Recruiting Blogs (24,171)

Cuts Both Ways

When Susie Q comes in and sits down in the conference room to interview for that Account Supervisor role, she is very nervous. She spent yesterday going through her closet to find the right outfit for this little chat. She wanted to project that she’s confident and capable, but not too stuffy. At the last minute, she might have found herself in the dressing room at the Limited trying on silky blouses to go under her black jacket because the plain white button down one was too… Continue

Added by Shannon on July 1, 2008 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

July 1, 2008

Tutorial Tuesday

Teach something, learn something...

Geoff Peterson continues his series of videos that introduce us to new tools and methods for recruiting. This week's video is on Jigsaw.

Jigsaw is an online name search site where Recruiter and Sourcers can benefit from strong information and competitive intelligence

Jigsaw Tutorial…


Added by Amitai Givertz on July 1, 2008 at 8:00am — No Comments

21 Ways to Get Attention

1. Speak softly.

2. Show up early.

3. Think several steps ahead.

4. Refrain from frequent praise.

5. Don't tell others everything about yourself.

6. Don't complain.

7. Defend an underdog or a maverick.

8. Use few words.

9. Speak last.

10. Speak slowly.

11. Be reliable.

12. Avoid fads.

13. Be creative.

14. Emphasize ethics.

15. Avoid vulgarity.

16. Go out of your way to be thoughtful.

17. Remember names.

18.… Continue

Added by Dennis Smith on June 30, 2008 at 5:28pm — 7 Comments

Interview: John Carney, CEO, Affinity Mobile

If you have an interest in the mobile community, I just posted an interview I had last Friday with

John Carney, former Senior Vice President of Sales and Operations at T-Mobile, and currently the Chief Executive Officer of Affinity Mobile, a global provider of mobile financial services.

John Carney is… Continue

Added by Dennis Smith on June 30, 2008 at 5:27pm — No Comments

Tuesday Phone Sourcing Class Chat: Phone Fear

Good Morning Maureen,

I know that you are in many places at once on the web and it is hard to keep track of you LOL.

I am in need of your help once again.

Why all the debates on which is better direct phone sourcing or online sourcing?? Why all the panic and fear? I don't get this. I started your course on May 15, 2008 and I am still having a bender every… Continue

Added by Maureen Sharib on June 30, 2008 at 3:30pm — No Comments

One Bad Apple... Or... The Blight Amongst Us

Taking advantage of our recently gorgeous Northwest sunshine the other day, I decided to take a walk. As I started out on my three mile trek, I noticed a home that had a beautifully landscaped yard. The grass was green and weed-free, the flowers thrived in rich brown soil with plenty of sunshine, and there were decorative pots on the porch containing healthy looking plants. This was the kind of yard that made you want to go home and set your yard on fire, you know?

Except for this… Continue

Added by Nancy Ford on June 30, 2008 at 1:42pm — 4 Comments

Things It Would Be Cool To See Change: GIGO, Money-Trails & Snake Oil, and Industry Awards Going To Colonels

a href="">In replying to another post this morning, I thought hey, I'd throw out some ideas of things that would be really cool to see move in a better direction through the remainder of 2008 and 2009:

a. Garbage in, Garbage out. If I have to sit through another run-of-the-mill, same-old/same-old stuff presentation again . . . I might wind up even going to less conferences than I already do! (Kennedy… Continue

Added by Joshua Letourneau on June 30, 2008 at 12:11pm — No Comments

Recruiting made easy with

Recruiters can now manage their candidates online, and also get job references whenever they please. SafeREF is a job referencing network that brings recruiters, candidates and referees together. It automatically notifies referees for job references and it works internationally. You can find a candidate with job experiences and job references by doing a search, no more hassle on job references anymore. I recommend SafeREF for other recruiters; SafeREF saves time when recruiting a candidate. I… Continue

Added by mike crop on June 30, 2008 at 12:11pm — 1 Comment

“…technology had aided us in telling lies.”

Interesting discussion over on Indian Trainers Yahoo group about the effectiveness of “meetings” that touches on the ethics of lying.

