Recruiting Blogs (24,184)

Hammer Time! New Job Skills

Hello Again

Have you ever heard this? “If the only tool you have is a hammer you tend to see every problem as a nail” That came from Abraham Maslow a famous humanist psychologist of the 20th century.

What’s your hammer? It may be MS Excel, it may be project management, it maybe a web design package, Object Oriented code, a telephone call, a statistical calculation, a motivational may of… Continue

Added by Martin Naylor on October 1, 2009 at 8:44am — No Comments

Breaking the Cycle of Dependency

In the late 90's job boards were a necessity, if you wanted to recruit online. Why? Because many companies didn't have websites let alone career sites. So if recruiting was to be done online it could only be facilitated through the job board, which started a cycle of dependency.

How did it become a cycle based on dependency?

Dependency was inherent in the process where companies would pay to ship their candidates to a community… Continue

Added by Chad Sowash on October 1, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

How would an iSnack2.0 selection decision affect your business?

This week has seen us witness the hilarious and ongoing Kraft iSnack2.0 marketing debacle. Although no longer Australian owned, the Vegemite brand is an icon in Australia and New Zealand. Like any icon brand, it takes a brave marketer to try and change it. The only comparative episode I can think of was the global “new’ Coca Cola of few years back. This was met with such significant public uproar that Coke eventually dropped the “new” Coke and reverted back to Coke “Classic”. Arguably iSnack2.0… Continue

Added by Aaron Dodd on October 1, 2009 at 12:18am — 1 Comment

Starbucks Instant Coffee Is Here AND So Is Instant Recruiting

Starbucks is selling instant coffee. I tried it yesterday. It was good. I know what you’re thinking. Folders! Flavor crystals and all that asinine marketing, nope, just ain’t there. But, I promise you this, it doesn’t have that instant coffee taste. Give it a try

How about Instant Recruiting? That is a direction we are heading. Companies are looking to get rid of traditional Recruiters and have hiring managers, marketing and small team of junior Recruiters to… Continue

Added by Michael Glenn on September 30, 2009 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

I Found My Mojo - Yeah Baby, Yeah!!!

How many people will get up at x time tomorrow, drive x route, drink x drink, work x plan, have x meeting, drive home at x time, eat supper at x time and go to bed at x time?

Routine kills creativity!

This was a conclusion that my team and I came too several weeks ago. It was right before I was leaving for Recruitfest and I was explaining the non traditional set up and my excitement leading up to the event. One team… Continue

Added by Alex Putman on September 30, 2009 at 9:56pm — 5 Comments

STRADDLING THE EVER WIDENING SKILLS GAP - Do mistakes on resumes and cover letters really matter?

I am unashamed to admit it; I am a grammar freak. Maybe it can be blamed upon genetics (my mother used to diagram complex sentences for fun) or upon my authoritarian yet somehow endearing English professor, Mrs. Stolpe (may she rest in peace). I am also, rather proudly, always able to properly distinguish between there, they’re, and their, and I will not be affected by the effect of an improper homonym selection. I can spot a typo a mile away.…


Added by Michael Brandt on September 30, 2009 at 6:28pm — No Comments

15 Unwise Assumptions that Recruiters Make

I always knew that when one of my recruiters started a sentence with ‘I assumed..." that it was going to be a story with an unhappy ending.

Assumptions are for the unskilled, the lazy or the unthinking. The definition of assume is "to take for granted or without proof, suppose as a fact".

To take anything for granted in the world of recruitment consulting is asking for trouble. Here is a incomplete list of unwise assumptions, summarised from my 20 years of (often painful)… Continue

Added by Ross Clennett on September 30, 2009 at 6:02pm — No Comments

Keeping Your Talented Managers

Recognizing and developing talent is a constant challenge for any company. Today's challenge is to produce more, and better results with few employees for customers who demand more value-add for less effort and cost.

Do YOU have the talent to meet this challenge?

In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins uses the 'bus' business metaphor. he says great leaders understand three simple truths:

* If you begin with the "Who" rather than the "What," you can more easily… Continue

Added by Vicki Z. Lauter on September 30, 2009 at 4:09pm — No Comments

Football vs. Mom (And My Top 10 Favorite "Rules" of the Game)

I love football season.

No. I rephrase.

Almighty God in the Most Divine of All Kingdoms, forgive me for I love more than my mother this holy football season!

My family knows and respects my one simple request this time of year. It's fine to shout with me at the TV screen. But, do not talk to me during the game. Ever. Unless, of course, it's half-time and you're going to tell me how much the opposing team stinks like three tons of…


Added by Amy Renz on September 30, 2009 at 2:00pm — 5 Comments


By Diane Delgado LeMaire, Accounting & Finance Recruiter, Creative Financial Staffing -

I often wonder: Why do recruiters have a bad reputation? I mean, we help people find jobs and we do this for free until we actually successfully place someone. So, what is it? Are we bad people? Are we not upfront? Do we not communicate enough with our clients and candidates? Well, I must admit, it is true that our follow up with the candidates is probably not the best,… Continue

Added by Diane Delgado LeMaire on September 30, 2009 at 1:45pm — No Comments

What is the value of job seeker registration?

