Recruiting Blogs (24,309)

The Top 3 Benefits of All-in-One Training Programs

Software decision makers know just what a hassle finding the right training tech is, and then finding the content to go with it. The software has to be user friendly and the content has to be effective. For a while, training programs that offered both were very limited in what they could offer because the tailored design didn’t lend itself to growth or…


Added by Sean Pomeroy on May 23, 2014 at 9:00am — No Comments

Where Shall Your Search Begin? 10 Steps Every Company Can Do Today.

The beginning is the most important part

The Recruiting, Staffing and Search cycle must begin somewhere.  How does one begin the most important phase of the search or the entire life-cycle? If you are like most organizations talent/recruiting/HR functions are aligned to a "cost center." This to me is a core mistake. Where do you start the most basic effort to align your talent outcomes to superstar proportions?  What is it that launches your magical sourcing engine, value add, and effort to become a whole,…


Added by Mike Rasmussen on May 23, 2014 at 12:30am — No Comments

Tech Buzz: Using Email-to-SMS for Recruiters

Ok, so the tool itself isn't that new, but maybe its application is new. How many of us send out an email to a prospective candidate, or leave a message for that candidate, only to have the email or voicemail go ignored? Happens all the time, right? Ever notice that emails, and particularly voicemails, are even less likely to be returned by the "Millennials"? Hell, I myself am a millennial I suppose (born 1983) and unless I happen to know the person leaving the voicemail, I rarely respond to…


Added by Adam Krueger on May 22, 2014 at 5:39pm — No Comments

3 Simple Ways to Improve the Candidate Experience

Looking for a job is stressful – just ask Google. A search for ‘job search stress’ returns about 55,000,000 results.

Whether the job seeker is a member of the long-term unemployed, recently out of work, or even employed but exploring their options it’s important to understand that they are going through a stressful, time-consuming process. The easier you can make…


Added by Kevin Hawkins on May 22, 2014 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Happiness Vs Engagement

I recently gave a presentation on this topic as I often feel that much of the HR vernacular is always around employee engagement and should be much more about employee happiness. Now my written word is about as eloquent as a line backer ice skating but try to bear with me!


I asked the audience the question “Can you be…


Added by Chris Bailey on May 22, 2014 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

The Flappy Birds Approach to Recruiting

Flappy Bird Recruiting Every few months or so, a new game app comes around that my 16 year old daughter and all of her friends go crazy over. They sit there in a deep stare, barely moving, likely not even breathing - then BOOM - an eruption of disappointment, followed by the resolve to do even better next time, even if it means subsidizing their time spent on homework or interacting with their parents. This goes on and on…


Added by Doug Douglas on May 22, 2014 at 10:35am — No Comments

Email is Not a Form of Communication – Scott’s Sales Yoga Thought for the Day

Effective communication is never one sided, but that’s exactly what you get with email. One person writes and transmits; the receivers read and reply. These monologues are never, ever effective dialogues as there is a time delay that allows too much room for misinterpretation, misunderstanding, and miscommunication. Email strips away not only the tone, and too often the context, from the message, but it also removes the very essence of efficient and effective human conversation.



Added by Scott Wintrip on May 22, 2014 at 10:15am — No Comments

Actions have Consequences, choose wisely

The source for many of my posts over the years has been the local churches announcing their upcoming sermons for the Sunday services and this one is no different. Originally I thought about this in a different context but the events of the past week have changed my focus.

We are involved in an ever-changing world and these changes require that we change our focus and approaches in order to successfully deal with those changes.  They require us to change our corporate culture. Newton’s…


Added by Daniel T. Bloom on May 22, 2014 at 10:00am — 3 Comments

The 5 Most Avoidable Hiring Mistakes

You’ll never hit the mark 100% of the time, but it is important to always look back and reflect on your hiring successes and failures to identify their common traits. We have been in the recruiting and hiring business for a while now and have identified some common hiring mistakes that are totally avoidable.

Stop hiring resumes and start hiring…


Added by Sean Pomeroy on May 22, 2014 at 10:00am — No Comments

6 Ways to Find More Candidates

About 20% of jobs are considered hard-to-fill. Chances are your organization is filling some of these jobs. Understanding how difficult recruiting can be, I wanted to share some tips with you on how to expand your candidate supply for your open positions. 