Dear friends, Do u also face this :

I woke up this morning and went over my TO DO list which I prepared last night. After reworking on priorities, I sent some mails before 0900 hours and then had my breakfast to be free to make…

Added by Maureen Sharib on June 30, 2008 at 9:54am — 2 Comments

Harvard Business Review on The Long Tail

Harvard Business Review on the Long Tail

Anita Elberse of Harvard Business School has completed a new look at consumer data to write a piece entitled Should You Invest in the Long Tail? Her article seems to be written as a corrective to some of the hoopla around Chris Anderson’s book, The Long Tail. Her article is worth reading but mainly for the quality of her research. The analysis,… Continue

Added by william fischer on June 30, 2008 at 5:49am — No Comments

Meet William Uranga, Director, Talent Acquisition at TiVo: "Talent alchemist & Curious Currator"

William Uranga, Director, Talent Acquisition at TiVo & Co-founder at Recruiting Leadership Forum






“It has been a great pleasure working for…

Added by Dave Mendoza on June 30, 2008 at 5:00am — No Comments

An Extra Set of Eyes

I have candidates who try to make huge decisions about potential job opportunities in the first 5 seconds of hearing about the job. They aren’t sure if they want to move to North Carolina or they aren’t completely up-to-speed on a particular account. And then they decline being submitted for that opportunity. It doesn’t make sense to me. Why not get on the phone and talk about it? You may be wowed. You never know. I would give you the same advice.

Chances are, if you’re reading this… Continue

Added by Shannon on June 29, 2008 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

Executive Search - Name Gathering Process.... what's your way?

In the preliminary stages for executive level recruitment, gathering the names is a starter. As per my experience, discussions and readings etc - is it such a standard process of identifying target companies and then use different channels like cold calling, networking, referrals to find the candidates?

Does it differ from company to company? What sub-sections of this process defines the successful ones from others? Also, what's the strategy placed behind the name generation… Continue

Added by Sarang Brahme on June 29, 2008 at 12:43pm — No Comments

Congrats...El Dave, Jason, and the Recruiting Community!

I made a video to congratulate El Dave and Jason on what will most certainly make our community even greater and stronger.

However, you've got to view the video on You-Tube so you can see the annotations I added (it's just too boring otherwise).

Congrats, to Dave, and my unlikely mentor...Slouch.

Check out the video, HERE.

Or, click on… Continue

Added by Dennis Smith on June 28, 2008 at 11:36am — 1 Comment

How Relevant is Employee Screening for Transport Companies?

It's outrageous to me, or better yet, that in this day and age, the idea of employee screening programs still have the lingering stigma of a subversive process. I bring this up specifically, b/c I manage a site that produces information, including products and services specifically for employee screening and employee background checks, and during my day today I found myself in a conversation with a gentleman that works for a company that… Continue

Added by Drew Loggi on June 28, 2008 at 1:05am — No Comments

Recruiting and Sales

Long have I contended that they were separated at birth. Salespeople and recruiters need to build and maintain pipelines (deals/candidates), networks (no difference) and track close ratios.

"Sell" done well, is NOT a four-letter word. So why then have all the recruiters with whom I've broached that conversation so opposed and seem to distance themselves from sales?

Can't we all just get along?

Added by Mike Maisel on June 27, 2008 at 10:33pm — 7 Comments

Fun times in Omaha

looking forward to it Maren

Added by Slouch on June 27, 2008 at 10:23pm — No Comments

Alberg Software Inc....... Openings for I.T. SALES MANAGER


STAFFING INDUSTRY -- Alberg Software Inc

2007 is a great YEAR to join a A GREAT


We understand the business and are looking for those who want to

$$$ SUCCEED $$$

Competitive Annual Salary

Based on Experience


We are seeking a DYNAMIC candidate who possesses EXCEPTIONAL, Sales, Customer Service, Time Management, Interpersonal and Organizational skills !!! Working in our… Continue

Added by Suresh on June 27, 2008 at 8:53pm — No Comments

Alberg software Inc...... openings for Sales People

Position: Sales Manager / Business Development Manager

Location: Naperville, IL Dallas, TX and Jacksonville FL

Full-time Position

Alberg Software Inc is looking for a Sales Manager/ Business Development Manager to join our Dallas team.

***Do you have a proven track record of success in and outside IT Staffing Sales?

***Are you competitive, aggressive and money motivated?

The position requires heavy cold calling, client visits, great… Continue

Added by Suresh on June 27, 2008 at 8:51pm — No Comments

TKD and the effects of grace

Also from an old blog -

TKD. The letters of this TLA (Three Letter Acronym) are emblazoned in red on the whiteboard at our firm. They're there because I put them there; and they remain there because all of us in the recruiting business recognize the importance of their meaning. Spelled out, the words are Time Kills Deals. Spelled out further, they mean that once interest has been generated, actions must shortly follow as from then on temporal entropy sets in and attraction on… Continue

Added by David Walker on June 27, 2008 at 4:45pm — No Comments

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