Is job seeker registration good or bad? And if you require registration, how much is too much? And…how much value should you attach to these registered users?

Personally, I think a little friction is a good thing (as does Seth Godin, apparently). If a job seeker wants to land a job, why shouldn’t he (or she) give up something? After all, your site is delivering something of value, correct?

“But you lose job seekers every time you require registration,” I know some of you… Continue

Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on September 30, 2009 at 9:43am — No Comments

Employee Retention & the Improving Economy

Talent Management is changing and forward-thinking companies must begin preparing for the changing job market. Over the last several weeks, the news publications and news networks have begun reporting positive changes in the economic markets. The Globe and Mail reported last week, that as the economy improves, we will see a “W” shaped recovery. A W shaped recovery has a large dip which we have already experienced, followed by a rise, and follow by another dip before we return to a stable and… Continue

Added by Jessica Miller-Merrell on September 30, 2009 at 7:57am — No Comments

Logo Design Creation Process From Concept To Completion

Do you want to know the secret of how top-quality graphic designers design logos? This article will disclose exactly how top-notch logo designers of today’s contemporary age design their logos. It will show the design route that these designers undergo to get to their final logo design.

Logo Designers Design Route:

1. Logo Design Brief

2. Background & Competitive… Continue

Added by Kathy Maxwelll on September 30, 2009 at 2:00am — No Comments


Added by Michel Reverte on September 29, 2009 at 8:02pm — No Comments

Do your legwork to score that job

(This column was originally published in SNEWS, the most trusted outdoor and fitness industry news source since 1984.

OK, you've secured an interview for a position that really interests you. How can you differentiate yourself from other qualified candidates under consideration?

Research on your potential employer will help you stand out from the crowd. The more you know going into the interview, the more comfortable you'll feel and the more… Continue

Added by Eric Raynard on September 29, 2009 at 4:08pm — No Comments

Roman Polanski, no sympathy for the devil

Hello everyone;

Glad to see things picking up out there...

Even though this post is not inline with Human Resources it is inline with being HUMAN.

Recently Roman Polanski was arrested in Switzerland regarding an extradition warrant filed by the USA approx. 30 yrs ago.

I am sure most know the story; Roman meets a 13 yr old girl promises her stardom then has a few photo-shoots, then alcohol and drugs come into the fold as does raping a minor...

Currently there are… Continue

Added by Salvatore Petrara, CPC on September 29, 2009 at 12:16pm — No Comments

The most important thing..

The other day, I was thinking back to a factory job I held from 1987 until 1995..I worked the afternoon shift at an aluminum casting foundry, where we made parts for things like autos, fighter jets, and tanks..

Anyway, my job was to take the rough edges off of the castings, done by holding the casting "just right" on a rotating belt of very coarse sandpaper..the belt moved fast enough that if one was careless or in a hurry, a casting could be destroyed in seconds, or worse yet, one's… Continue

Added by Thomas Patrick Chuna on September 29, 2009 at 8:52am — No Comments

Adidas' Employment Branding Philosophy- should I care?

After an absolutely exhilarating day participating in the Annual Member Congress of the International Association of Employment Websites, I was prepared to sense some level of deflation as I entered day two of my trip, and day one of the expo. After all, I work for a group of employment websites , and this was a conference primarily geared toward full time corporate and 3rd party recruiters. These were the people paid to find the talent that’s theoretically not looking for work on… Continue

Added by Jason C. Blais on September 29, 2009 at 7:30am — No Comments

TipTopJob International Ltd to exhibit at Onrec Chicago in the USA

TipTopJob International Ltd are to exhibit at the forthcoming Onrec exhibition in Chicago on the 2nd-3rd November 2009 in the bid to expand it's exposure in the USA as it has become the second most popular location for Users using has separate country domains for which clients are able to post jobs, for example,, This allows TipTopJob to offer clients not only fully international recruitment across various countries, but… Continue

Added by Corinne on September 29, 2009 at 3:47am — No Comments

The secret to "fun and money" in recruitment! A simple formula that guarantees billing success

For all my blog posts please visit

I was walking down the street the other day when I ran into an old colleague, an ex-employee actually, from my days as the owner of accounting and finance recruiter, Recruitment Solutions.

We talked for a while, and as we parted she said with a huge smile, “ Still following that old success formula, Greg. It has made me millions!” At first I could not for the life of me work out what she was talking about. But… Continue

Added by Greg Savage on September 29, 2009 at 12:00am — 11 Comments

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