1. Look for Candidates with Other Job Titles

If you're recruiting a Web Developer, don't…


Added by Ashley Zito Rowe on May 22, 2014 at 10:00am — No Comments

Should I Invest in Onboarding?

YES! A big, fat “yes” is the answer. Retention is such a powerful metric in business because of the ridiculously high cost of turnover. Retained employees represent a great return on the many investments that employers make on their workforce, and onboarding is a solid, yet often overlooked aspect of those investments.

According to a …


Added by Raj Sheth on May 22, 2014 at 9:30am — No Comments

What’s Your Mobile Recruiting Strategy?

LinkedIn is always good for a survey on the latest recruiting and HR trends! Recently they polled 800 professionals and over 13,000 talent acquisition leaders to gauge the importance of mobile recruiting today.

I wasn’t surprised to see just how high…


Added by Julie Salerno on May 22, 2014 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

The New Workforce Model Recruiters Need to Be Aware Of

As the popularity of contract staffing continues to grow, we have noticed a shift in the way that contractors are being used. Rather than simply being a stop-gap measure in limited circumstances or to test the hiring waters during difficult economic times, we are seeing employers building a blended workforce model that integrates contractors as part of a deliberate, long-term…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on May 21, 2014 at 3:20pm — No Comments

Why I Don't Connect With Other Recruiters on LinkedIn

Like almost every agency recruiter out there, I've been using LinkedIn for a while now. It has become an integral part of our business model here at Sun Recruiting and while we don't rely on it - it is certainly one of our more important tools. Back when I started using LinkedIn several years ago, I put some thought into how I wanted to use it. I understood how it worked and…


Added by Adam Krueger on May 21, 2014 at 1:30pm — 17 Comments

Practice Makes Profit; Now That’s Perfect!

Wintrip Consulting Group : Take No Prisoners Take No Prisoners is a free weekly memo from Scott Wintrip that explores how Radical Accountability prospers companies and changes lives. Instead of taking people hostage with outdated, heavy-handed, and ineffective methods of management, measurement, and motivation, Radical Accountability focuses on creating an unwavering responsibility for getting what matters most done.

Radical Accountability is considered a practice as there is always an aspect of it that can be…


Added by Scott Wintrip on May 21, 2014 at 12:34pm — No Comments

How to be Successful in Recruitment Part 05 - Negotiation

Wolf cub and wolf

How to be Successful in Recruitment Part 05

- Negotiation

Negotiation is an interesting topic and one that gets mentioned a lot in recruitment circles. Typically those discussion go along the lines of

‘I bet they will want to…


Added by Stephen Hart on May 21, 2014 at 12:19pm — No Comments

Is Health Insurance Holding You Back from Getting the Best Employees?

Other than satisfactory salaries, employers also need to offer good employee benefits in order to attract and retain the best talent.

One of the types of employee benefits that are regarded as important by job seekers and employees is health insurance.

As the cost of health care continues to rise, it is becoming increasingly necessary for employees to…


Added by Dave on May 21, 2014 at 11:30am — 5 Comments

Why Paying Employees More Is A Great Way To Save Money

An assembly line at a Ford plant. Credit: Wikipedia Commons

In 1914, Henry Ford did something dramatic, to the point it made headlines in newspapers across the country – he increased pay from $2.25 a day to $5 a day for his factory workers.

Not that the $5 was guaranteed. Workers got $2.25 daily and the other…


Added by Paul Petrone on May 21, 2014 at 9:00am — 15 Comments

Jack of All Trades, Master of None

I’ve recently had a call from a good client of mine, asking if I was able to run a new training programme for them.

Sounds great doesn’t it? Well, ordinarily yes, but in this instance I wasn’t sure.

Like most people I love being asked to do more work for my clients, but the problem was that what they were asking for wasn’t really my main area of expertise.

It was something that I touch on in other courses…


Added by james nathan on May 21, 2014 at 8:30am — 4 Comments

What is Monster doing now? And will it work?

Once, in a world far, far away (i.e., the 1990s), Monster beat its chest and claimed to be the biggest and best source for online jobs in the world, bar none.

Then, last week, Monster - diminished, no longer for sale, and facing significant declines in revenue - once again beat its chest and said that it would…


Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on May 20, 2014 at 11:00am — 5 Comments

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