It has to be one of the most clichéd lines in job descriptions and hence, recruitment advertising - the request for ‘excellent communication skills'.
It is omnipresent in today's recruitment lexicon. Alternatively, substitute your favourite synonym such as ‘excellent', ‘good', ‘outstanding', ‘exceptional', ‘superior' or ‘high level'.
Unfortunately these phrases are of no help whatsoever to candidates, or recruiters.
The role of a recruiter and how the recruiter effectively contributes to the production of the enterprise is often taken for granted. That is what compelled me to write the allegory below. Please take a few minutes to read it, or re-read it if you already have, my own thoughts follow.
Once upon a time there was a man who needed a hole dug, but he did not have the means or the tools to do it. As he stood there looking at the spot where he wanted his hole dug a recruiter happened by.… Continue
Added by Randy Levinson on December 3, 2009 at 2:58pm —
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My personal description of Google Wave:A bit like Facebook messaging in that you can follow the conversation from the top down and embed photos, videos and links. The difference is that it’s in real-time and you can also attach documents, gadgets, maps and so on. You can also add and remove people from the wave as it goes along, make it public or private, and people can contribute and edit as they see fit.
Clearly it’s a lot more advanced than that, but you get the… Continue
Added by Wendy Jacob on December 3, 2009 at 2:11pm —
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All the traditional channels of recruitment seem to be in for a kicking right now and the job boards seem to be the latest victim! The recruitment agency model reached middle age before its viability was questioned but the job boards are merely teenagers. One wonders if social media will make it out of nappies at this rate, particularly with all the fuss being made about 'ROI'. Since when did recruiters ever care about that?!
Anyway, job boards are definitely coming under significant… Continue
For over a year, the recession wreaked havoc on the job market. If you were of working age in America, you either couldn’t find a job, got laid off, or if you were lucky enough to have a job…you knew that luck could run out any day. The fear of unemployment caused countless employees to cling to their jobs and hang on for dear life, whether they liked their position or not.
Fast forward to present day. The economy has finally begun to pick up and Americans can see the light at the… Continue
Added by Laura Gargolinski on December 3, 2009 at 12:00pm —
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Time: I’ve learned over the last decade that by changing my watch to the local time before a long flight, I can reduce jet lag to nothing (don’t know about you but it works for me). The trick is pretending it is the time zone you are going to and acting appropriately. I even try it a day before boarding…but then must remember to make the plane instead of going to bed.
I leave Sunday night for New Delhi, the first stop on our delegation’s itinerary. I just googled the world… Continue
I'm sitting at home now digesting the conference I just attended Inspecht and ATC's Recruitment Revolution, and while I will blog about this amazing day later on when I have fully disseminated all the information and translate my notes and scribbles, there is something bubbling to the top I just need to write about… Continue
This week I was planning to post the continuation of last week’s article about the pros and cons of hiring inside referrals. But a story I just read piqued my interest, sending me down memory lane to discover some truths about some ugly habits and some even uglier recruiting tactics that hopefully most candidates won’t have to endure.
I managed to secure an invitation to TEDxSF, an independent version of TED, at the Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park. I've never been to the Big TED conference but I've been a fan of the videos on the website for years. Calling TEDxSF a conference is not doing it justice. The event was more like a series mini-performances featuring musicians, entrepreneurs, scientists and change-makers.
All in all, independent TED events, TEDx,… Continue
Added by Joel Passen on December 2, 2009 at 3:18pm —
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Throughout the past year I have attended several conferences and heard speakers from a variety of Fortune Companies including leaders like Campbells Soup, Microsoft, Adidas talk about using social media to stay in touch and engage the talent markets for the future. Micorsoft Melvin Smith said they have a no one leaves the loop policy. So whether for the near or far future they have come to realize that talent markets are definitive and need to be groomed and cultivated and that your bench… Continue
Using social media to connect with people isn’t just about finding a new customer for your product or service, or it shouldn’t be. Two days ago I got a message from a gentleman on Recruitingblog who had read one of my blog posts and sent me a link to a site. Sounds pretty typical huh? But he wasn’t affiliated with the site; he just liked it and thought I would too. He was right!…
I've read many times over the years about job boards dying and also the contrary position of how they will emerge from this recession like the Phoenix, stronger than ever.. Yada yada yada..
Let's face it, there are a variety of angles to this story although I tend to side with the one who actually vote with their… Continue
Added by Chad Sowash on December 2, 2009 at 9:41am —
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Social media business networking sites are a big thing here at the Origin Forward office every consultant who joins our company is immediately told of the benefits of Social Media and how it can be used to build your candidate pool of passive candidates and also to identify potential clients. It’s fair to say that the Social Media sites, such as LinkedIn,… Continue
Over the last week, I have had cause to ask myself what planet many recruitment consultants are on! And I have levied this point right at a good few of them - "Are you barking mad or just plain stupid? Why are you not using a primary tool that was 'created' for YOU as a recruiter!"
I had a chance during the weekend to squeeze out some time to watch tennis. Apart from the obvious thrill of watching the sport, I did have an ulterior motive. Who has an ulterior motive for watching tennis, you ask? And what could that motive possibly be? Maybe it was the concoction of a few sleepless nights with this new brand of coffee I’ve been having; but to me, the match seemed like a competitive arena of recruitment. Now before you start… Continue
I will remember 2009. I will remember how Twitter made a new platform Recruiters now use as a means to find talent, I will remember how Linkedin Revitalized and changed and transformed itself. I will remember this as the year that saw my career go in a new direction, I will remember it as a time where I found and retransformed myself yet again, and yet, to think of how much has occurred in such a short space and time, our careers are but… Continue
I like to reminisce. I find it therapeutic to reflect on the defining moments of my career every now and again. These reflections are also good for a laugh, which is equally as important.
One of my favorite things to reflect on is the learning curve that accompanied the early stages of my career in Talent Management.
What follows is a simple to apply, yet foolproof training program. The execution of this program hinges solely on one’s ability to acknowledge the cause and… Continue
Over Thanksgiving I had a chance to catch up with some old friends from college and reminisce about some of the great times we had. That was several years ago now, and quite a few things have changed, but nothing has changed more than the definition of spending the evening "chasing girls". Just take a look at the difference in the meaning of the phrase in 1999 and present day:
* 1999 - Going to college parties and staying out until 3 am trying to give any attractive single ladies… Continue
Added by Eric Osterman on December 1, 2009 at 10:58pm —
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Over the past few months, I have been watching Deloitte New Zealand build a structured (and very strategic) presence on Facebook. Today, they have released the next piece of the puzzle. Deloitte NZ will be hosting a live-streaming video/Facebook chat session for potential Graduates.
It's something different and certinally an idea that will be picked up by other graduate… Continue
Added by Thomas Shaw on December 1, 2009 at 10:13pm —
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