australian owned, the Vegemite brand is an icon in Australia and New Zealand. Like any icon brand, it takes a brave marketer to try and change it. The only comparative episode I can think of was the global “new’ Coca Cola of few years back. This was met with such significant public uproar that Coke eventually dropped the “new” Coke and reverted back to Coke “Classic”. Arguably iSnack2.0… Continue

Added by Aaron Dodd on October 1, 2009 at 12:18am — 1 Comment

Starbucks Instant Coffee Is Here AND So Is Instant Recruiting

Starbucks is selling instant coffee. I tried it yesterday. It was good. I know what you’re thinking. Folders! Flavor crystals and all that asinine marketing, nope, just ain’t there. But, I promise you this, it doesn’t have that instant coffee taste. Give it a try

How about Instant Recruiting? That is a direction we are heading. Companies are looking to get rid of traditional Recruiters and have hiring managers, marketing and small team of junior Recruiters to… Continue

Added by Michael Glenn on September 30, 2009 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

I Found My Mojo - Yeah Baby, Yeah!!!

How many people will get up at x time tomorrow, drive x route, drink x drink, work x plan, have x meeting, drive home at x time, eat supper at x time and go to bed at x time?

Routine kills creativity!

This was a conclusion that my team and I came too several weeks ago. It was right before I was leaving for Recruitfest and I was explaining the non traditional set up and my excitement leading up to the event. One team… Continue

Added by Alex Putman on September 30, 2009 at 9:56pm — 5 Comments

STRADDLING THE EVER WIDENING SKILLS GAP - Do mistakes on resumes and cover letters really matter?

I am unashamed to admit it; I am a grammar freak. Maybe it can be blamed upon genetics (my mother used to diagram complex sentences for fun) or upon my authoritarian yet somehow endearing English professor, Mrs. Stolpe (may she rest in peace). I am also, rather proudly, always able to properly distinguish between there, they’re, and their, and I will not be affected by the effect of an improper homonym selection. I can spot a typo a mile away.…


Added by Michael Brandt on September 30, 2009 at 6:28pm — No Comments

15 Unwise Assumptions that Recruiters Make

I always knew that when one of my recruiters started a sentence with ‘I assumed..." that it was going to be a story with an unhappy ending.

Assumptions are for the unskilled, the lazy or the unthinking. The definition of assume is "to take for granted or without proof, suppose as a fact".

To take anything for granted in the world of recruitment consulting is asking for trouble. Here is a incomplete list of unwise assumptions, summarised from my 20 years of (often painful)… Continue

Added by Ross Clennett on September 30, 2009 at 6:02pm — No Comments

Keeping Your Talented Managers

Recognizing and developing talent is a constant challenge for any company. Today's challenge is to produce more, and better results with few employees for customers who demand more value-add for less effort and cost.

Do YOU have the talent to meet this challenge?

In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins uses the 'bus' business metaphor. he says great leaders understand three simple truths:

* If you begin with the "Who" rather than the "What," you can more easily… Continue

Added by Vicki Z. Lauter on September 30, 2009 at 4:09pm — No Comments

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