Recruiting Blogs (24,316)

Are You a Cyberholic?

Do you:

1. Check your work e-mail, LinkedIn account, or business Facebook page right before going to bed?

2. Within minutes of waking?

3. Do you panic if you accidentally leave your mobile device that can access the Internet on your desk or at home?

4. Is eating your lunch often combined with texting or surfing the web?

5. Do you find that you must check your email the moment you hear the arrival chime?

6. Are you spending more time on your computer than you spend…


Added by Scott Wintrip on June 10, 2013 at 8:44am — 1 Comment

How I Celebrated My Birthday (It's not what you think)

You’ve probably already heard (because I am a shameless birthday self-promoter) that I recently turned 39. THIRTY-NINE. I remember when that was old. Birthday celebrations at 39 are a bit different. No more hoping for the latest toy or new clothes, wondering who’s going to show up to my party. Now all I really want is some good wine and someone else to make dinner. I did something else June 6, and while it wasn’t necessarily a “gift”, I hope that it gave something valuable to…


Added by Amy Ala Miller on June 9, 2013 at 9:24pm — 14 Comments

Infographic: High Paying Jobs Requiring Little to No Work Experience

Hidden Gem Jobs for the Unemployed or Underpaid -- Brought to you by
Hidden Gem Jobs for the Unemployed or Underpaid infographic courtesy of

Added by Tim Spagnola on June 9, 2013 at 2:56pm — 2 Comments

The AWKWARD Side of Recruiting (….and no….I’m not selling anything with this blog)

No matter what your profession, we all have circumstances that make things a bit awkward.  Look at Justin Bieber and how he’s been dealing with the paparazzi.  And how about those folks in Washington DC right now trying to justify all the spying scandals.  Boy, that’s got make some sleepless nights.

Let me tell a little story that got me thinking about this.  This weekend our 11,000 member church is hosting it’s annual festival complete with live music, mountains of food, rides and…


Added by Stephen Nehez, Jr. on June 9, 2013 at 11:46am — 4 Comments

Use Facebook Recruitment to Attract Employee Referrals

Facebook can be a great way to ask employees for referrals, as well as for your employees to find referrals. As a best practice, you should also allow those candidates to apply directly on Facebook. If you take any part of the process off of Facebook, you may find that they loose interest. If you’re going to ask people to reach out to their Facebook network of…


Added by Jen Dewar on June 9, 2013 at 11:30am — No Comments

Elevate your Employer Brand through your Employees

Your employer brand is a major factor in your ability to recruit and hire top talent. According to the RolePoint  infographic below, 7 in 10 job seekers say the job and the company are equally important in deciding whether to accept a position.

According to CareerBuilder's …


Added by Jen Dewar on June 8, 2013 at 11:00am — No Comments

Agency Recruiting: And you think you missed out on a placement fee?

From time to time all 3rd party recruiters face it. Show me the money! Whether it is a late paying client or one that disputes the placement, issues over commissions is not a new topic. A quick search on the RBC will identify numerous blogs and forum discussions on this topic, but I think the story of Alan Metz takes the cake;

Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP…


Added by Tim Spagnola on June 8, 2013 at 10:30am — No Comments

Training Your Recruitment Consultants Will NLP Help Increase Billings

When it gets around to raining you recruitment consultants the main focus will always be on how they can increase their billings. Now there are lots of ways this can happen, from being more active, cold calling, emailing more CV’s, being. These are all very practical ideas that yield results. So what if your consultants are pretty good at all these inputs yet where they are falling down is getting the output at the end.…


Added by Nicky Coffin on June 8, 2013 at 5:00am — No Comments

When its time to put the Ki-Bosh on an Employer

So interestingly enough, this week I had to put the Ki-Bosh on an employer client of mine that I was working with for a  little over 1 year now. This employer connected with me last year with multiple requisitions for Engineering Staff. We signed an agreement and I started my searches. It was about 60 days into it, when I realized that they were passing on highly qualified…


Added by JP Sutton on June 7, 2013 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment

Day 11: Profound thought of the week

This is Day 11 of the journey from the point where I started from scratch.  To be quite frank, I'm feeling a little wobbly and brain dead that the best thing I could come up with was a misleading title for this.  I have no profound thoughts.  I look back on this weeks activities and see no, as this guy at MRI used to say at all of the conferences, "nuggets of wisdom".  I look back and see the metrics. 

