Recruiting Blogs (24,315)

Your Voice Mail Message: Is it a Job Search Don’t?

A great deal of job interview and career advice focuses on preparing a well-written resume, dressing for success, and the do's and don'ts of job interview questions. However, it is also very important to pay attention to other factors that might impact whether or not prospective employers are likely to view you as a good job candidate.

One of the most important, and most often overlooked, aspects of preparing for a job search is actually related to your telephone. Most home and cell… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on August 25, 2008 at 4:54pm — No Comments

Need IT Recruiters


we are looking for an expereinced/ fresh 1-2 years recruiter for our Pittsburgh PA office.

we can sponsor H1B or transfer H1B as well.

please contact me at 412-747-7744 ext 145 or email me at

Seema Khatri

Added by Seema Khatri on August 25, 2008 at 4:23pm — 1 Comment

Book Review: Career Distinction - Stand Out by Building Your Brand

Creating and managing your personal brand is essential for career success. Career Distinction: Stand Out By Building Your Brand, written by career coaching gurus William Arruda and Kristen Dixson, is a valuable resource for any professional who wishes to set him or herself apart from competitors. If you want to advance in your career, whether you are self-employed or work for a small or large company, the advice in this book can help you accomplish your goals.Career Distinction: Stand Out By… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on August 25, 2008 at 4:22pm — No Comments

Want to Improve Your Employment Prospects? Learn a Second Language

As technology becomes more and more advanced, it seems like the world is getting smaller and smaller. The phrase "global economy" is mentioned in the media quite a bit, and it does accurately describe the 21st Century marketplace. Conducting business across international borders is becoming commonplace in just about every industry there is.

As businesses engage in strategic planning to capitalize on the global marketplace, their plans partially revolve around hiring a workforce that… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on August 25, 2008 at 4:16pm — No Comments

Recruiter’s Digital Secrets Exposed - Talent Buzz Blog Contest

Blog post contests have been around a while and are really

quite ingenious if you think about it. They help increase readership,

provide unique content and incoming links, all of which are great for search engine visibility.

I am competitive in nature and have been known to enter a contest from time to time, my latest being the blog contest held by The Talent Buzz.

Those of you who don't know of… Continue

Added by Nicole Bodem on August 25, 2008 at 3:56pm — No Comments

I am looking for a new assignment

My project ends August 28 and I am looking for a new virtual recruiting assignment. I have over 10 years of recruiting experience in a variety of industries. I have done both full lifecyle as well as sourcing and pre-screening.
My most recent contract was in the pharmaceutical industry. Previously, I sourced, screened and interviewed Engineers.

Added by Elisabeth Bloem on August 25, 2008 at 2:27pm — No Comments

Nurse and NP opportunities through Skilled Nursing, Inc

We have a $2000 referral bonus program for anyone who refers a qualified RN or NP to SNI. I have multiple openings for contract work in Dialysis, Home Care, Hospice, ICU, Stress Lab and GI practice among others. Send your nurse referrals to Wanda Kartal, SNI, or 267-532-1617. Thanks

Added by Wanda Kartal on August 25, 2008 at 1:23pm — No Comments

Oracle 8i & 10g with ASP Programming IT Specialist

Oracle 8i & 10g with ASP Programming IT Specialist


Tandel Systems has extensive experience developing real-time aerospace and defense systems. We have the project management skills and the systems engineering capability to work with our customers to deliver fully tested real-time hardware/software capability for defense, space and civil aviation systems. We also have extensive experience with flight test systems development, independent… Continue

Added by Austin Dillon on August 25, 2008 at 8:41am — No Comments

Meet Carmen Hudson, Senior Manager, Talent Acquisition at Yahoo! Inc.

Email Carmen

(408) 349-3404

Linkedin Profile:

People Shark

Meet my friend Carmen Hudson, the center of a pool table where the chips are staked high, the laughter infectious, and the shoes meticulous (Yes I said shoes, Carmen is a sharp dresser with a particular passion for shoes) . I have known… Continue

Added by Dave Mendoza on August 25, 2008 at 8:30am — No Comments

Dream Candidates Really Do Exist!!

As I was preparing for my upcoming week, I got an email that made my world. My very first dream candidate has materialized before my virtual eyes.

This candidate isn't a dream candidate because he attended a top 15 law school. He isn't a dream candidate because he graduated from this top law school with excellent grades. Nor is he a wonderful candidate because he went to work for one of the most prestigous law firms in New York. Although the credentials are enough to make most… Continue

Added by Keeley Mitchell-Wallace on August 24, 2008 at 11:01pm — 1 Comment

As a Talent Management professional who has been involved with executive recruitment, it is always a challenge to make individuals whole on certain components of their compensation. I found a website the other day that highlights unique aspects of executive compensation as reported in the SEC filings.

