Can anyone advise me on some of the best practices for sourcing candidates?
Duane Hughes
Added by Duane Hughes on September 10, 2008 at 2:51pm —
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Covestic Consulting Careers would like to invite you to view and join our Facebook group. We are dedicated to attracting top talent through aggressive compensation and a winning culture.
Our specialization is in Business and IT consulting primarily in the Pacific northwest. Please take a few moments to see what sets us apart from our local competitors.
Thank you in advance for joining the group and participating in the discussion boards, looking forward…
Added by Jordan Shaw on September 10, 2008 at 11:36am —
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I hope this blog finds all you readers happy, healthy, and prosperous I've recently posted a blog that I wanted to share in this forum, and hope that you'll take a few moments to look at it. I recently read the article in Time Magazine... i think.... that spotlighted Bill Gates and his renewed push for
"Creative Capitalism" to help raise up those in need. If you haven't read it, it's a very well written and…
Added by Jason C. Blais on September 10, 2008 at 11:30am —
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Added by Recruiting Animal on September 10, 2008 at 10:30am —
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"Really Bummed" wants to know why some good hires turn out bad and end up leaving unexpectedly. Claudia shares her thoughts in
Back in a Flash. Share your thoughts too.
Happy Wednesday:
Ami G.
Added by Amitai Givertz on September 10, 2008 at 8:44am —
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Dear Claudia,
I hired a senior manager for my company about six months ago, a complete rockstar with heavy industry experience and credibility. It was a big deal that we were able to get her, and she was excited about what she would get to do at our company. She took us all by surprise when she announced she is going back to her old employer last week; we all thought she was a great hire, and nobody saw this coming. How do you know when a hire isn’t working out? And when can I… Continue
Added by Claudia Faust on September 10, 2008 at 8:00am —
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As posted on the MN Headhunter Blog:

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 is the next StarTribune Career Expo and I will be presenting from 2 PM – 3PM:
I have a “killer” resume, now what? --Tips on being your own Headhunter.
Paul J DeBettignies, Managing Partner, Nerd Search, LLC
Paul has been an IT headhunter for 10 years; he is a frequent speaker on job search…
Added by Paul DeBettignies on September 9, 2008 at 10:30pm —
1 Comment
As I am going through my day to day I am faced with what isn't a new discussion with my clients, but something all of us recruiters talk about all the time. The Candidate experience.
This is an important piece of the overall recruiting function, whether your internal, outsourced vendor, or staffing agency, the candidate experience you and your client provide is invaluable. Than I started thinking, the experience our friends and significant others get from us are just as important. We…
Added by Shift BPM on September 9, 2008 at 7:30pm —
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Unfortunately many more candidates today are actively pursuing jobs because their positions were eliminated, so assisting candidates to manage their job search is critical. However, we can always use your help and that typically means passing on lots of information about your current search status to the recruiter in your first conversation.
When I’m speaking with any candidate, but particularly those that have active searches the information I want to know, in order,…
Added by bill martineau on September 9, 2008 at 5:51pm —
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The VP of Marketing at LinkedIn, Patrick Crane, was the
guest of the Connections Show this week (with Stan Relihan).
Here's what Patrick Crane had to say about what's coming in the near future:
Much Better Group Capability
Create more of a private discussion area where you can connect with like minded people that you may or may not know and uncover new…
Added by Joshua Letourneau on September 9, 2008 at 5:22pm —
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IT Sales and Staffing Business Developer- Reston, VA
1) Solid understanding of IT terminology
2) FLC sales and account management experience
3) High activity based calling and meeting coordination
4) Ability to transition cold market into warm referral based business
Click here to join our LinkedIn networks
Added by Jay Perreault {DCTechRecruiter} on September 9, 2008 at 5:00pm —
I don't like to repost articles unless the original is worth a true investment of your time - I think this is one of those times:
Optimism Components Net % Change
Plan to increase employment 2 -3
Plan to increase capital outlays* 25 -1
Plan to increase inventories -4 -3
Expect economy to improve -12 0
Expect higher real sales -11 -8
Current inventory satisfaction -3 -2
Current job openings* 15 -6
Expected credit conditions -10 +1
Now a…
Added by Joshua Letourneau on September 9, 2008 at 10:09am —
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MagicMethod Phone Sourcing Classroom Chat Today at noon EST on the MagicMethod network
Interesting WSJ article about rusing
Added by Maureen Sharib on September 9, 2008 at 9:00am —
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This week super-sourcer
Kelly Dingee joins the line-up of Tutorial Tuesday writers kicking off with:
Revisiting Altavista...After All These Years.
Don't forget Talent Talk Cafe today at 3pm ET/ 12pm PT:
CRM as Innovation in… Continue
Added by Amitai Givertz on September 9, 2008 at 8:01am —
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In addition to the imminent resurrection of Desperate Sourcers, the juicy, smarmy, biting, and brutally dishonest soap blog-pra written by Maureen Sharib and yours truly, I'm starting a new blog series based upon Robert Greene's national bestseller,…
Added by Steve Levy on September 9, 2008 at 6:30am —
Fordyce Letter
For a full updated list you can go here and scroll to the bottom of the page.
HTC Research Social Networking Site List
Thanks Mark Berger.
Jeff Weidner
Added by Jeff Weidner on September 8, 2008 at 7:20pm —
1 Comment
• 15+ years of progressive HR consulting experience, with a strong preference for previous securities and/or financial services industry experience. Previous management and /or supervisory experience required. Undergraduate degree needed. Graduate degree preferred.
• Ability to build and develop strong working relationships with business and HR leaders is required, as well as experience across critical HR disciplines (performance management, employee relations and compliance,…
Added by Jill Goldman on September 8, 2008 at 5:33pm —
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This week Dave gives us an in depth look in the world of
Susan Burns:
[Susan] is the “real deal” – and the community is richer for all she contributes.
Read the first in a two part post:
Meet Susan Burns, Industry Thought Leader at Talent Synchronicity
Happy Monday!…
Added by Amitai Givertz on September 8, 2008 at 7:00am —
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It's funny how things have changed in the recruitment world, I remember when CV's where posted but now most recruitment companies collect CV's online. Isn't that interesting... a colleague told me that one can also collect references online for their candidates...easy! this is an automated process that alerts referee wherever they are to provide references for candidate. Once reference is uploaded online, recruiters can either do a search for the candidate online and find their…
Added by mike crop on September 8, 2008 at 6:02am —
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Manners 2, People Nothing
(September 05, 2008) Do good manners ever allow for harsh behavior? After last week's Rodney King style post (Can't we all just get along?) on the importance of decorum, I'm hoping to strike a bit of balance. Harsh behavior is a fundamental, though unpleasant, part of good manners.
Firm boundaries make for thriving communities.
It's been an interesting week on The…
Added by John Sumser on September 7, 2008 at 11:30pm —
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