I mentioned one time before that we're, as headhunters (3rd party recruiters), NOT…


Added by Stephen Nehez, Jr. on June 7, 2013 at 5:11pm — 1 Comment

Webinar Recording: Initiating Contact with Passive Talent via Social Media

Click Here to see the full recording

Social media sites are a great way to generate lists of passive candidates.  But what do you do when all you have is a name?  

And what's the best way to reach out to someone you don't know? How do you…


Added by Carmen Hudson on June 7, 2013 at 3:00pm — No Comments

A Horrific Tale of Candidate Experience

I was just reading an article that I sincerely hope isn't true. It's written by a job seeker about his worst job interview. Here's how it begins:

The interviewer put…


Added by Jen Dewar on June 7, 2013 at 11:00am — 2 Comments

Is candidate sourcing really your critical value-add?

I've just watched a very interesting interview conducted by Shane McCusker with Greg Savage about the future of the recruitment industry. (If you don't know about Shane it really is worth checking out his blog - -the recording of the interview can be found here as well).

Greg is pretty well known in the industry and his influence spreads far beyond his native Australia, so I was interested to hear his…


Added by Ian Harvey on June 7, 2013 at 10:20am — 1 Comment

Training For Recruitment Consultants: Are Advanced Thinking Systems The Way Of The Future

Training your recruitment consultants with advanced thinking systems is something that savvy recruitment business owners are catching onto at an accelerated rate. It is logical that the better trained your recruiters are the higher their billings will be. The advantages of using your mind to create the results you want had a fresh airing this summer as we saw British athletes excel to levels never seen…


Added by Nicky Coffin on June 7, 2013 at 5:00am — No Comments

Recruitment Training 3 NLP Techniques That Will Send Billings Ballistic

When it comes to recruitment training for ambitious recruitment business owners, it generally spells one thing. Get my recruitment consultants billing more and consistently! The ultimate goal for any business is to increase revenue and profit. One sure fire way is to bill more. So what needs to happen for your consultants to send their billings through the roof? It comes down to a much used term and that is closing the sale. Before that can happen a few things need to have taken place first.…


Added by Nicky Coffin on June 7, 2013 at 5:00am — No Comments

Recruitment Consultant Training The 2 Skills You Must Teach Your Recruiters

Recruitment Training Consultant and team building should be a key deliverable for any recruitment company owner. The challenge is often time and what training course or method will bring the biggest reward.

The current business environment is changing and so too is the way that recruiters need to work in orders to hit their billings and grow their own candidate and client base. The hardnosed recruiter of yester…


Added by Nicky Coffin on June 7, 2013 at 5:00am — No Comments

Latest Updates on Proposed Changes to 457 Visa

July is soon approaching and with that we will see the reforms to the 457 visa scheme come into effect.  Latest updates announced by the Government on the controversial 457 visa scheme include;

  • Increase of visa application charge; $900 instead of the current $455
  • Employers will need to make every effort to employ…

Added by Elaine McKelvey on June 7, 2013 at 2:30am — No Comments

This person cleans up your mess for $8.50

Lately I have been at home during the day more than I used to when I was running a global business. So I had the good fortune to actually meet the woman who cleans our house once a week. Prior to this, I had a vague understanding that we ‘had a cleaner’, but I took that service for granted, and certainly gave the person who cleaned up our mess little thought.

Well, I had a great long chat with ‘Rosie’ (lets call her that…


Added by Greg Savage on June 6, 2013 at 8:01pm — 1 Comment

Day 10: Do you ignore your fear?

A while back and I won't say when for fear of embarrassment, my CPA handed me the "jump drive".   I sadly took the damn thing with a lot of trepidation. 

See, I'm a product of the '80's and am a complete nut-bag psycho about computers.  What's that mean? 

I'm in that age bracket that was going to school when things, like overnight, went from using a typewriter to using a computer.  Anyone guess what's coming?  See.  These were the old days when Microsoft or whoever didn't…


Added by Stephen Nehez, Jr. on June 6, 2013 at 6:30pm — No Comments

A few interesting ways to use Mobile in Recruiting

As the way that we interact and engage evolves so will your recruitment marketing strategy. From social to SEO, you need to embrace different ways of attracting and engaging with candidates looking for your employment opportunities.  Nowhere is this more true than mobile which represents a growing medium for which candidates access, research and engage online.

Getting mobile into your recruitment…


Added by Chris Brablc on June 6, 2013 at 1:37pm — No Comments

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