Click here to read more

Added by Jonathan Rosenberg on August 24, 2008 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Job Interview Dos and Don'ts

So you landed the job interview, congratulations! Now, you probably want to know what you should do and what you should avoid doing during your interview.

Interview Do #1: Bring Your Personality

Don't be who you think they want you to be, be who you really are. One of the most important parts of the interview is discovering whether you would be a good fit for the company. If you don't fit in with the company's culture, your experience may not be that… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on August 24, 2008 at 7:29pm — No Comments

Job Interview Do's and Don'ts

As posted on the MN Headhunter blog:

Article courtesy of the Recruiting Blogswap

From: Free Job Search, Job Interview and Career Articles

So you landed the job interview, congratulations! Now, you probably want to know what you should do and what you should avoid doing during your interview.

Interview Do #1:…


Added by Paul DeBettignies on August 24, 2008 at 10:39am — No Comments

Talk To Me

Kids go through phases. Thanks God they are “phases” since that word implies there will be an end eventually. We are currently in Round Two of my six year old son in Melt Down Phase. He’s a little guy but he has some big feelings and when he feels they are stepped on, we hear about it. Right now, if you look at that kid the wrong way, we hear a lot of phrases like, “You don’t understand! I wanted that spoon! It’s my favorite spoon and I never get to use it because Ruby always has it (sob sob)… Continue

Added by Shannon on August 23, 2008 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Casting Director is another word for a Recruiter.

For tonight, I'm thinking that being a recruiter is like a casting director. It would be like working for a producer who wants to make that block buster movie. I'm thinking of the movie- The Dark Knight; directed by Christopher Nolan. Starring Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart. Batman, Gordon and Harvey Dent .

This movie blew me away since the star of the movie was Heath Ledger. He was the one that carried the movie- he was perfect for the Joker character. This is an… Continue

Added by Sally Raade on August 23, 2008 at 3:30am — 3 Comments

The burnout from trying to keep up with Recruiting Technology - My first blog

Technology in the recruitment and application world have grown exponentially over the last five years. If you're like me, you're probably busting your butt to try and keep up with the latest and greatest. Online sites like CareerBuilder and Yahoo Hot Jobs tell you not to spread yourselves too thin and to only concentrate on those sites that work for you. My problem is I am having trouble finding enough time to either figure out which sites work for me or do the research to see which sites are… Continue

Added by Michaela Holmberg on August 22, 2008 at 5:48pm — 2 Comments

Pssst... Have you seen THE list? It's no secret that I'm a fan of Craigslist. I've been a fan since 1996 when I was first told about a great little mailing list that was locally run. (I'm from the Bay Area.) You see, Craigslist didn't start as the whopper of a site that it is…


Added by RecruiterGuy on August 22, 2008 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Well, it IS Friday - can you say "Jello Shots"?

Now don't get the impression I'm encouraging you to overdo this weekend, and certainly don't think that I will (I'm very conservative you know).

That being said (because everything on the net is immortal), here are some suggestions for you on how you might choose to spend your evening:

Traditional Jello Shots

10oz Vodka

2 (3 oz) packages of Jello

2 cups boiling water

1 cup cold water

Bring water to a boil and remove from heat. Dissolve… Continue

Added by Art Pitcher on August 22, 2008 at 4:00pm — No Comments

You can't control candidates, but you can control the process

John Sumser posted a link to that article discussing candidate control. Which got me thinking back to my agency days as a senior recruiter and some of the common mistakes I'd see over and over with newer recruiters. Candidate control was always brought up when a sure thing placement would fall apart at the last minute. But it wasn't really candidate control that was to blame, because I don't think you can or should seek to 'control' a candidate, because that would imply that you would be… Continue

Added by pam claughton on August 22, 2008 at 2:57pm — No Comments

Ways to SCAMPER for a Job

You can learn a lot from books.

The solution to almost any problem can be found in a book somewhere, and that includes problems you may be having with your job search.

In fact, there's one book I've used since 1996 to generate creative new ideas -- at will -- to produce job-hunting breakthroughs for my clients and readers.

Here's the funny part: It's not even a book.

It's a collection of 56 idea-generating cards, called, "Thinkpak: A Brainstorming… Continue

Added by Candice Arnold on August 22, 2008 at 2:38pm — No Comments

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